Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
June 13 1913/2013
West Auburn – Sunday night, June 8, 1913, will go into history as being the occasion of one of the hardest frosts ever known in this State so late in the season. Early potatoes, corn and some kinds of garden truck were frozen to the ground. Are we to have a year without a summer? ALSO: At the Auburn Corners creamery, four tons of butter, a week’s product, was shipped to Philadelphia on Tuesday.
Rush – G. S. Wootton and little son, Earl, are on their way to Sayre where Mr. Wootton will receive medical treatment. Some time ago he submitted to an operation for appendicitis at the Packer hospital and as the incision has not healed properly, he deems it advisable to return.
Springville – Orin Pritchard died Sunday evening, after a long illness, in his 90th year. The funeral took place Wednesday with interment at Lynn. He leaves a wife and an adopted son, and a sister, Mrs. Muzzy. Another sister, Mrs. Amy Sherman, died only a short time ago. Mr. Pritchard’s casket was made of a cherry tree that grew on his farm. ALSO: Nearly all the old soldiers in this vicinity are anticipating going to Gettysburg for the encampment.
Susquehanna – Edward Payson Weston, the noted pedestrian, followed by John Ennis, another pedestrian past 70 years, went through Susquehanna, on Monday, on a walk from New York to Minneapolis. Weston had 24 hours start, and Ennis was about 12 hours behind him at Susquehanna. Eugene Debs is reported to also be following in the wake of these pedestrians. Debs is 42 years old and anticipates passing the competitors. He was the Socialist nominee for president on several occasions.
Harford – Quite an excitement prevailed in Harford for a time Monday when it was found that little Jack Maynard had taken some poison pills, and it was thought little Mitchell Clinton had swallowed a beauty pin. Little Jack came out all right and after giving the Clinton baby several doses of medicine the pin was found where it had been dropped, so all’s well that ends well.
Dimock – New gasoline lamps now light the M. E. church and they are a great improvement over the oil lamps.
Montrose – The Cnic Theatre, having enrolled in the State contest for presenting good, clean, clear and up--to--date pictures, will in this connection next week place in their movie house a fine Crystal Plate Screen, such as is used at the Poli(?) in Wilkes--Barre.
Dimock – While Lee Beck, the 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Beck, of Louden Hill Farm, was at play, his hand was caught in a corn crusher, which he [was] turning with a crank and three fingers and thumb of his right hand were badly crushed. He was immediately placed in an automobile and brought to Dr. Gardner’s office in Montrose, where the member was dressed. While the accident was exceedingly painful, it is hoped that amputation of any of the fingers will be unnecessary. Lee is a manfully little chap, with lots of grit, and did not shed a tear during the painful ordeal.
Forest City – S. J. O’Neill, an employee of the D & H Colliery, was struck by a fall of rock Monday morning and sustained an injured back. He was removed from the mines to Emergency hospital, Carbondale. His lower limbs were badly injured but we are pleased to state he is not in so serious a condition as at first reported. ALSO: The commencement exercises of the high school will be held in the town hall on Monday evening. The hall is being handsomely decorated. There will be an address by Prof. Bible, of Philadelphia, and a fine program of music in addition to the numbers by the graduates.
Nicholson – A free--for--all scrap was the first number on the program of the Nicholson high school commencement exercises Friday night. It seems that Maxwell Strunk refused to wear the cap and gown which was to distinguish the graduating class. The principal had the class vote as to whether that young man was to remain on the platform during the exercises or was to be put out. The majority of the class voted that he should be put out. Up to this time everything was orderly, but when the result of the vote was announced the rumpus started. The Strunk boy had three brothers in the audience. Up they jumped on the stage. One of them, it is said, landed a healthy farmers’ wallop on the principal eye and down he went. On the way down he connected with the boy who was put off the stage and he came right along and they rallied around the floor, the boy yelling and kicking and punching and adding more darkness to the principal’s eye. Some mothers who had daughters on the stage, ran screaming to the platform, but when they got right in the middle of things they would faint and get in the way. Just when things were going along at a fine rate and everybody was having the best kind of time, somebody called in the police and all the glorious little set to came to an end. The Strunk brothers were arraigned and held under $300 bail each for court. After the little row, Prof. Morgan said, “Now, if Rev. Dix will give the invocation we will let the exercises go on—which they did as per schedule.
Silver Lake – John F. Heavey was in Montrose and visited the Republican newspaper. Mr. Heavey’s father built the Starrucca Viaduct, one of the largest engineering projects of that time, costing upward of a million dollars, the work being done long before much of the modern machinery for such work had been invented. We were somewhat interested to know why the senior Mr. Heavey should have chosen Silver Lake for a home at that time, being far remote from any railroad, the Erie not even having reached Susquehanna at that time, and his reply was “That his father wished to get his boys away from the evil influence of city life. [The Starrucca Viaduct was designed by Julius Adams and built by James P. Kirkwood. The obituary of Thomas Heavey reads “was a master mason and was in charge of the erection of the Starrucca Viaduct on the Erie Rail Road. He lived to be 95 years old.]
New Milford/Heart Lake – The road between New Milford and Heart Lake is said to be in the best condition ever. A gang of men, with Wm. Aldrich as foreman, have been over this road, taking out the rocks and stone, widening and grading the road bed. They are now working between Heart Lake and Tiffany.
Compiled By: Betty Smith