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June 15 1906/2006

Heart Lake - A terrific wind storm, accompanied with blinding sheets of rain, passed over Sunday afternoon, attracting a great deal of attention. Several trees were blown over, including a fine old chestnut tree up in the grove in the rear of the cottages. In its fall an old rustic seat was demolished. Two beautiful rainbows appeared after the storm--a token of God's peace settled over all. AND A. W. Lyons of Montrose, having leased the store of Harvey Griffing for the summer, is drumming up a right smart little trade already. Art has everything you wish in baked stuffs, and his lunch department and soda water fountain are a drawing card.

Montrose - Last night a gang of burglars were busy about town, but it proved to be a fruitless job for them. Borden's creamery was visited and an entrance made by forcing the lock on the door. The combination on the safe was broken but they failed to get the safe open. Beach's machine shop was then entered and several tool chests ransacked, evidently in search of tools, but they did not take anything. The office door was broken open, but the safe had not been molested. The window fastenings at the L. & M. depot were broken and the casings somewhat mutilated, but they did not gain an entrance. There is no clue to the identity of the burglars or how many there are in the gang.

Clifford - The Forest City News reports: "We want to congratulate the supervisors of Clifford township on their compliance with the law that all crossroads be equipped with sign posts pointing the way to the wayfarer. In the east district, at least, the work has been thoroughly done. Other townships in this vicinity might well follow the lead of Clifford. The person traveling a territory with which he is familiar gives little thought to the matter, but to the occasional traveler sign posts at every intersection of the road is an improvement of importance and one that is appreciated."

Silver Lake - J. C. Simpson, a native of Silver Lake, died at his home in San Francisco, May 28, 1906, aged 81 years. The deceased was a former resident of Montrose and is well remembered by the older citizens. He was also at one time a resident for several years at Towanda. Mr. Simpson was editor of Field and Turf, a paper which he published in the west and which enjoyed, under his management, a wide circulation. A number of relatives still survive in the county and his death is learned with sincere regret by many friends.

Thompson - Charles Raymond Corey and Lena Grace Whitney have applied for a marriage license.

Fairdale - During the storm on Sunday the roof of Cornell's barn was taken off and carried about ten rods and landed in the road between Halsey Smith's and Fairdale. The silo on the Griffis farm was also torn to pieces and many apple trees were uprooted.

Dimock - The coal trade will hereafter be taken care of by L.W. Moody and R.S. Wheeler, the firm name being Moody & Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler will give personal attention. Both gentlemen are energetic, hustling fellows, and all patrons may expect good treatment.

Hallstead/Great Bend - The fire insurance rates, because of the San Francisco fire, have been advanced 25 %. The people are already beginning to "kick." The local representative of the fire insurance companies are also making objections to the rates, which are already too high. Probably they will have to pay and look pleasant.

Uniondale - Roses are with us again; the people are in good health; all kinds of industries are thriving; fruit and vegetation look promising. On one end of the railroad switch they are unloading machinery to be used in town and vicinity; at the other end they are loading cars with ice and lumber to be shipped. Many of the farmers are using separators at their homes, and this saves time and labor.

Kingsley- A "Peeping Tom" has made his appearance at Kingsley. It would be well for him to beware and desist from further practice.

Springville - On Tuesday of last week, while the roof around the cupola of M.B. Johnson's house was being repaired by his son Lloyd and Geo. Savige, a shower came up and they sat down against the cupola. During the shower the lightning struck the roof about six feet from the place where the two men were sitting, tearing up shingles and splintering the plate, slightly shocking both. They came to the ground considerably frightened but unhurt.

Oakland - After nearly six months one of the greatest mysteries in Northeastern Pennsylvania was solved in Binghamton, when the body of Maud Haynes was discovered floating in the Susquehanna River, near the Rockbottom dam, by two boys, Leon Coleman and Charles Weslar. Although they had no means of identification the police at once came to the conclusion that the body was that of Maud Haynes, who disappeared on December 4 from Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes and Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin, parents of Mrs. Haynes, arrived in the city and after a short rest went to Cornell's undertaking rooms. It was feared that the shock of seeing the body in its terrible state would be too much for the women and they waited in the front rooms. Various articles of apparel were brought to the parents and were identified as Maud's. The mother asked if there was a three-cornered scar on one of her feet near the toe. It was identified and instantly the grandfather said, "That's enough. I know it is Maud." Both Mr. and Mrs. Haynes, the grandparents and other relatives are of the opinion that there has been foul play and that Maud was killed after being assaulted.

News Briefs: The many improvements being made by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company near East Towanda has practically destroyed one of the oldest burial grounds in that county. It is said that the cemetery was first used in 1770, being used as a burial ground by the French refugees in1793. This old cemetery has been practically obliterated for years, it being 75 or 100 years since any burials were made there. Occasionally a bone is found and they will be preserved and buried elsewhere. AND Thursday, June 14, will be the 129th anniversary of the adoption of the Star Spangled Banner as our national ensign. Every true American honors the flag, not because of its beauty, but because it is the symbol of liberty, good government, civil rights and human progress.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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