Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 14 1895/1995
Montrose – A new bus [horse drawn] now conveys passengers between the Tarbell House and depots. It has quite a citified appearance.
Hopbottom – Edward Gardner, son of Barney Gardner, of Hopbottom, was driving along the road near Loomis Lake (east of Hopbottom) about 3 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, when he was overtaken by a thundershower. An electric bolt struck the pole of his wagon, killing both horses and passing back along the wagon reach on which he was sitting, badly stunned the young man. A large splinter was torn from the reach just in front of him and fire played all around him, burning his clothes badly; large holes were also torn in his clothing. Gardner was unconscious for several hours, but at last report was gradually improving and his recovery is hoped for.
Hallstead – How is this for a man of 85 years? Mr. Lewis Lowe, of Hallstead, a short time since told Mr. Frank Marsh, of Liberty township, who married his granddaughter, that he would come up and make him a visit if he had any wood to chop. Frank mirthfully informed him that he would furnish the wood all right, and to his surprise the old gentleman made his appearance and in less than a week chopped and piled fifteen cords of stove wood. AND It is said Hallstead’s silk works are to be greatly enlarged by consolidation with some New York works, the latter to be moved to Hallstead, and employ 500 to 600 people.
Susquehanna – Bob Hunting’s circus appeared in Susquehanna on Wednesday, giving two good performances to large business. Hunting gives a clean show, and he is not followed about the country by a gang of fakirs, confidence men, and all-round crooks. AND Just now there is quite a drought and the prayerful ought to begin to give their attention to the rain business. As the clown said in the circus, when the audience was being almost drowned with rain: “Rain, glorious rain! Rain makes corn; corn makes whiskey; and whiskey makes Democrats – and sometimes Republicans.”
Harford – W.S. Sophia, one of the most extensive growers of garden stuff in Harford, has three acres of tomatoes, one acre of early corn, five acres of potatoes, one and one half acres of early peas, one acre of onions, one acre of melons, one and one half acres of cabbage, besides a large amount of beets, beans, cucumbers, etc.
South Montrose – Jordan Blair, of Montrose assisted by Mr. Free have been busily engaged in digging for pots of gold on the Conklin farm now owned by Alvah Allen. He says they were hidden by the Indians and he claims to have received the information from an Englishman, when this is in print he no doubt will be a rich (?) man as he expects to find them June 11 and return to Montrose.
East Rush – Theron Palmer is doing quite a business in sheep-shearing.
Auburn – I think it advisable for some ladies to turn to Ezekiel 13th Chapter and first clause of the 18th verse.
News Brief – The new Lehigh Valley lunch cars have made their appearance on the road. They are an experiment in the line of traveling equipment, but promise to be a popular innovation. Instead of being obliged to purchase a regular meal at from 75 cents to a dollar, patrons may step in and purchase sandwiches, coffee, cake or any of the eatables usually found at a railroad restaurant. The beauty of it is that the traveler doesn’t have to ride until half starved and then gulp down hot coffee and poorly masticated food lest his train should go off and leave him. He eats as rides.
Compiled By: Betty Smith