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June 13 1924/2024

Auburn Twp. – Edward S. Loomis, aged 80 years, a veteran of the war of the rebellion, died at his home, June 7, 1924. Mr. Loomis followed farming as long as his health would permit, while a natural knowledge of domestic animals often made his services invaluable. He was one of the last survivors of Auburn Post, G. A. R., only four remaining of the original sixty comrades. He is survived by his wife, Sarah Lott Loomis, and one daughter. Interment was made in the Jersey Hill Cemetery ill Cemetery

Lynn, Springville Twp. – Claude Button, a recent graduate and honor student of the Springville high school, bears an unusual record in attendance, having attended school eight years in succession without missing one day.

Birchardville – A number from here attended the graduation exercises in Montrose, where Dayton Birchard was one of the graduates.

Brookdale – Mrs. Henry Mosser received a painful injury to her right hand. She was trying to untie a bull and in some manner her hand was caught in the rope and one of her fingers was torn off and another badly lacerated. She was rushed to Dr Merrill’s office, in Hallstead, where her hand was dressed. ALSO James and Bernard Dolan graduated from the medical college at Buffalo.

Lenoxville – Ortie Conrad entertained the “It’ll Do” Club on Thursday afternoon.

Forest Lake Twp. – Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Preston, Mrs. Mary Harrison, Alta and Elmer Preston, Handrick Miles and Mrs. Walter Jacobs and son, Herbert, motored to the Stone Street Cemetery last week. Mrs. Preston’s great great-grandfather, Andrew Handrick, is buried in this cemetery, who is the seventh generation removed from Herbert Jacobs. Andrew was a Revolutionary war soldier and died Oct. 15, 1819. The stone marking his burial place was erected in 1837 by his son, Wm. G. Handrick. It is also interesting to know that some of the old stones in this burial ground were made in England and were shipped to this country. They are fine examples of marble cutting.

Bridgewater Twp. – A doe and fawn were seen on the Lathrop farm, near Lake Montrose, one day last week. Since deer have had increased protection they have been multiplying in numbers in this county, but this is the nearest they have been seen in this locality.

Harford - Mrs. Betsey Jeffers celebrated her 88thbirthday and during the afternoon a number of her lady friends called on her and all spent a most enjoyable time. Mrs. Jeffers is blessed with many friends because she has always taken time to be friendly, for it is an old and true saying that in order to have friends you must be one. To see her no one would credit her age as being nearly ninety, and she retains unabated interest in her friends and social, religious, educational and current day affairs. ALSO The normal graduates of the Old Harford Academy of 1856 will meet at the Rosemont Inn, Montrose, on June 18.

Susquehanna – The honor graduates of the high school are: First, Kenneth Glidden; Second, Alma Stoddart; Third, Ethyln Moore. ALSO Funeral services for the late Wm. T. Boyle were held in St. John’s church on Monday. The attendance was very large, the railroad men, of which Mr. Boyle was a member, attended in a body. Burial was in the Laurel Hill cemetery.

Hop Bottom – George Janaushek, Irene Yaglee, Alice Rose, Letah Phillips and Charlotte Pratt, graduates of the Nicholson high school, class of 1924, are on a trip to Washington, D. C.

Clifford – I. O. Finn, a lifelong resident of this place, died suddenly Sunday evening, June 8, 1924, at his home, at the age of 82 years. He was one of the best-known and highly respected residents of Clifford and active in the affairs of the Baptist church. Besides his wife he is survived by three sons: Rev. F. D. Finn, of San Diego, Calif; F. R. Finn, of Appleton, Wis., A. O. Finn, of Clifford, and one daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Strain, of Clinton, N. Y.

Wyalusing – Few Wyalusing people were aware of the fact that the giant U. S. N. dirigible, “Shenandoah,” glided directly over this valley on its way from Buffalo to Philadelphia, at a speed of some 90 miles an hour. The thunder of its huge 400 horsepower motors caused residents to look up and plainly saw the craft as she went over. The dirigible was on its way home to Lakehurst, NJ, following the main line of the Lehigh valley railroad, a greater part of the distance, as far as Bethlehem. The Shenandoah is 605 ft. long and carries a crew of 34 men.

Forest City – Charles D. Burdick, of New York City, was a caller in town yesterday, renewing old acquaintances. Twenty-five years ago Mr. Burdick had charge of the supply office of the Hillside Company here. His mother was one of the early teachers in the local schools. He is now assistant treasurer of the North American Company, one of he leading utility companies of the country.

News Brief: Ford Motor number 10,000,000 was completed at the Ford Motor Company, this morning, and the ten millionth model “T” Ford car left the assembly line this afternoon, an official announcement says. The first model “T” car was completed Oct. 1, 1908, and it was seven years later when motor number 1,000,000 was produced. The last million cars, the company announced, were turned out, complete, in 132 working days.

Centennial News Landing a Stage Coach Not an Easy Job. W. C. Cruser and W. A. Harrington left by auto for Bradford county to inspect the old stage coach of F. N. Moore, of North Orwell, reported to be from Montrose. They went by way of Friendsville and Warren Center in order to cover part of the Milford and Owego turnpike. They found six old mile posts and some toll gates, which took them to Forest Lake. As it turned out F.N. Moore was an avid collector of artifacts, including an estimate of over 15,000 arrowheads, bullets of various sizes, including some used in the Revolutionary War and some that belonged to Sullivan and his men in his expedition up the Susquehanna; also articles from the Civil War. Rooms and sheds full of artifacts, all known by Mr. Moore., in his private museum. But, after time passed, no sighting was made of the stage coach. Mr. Moore then headed for a barn a quarter of a mile or more back in the field. He explained that if the other buildings should burn, this one (and the coach) would be safe. It was with great excitement and anticipation, they stepped inside, and viewed the coach. [Continued next week.]

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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