Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Thursday November 28th, to observe Thanskgiving!
June 12 1908/2008
Lynn - There was an ice cream social held at the home of R. S. Greenwood Friday evening to raise money for a new chandelier for the church. There was a large crowd present. Proceeds $24.10.
Herrick Centre - Fish Warden Foster is sleeping with both eyes open these days.
Susquehanna - Diphtheria has been declared an epidemic in Susquehanna and the Board of Health Sunday issued an order closing all churches, schools and places of amusement until further notice. All persons are asked to help in keeping the town clean and in the best possible sanitary condition by keeping scraps of paper, fruit, vegetables and all decaying vegetables and animal matter out of the streets and gutters. Clean up the back yards and alleys and use lime in all the bad places. The first death recorded is John Mulqueen of Vine Avenue. He had been ill for four or five days.
New Milford - The death of Dr. David C. Ainey, one of the most widely known and successful physicians in Northern Pennsylvania, occurred June 7, following an illness of several weeks. His membership on the Pension examining board for several terms, brought him into contact with many people, and they always found him courteous, and fair in the treatment of their cases. Although not a veteran, the esteem of the Grand Army was shown by their request to act as a guard of honor, which was granted, as well as a bodyguard from the Knights Templar. Over a 100 of the Masonic fraternity were present and a large number of Odd Fellows, of which order he was also a member. AND As C. S. Page, of the township, was going to the creamery last Monday morning he had a narrow escape from a serious accident. As he drove on the railroad tracks he saw a pusher engine bearing down upon him scarcely a rod away. He backed his team off the track and the pusher passed by scarcely two feet from the horses' heads; the team continued to back, the wagon going off the bank, but no damage was done.
Jackson - Mr. Gibbs has been making the people very happy for the past few days, hanging paper for the tired housewife.
Brookdale - Harriet Allen, who is 88 years of age, has been having the mumps the past week. AND The many friends of Katherine Dolan will be pleased to hear that she has secured the appointment as teacher in the grammar room of the Hallstead High School for the coming year. Miss Dolan was formerly a teacher in the intermediate department.
Brooklyn - Brooklyn is to be congratulated on her fine young band whose efforts are very highly spoken of. The work of instruction has been progressing under Ben. Jewett, an experienced musician and band man. There is nothing so good for a town as good band music. They are already filling engagements. AND One of Brooklyn's enterprises is the wood working plant of S. J. Bailey who has made a specialty of telephone work and has later added trunk slat machinery and is now turning out a large amount of this work. Mr. Bailey is not only a thorough going and industrious workman himself but gives employment to several and brings a good deal of money into the town. It is these enterprises that make thrift.
Fairdale - The creamery is getting over 10,000 lbs of milk daily and W. B. Gould, the buttermaker, is turning out anywhere from 100 to 150 pounds of butter per day.
Rush - The people, at least the ones living outside of the village of Rush, are pleased to hear that the directors are going to continue to run nearly all of the schools the coming year. Some of the tax payers of Middletown are anxious to have a joint school built on the Middletown line by the two townships, thereby giving them easy access to school and closing a couple of Rush schools and compel the Rush scholars to walk a considerable distance to school. The head that organized the idea deserves a leather medal.
Middletown Centre - Joy was turned into sorrow at the wedding of Miss Kathryn Smith of Middletown Centre, to John Thayne, of Auburn, last Wednesday, when as the festivities were about to begin, following the ceremony, Rupert Smith, a brother of the bride, dropped dead from heart failure. He was a young man of 30 years and had been among the merriest of the 150 guests.
Choconut - Marion Lynch, the infant daughter of Timothy Lynch, was scalded on her right arm by falling and upsetting a kettle of hot starch on to her.
Hallstead - News of the death of K. Waldron, a former Hallstead railroad conductor, has been received from Schuyler, Nebraska.
Montrose - The sacred concert held in Zion A.M.E. church, last Sunday evening, was well attended and the program consisting of choruses, solos and readings were enjoyed by the congregation present.
Kingsley - On Sunday, at about 9 p.m., John Igo, a teamster here, met with a serious accident by having his foot cut off above the shoe top by an engine of a coal train. He was otherwise injured, though not seriously, and was taken to the Moses Taylor hospital at Scranton.
Lawsville - Mrs. E. D. Northrup will serve ice cream on Friday afternoon and evening, also Saturday and Saturday evening, at her store through the summer, and asks a share of the public patronage.
South Gibson - The South Gibson baseball team journeyed to New Milford Saturday last to do battle with the team of that town. The New Milfordites were no match for the Gibsonites, as the official score told the tale, sad to relate, to the tune of 8 to 28 in favor of South Gibson.
Laurel Lake - A pleasant party was held at the home of M. Mahoney last Friday evening. Dancing was indulged in, the music being furnished by P. O'Day and Chas. Donovan.
News Briefs: The "barn dance" has been officially recognized by the National Association of Dancing Masters. This will be good news to local dancers. AND To destroy squash bugs, lay a cloth or shingle by the plants. The bugs go under it and can be collected and killed in the morning.
Compiled By: Betty Smith