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June 15 1900/2000

Forest City - The stockholders of the Forest City National Bank have elected the following gentlemen as directors: Julius Freedman, V. L. Petersen, W. H. Bates, James White, J. J. Walker, William Tinker, R. E. Randall, Michael Krantz, W. T. Morgan and John Lynch.

Montrose - It would appear from the frequency with which the ordinance is violated that many of our citizens do not know that bicycle riding on the sidewalks and crosswalks within the borough limits is expressly prohibited, as is also the drawing, pushing or driving any cart or wheelbarrow on the said sidewalks and cross-walks. AND - Late Saturday evening two young men from the vicinity of Coon's Crossing, who were somewhat under the influence of liquor, indulged in reckless driving about town, whipping their horse, and letting forth lusty war whoops. Their pastime came to a sudden end when Officer Tingley got hold of the horse's bridle and brought [it] to a standstill. One of the young men took to his heels, but the other was taken into custody and was not released until about noon on Sunday when his father came to town and settled the fine and costs. The law against fast driving on the streets of Montrose is almost daily violated by some of our local horsemen and occasionally by out-of-town parties.

Rush - Mrs. George Hamlin, aged 82 years, has woven, this spring, 18 yds of linen cloth, from flax spun by her daughter, Almira, the late Mrs. M. B. Perigo, over 10 years ago. AND - Perry Griffis held the lucky number that drew the prize lamp at the Oregon Medicine show on Sat. night. AND - That census taker was along last week, and- -oh my!

Thomson - Mr. Layton will move his jewelry shop to rooms under the corner store formerly occupied by Ralph Howard as a justice office. Mr. Layton has traded a house and lot in Hornellsville, NY with Lewis Brothers for the George Ealy farm here.

Susquehanna - Fred Pride's big barge, "Safety," is completed and has been given a satisfactory trial. It will carry a Binghamton excursion party on Sunday next. AND - Local anglers report recent catches of large trout in Wayne County. Some of the trout are so long that the streams will be widened to allow them to turn around.

South Auburn - A number about here have lost horses recently and if the mortality among horses increases we shall soon be obliged to use the bicycle, automobile and the steam plow entirely.

Dimock - Strawberries six cents per quart. AND - There will be a ball at the Dolan House, evening of July 4th, music to be furnished by Bailey's orchestra.

Brooklyn - Berwyn Gere has been on the sick list the past week suffering with Job's comforter.

Silver Lake - Our mail carrier, A. H. Foster, given general satisfaction. He now drives good horses, has a comfortable conveyance and is prompt in attending to all errands entrusted to him. Leaves Montrose at 3:30 p.m. and arrives at Silver Lake at 5:30 p.m.

Clifford - Roscoe Sheridan had an exciting experience in Carbondale. He went to town in the morning with a load of produce drawn by his spirited team of horses. The horses became frightened and jumped to one side, overturning the wagon and Mr. Sheridan fell under it, sustained some severe injuries. His left arm was cut badly and Dr. S. S. Shields found the main artery severed. He was also badly bruised about the body.

Hallstead/Great Bend - The Eclipse Bicycle Co. of Elmira has arranged with jeweler VanZandt to represent them in town.

Birchardville - After a year's absence beyond the "Rockies" S. B. Warner is again among us. His old friends and acquaintances are glad to greet him, for Stanly was always a kind and obliging neighbor. He was accompanied by his sister Ruth and her husband, Edwin Taylor, who emigrated to the Pacific Slope 39 years ago. This is their first visit to their old home. It is quite likely they made a quicker trip in returning than they did in going. AND - It is said more soldiers are buried in the Birchardville cemetery than any other one in the county, excepting Montrose.

Harford - The 100th anniversary of the Congregational church was celebrated June 15th. It was a grand success, not a stone was left unturned. W. L. Thacher gave the historical address; he is an historian of rare ability and as usual it was very interesting. In his address we notice many remarkable changes and one thing which attracts our attention is the fact that during the 100 years only six ministers have been called to this church, Rev. Adam Miller having served from 1828 to 1881. Words of greeting and remembrance were given by Rev. W. S. Fritch, pastor of the Mother church at Attleborough, who also sent, as delegates, John Thacher and wife, direct descendants of Rev. Peter Thacher, first minister of the Attleborough church, as also is Harford's honored scholar, Prof. W. L. Thacher. Rev. F. J. Goodwin, pastor of the Sister church at Pawtucket, also spoke.

Jackson - H. M. Benson has taken one of his fine funeral cars to Herrick Center in charge of A. D. Barnes, who will attend to all calls in the undertaking line. AND - Ray Washburn of North Jackson is improving our town roads. The Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone Co is busily engaged in building a line between Forest city and Lanesboro. Holes are dug from Lanesboro to Stevens' Point. At Starrucca, the lines will run over a private line to Jackson. When Ararat is reached subscriptions will be taken for the extension of the line from Dundaff to Montrose; the wires of the company will run into the central of the Susquehanna Telephone Co., Susquehanna. Stockholders of the North- eastern co. will have free service on the lines of the Susquehanna Valley, Delaware Valley and Chenango Valley Telephone companies and for a transfer charge of 5 cents messages may be sent to Binghamton.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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