Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 14 1918/2018
Forest City – The high school graduated a class of twenty Friday night. Those graduating were: Anthony Planishek, Mary Yanchitis, John Callaghan, Anita McCumber, Thomas Edwards, Joseph Muchitz, Liguori Fleming, Patrick Sheridan, Mae Watkins, Daisy Muchitz, Edna Taylor, Edward Hullah, Marion Taylor, Claude Horton, Rose Telban, Herbert McCumber, Mabel Jones, James Wolfert, Marion Carr, Harriet Curtis. ALSO John Opeka died at Emergency hospital, Carbondale, of a complication of diseases. He was 60 years of age and a native of Austria, but had resided here for a number of years. The following children survive: Mrs. Anthony Saver, Mrs. John Polonic, Mrs. Louis Benchine, Mrs. John Yanezec, and a son, Anthony, who is in the United States army.
Uniondale – Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tinker and Miss Edith Smith attended the dedication of a new Free Methodist church at Melrose on Sunday.
Clifford – The Supervisors of this township unloaded a new stone crusher at the O. & W. depot at Forest City. It is a No. 3 Champion and guaranteed to crush from 80 to 100 tons per day, and will be put in use at once to remedy some of the bad holes in the roads.
Herrick Center – The supervisor is doing good work on our highways, using a tractor engine in place of horse power.
Thompson – Horatio Allen and family, of Newark, NJ, registered at the Jefferson House and remained overnight. Mr. Allen drove the first locomotive that was ever run in this country, the famous “Stourbridge Lion,” across the Lackawaxen at Honesdale, and was one of the engineers who laid out the railroad and canal of the Delaware and Hudson Company.
Harford – A new concrete bridge is being built on the state road, near Mr. Flint’s at South Harford. ALSO Do you hear the “whistle” blow? The saw mill is running these days and four of the men board at Bail Peck’s.
Susquehanna – Hon. George A. Post, of New York, has accepted an invitation to deliver the address to the Susquehanna High School, June 25th.
St. Joseph – Serenus R. O’Connell, of St. Francis Seminary, Loretta, Pa., is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth O’Connell. ALSO Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Miss Anna Quinlivan to William Bailey, of Rochester.
Montrose – A car load of re-enforcing steel has been received by the Coon Construction Co., which is doing the paving here, and it is likely that the work of mixing and laying the concrete will be taken up the first of the week. This part of the work, after the grading and draining have been finished, goes along quite fast. After the concrete is laid it is 12 to 14 days before the street can be used for traffic and work will most likely start on South Main Street. The prospect of having the streets open again, but with attractive pavement, instead of expanses of mud holes and hummocks, is a highly pleasing matter. During the week large iron pipes have been laid at several points on Church St., to take care of the water.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – G. L. Shelp lost his horse last week and that leaves him no way to get to the stores or to cultivate.
Auburn 4 Corners – LeRoy Woodruff and James Bishop sat up with Abe Mericle last Tuesday night. He is very sick. ALSO In Auburn Twp., Everett Carney, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carney, left for Camp Meade. He writes that so far he has enjoyed the experience. An Auburn correspondent states that although the only son of a farmer of advanced age, he did not claim deferred classification, which he could doubtless have secured.
Little Meadows – J.E. Hickey has won the honor of champion runner of the borough, with A.D. Brown as a close second, on a five-rod dash. Jesse Newman officiated as umpire. ALSO “Mickey” Reardon is speeding around town on his new Harley Davison, while the young ladies are waiting patiently in turn to try out the comforts of the side car.
Gelatt – A young lady from Ararat was in town Saturday night giving an exhibition in turning an automobile around.
News Brief: The Civil War pension increase bill was passed by the Senate last week. It amends the house bill by increasing the minimum monthly pension to those who served 90 days from $25 to $30, and provides pensions of $32 to $40 per month according to length of service for those 72 years or older.
Old Methods of Advertising: While looking over some old papers in the Avery residence on Monument Square, Montrose, an old “Register” of 1840 was found and an advertisement was thought to be worthy of republication. It mirrors in a slight degree the conditions of that period and is indicative of the temper of the stalwart men of that time. Here is the advertisement and its sarcastic answer: Ran Away. Ran away from the subscriber on Sunday the 6th inst. an indented apprentice to the Tanning and Currying business, by the name of SAMUEL NUTTING. Said apprentice is about 20 years and 6 months of age, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, light hair, rather stout built. He wore away a black broadcloth coat and striped Buckskin cassimere pantaloons, white vest, black hat. This is to forbid all persons harbouring, trusting or employing said apprentice under the strict penalty of the law. S. P. AVERY. Dundaff, Sept. 7, 1840. And Samuel’s answer….”Ran away” yourself!!! WHEREAS, S. P. Avery of Dundaff, Tanner, Currier, Shoemaker, Harness maker, horse jockey, &c., has advertised me as a Runaway, I take this method of setting forth the true facts of the case. Now as every body who is acquainted with him knows, he is but a poor workman & the undersigned took legal advice when he left Avery, because Avery could not, and would not, as he had bound himself to do, learn him the trade. This is to caution any person desirous of learning either the trade of Tanning, Currying, Shoemaker, Harness making or horse jockeying, &c., from applying to him “under the strict penalty of “getting “sucked in,” as he is a bungler at them all; though he follows them occasionally. He was 27 year old, last grass, is tall, spare, and has brown hair, and has an uncommon large mouth. He wears a grey coat that used to belong to me, and pantaloons of the same piece. SAMUEL NUTTING. Montrose, Sept. 16, 1840. N. B. Avery did not forbid any person from harboring and trusting me on his account, for he knew there was no danger of that.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, June 13, 1818.
*MILFORD & OWEGO TURNPIKE. Notice is hereby given to the subscribers for stock in the Milford & Owego Turnpike Road company, that agreeable to several resolutions of the Board of Managers, the whole of the instalments have become due and payable. Those who have not paid are requested to make payment to the subscriber at Montrose by the 15th day of July next; rigorous measures will be taken immediately after that day to enforce collection from all such as shall be delinquent. By order of the Board. PUTNAM CATLIN, Treas’r. Montrose, June 4, 1818. N.B. Contracts are made for finishing the whole distance of this important road the present season, (except about ten miles) and the work is now progressing with a fair prospect of its completion.
Compiled By: Betty Smith