Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 12 1903/2003
St. Josephs - There are plans in view to re-fresco the interior of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in this place. Rev. Father Lally's reputation in the matter of church improvement is widely known, and the parish church here is one of the most beautiful and devotional in the State, (considered so for a little country place.) The altars and stained glass windows are costly works of art. It is a church with a history and the pride of its people.
Hopbottom - We would be very much pleased if the citizens owning property here have pride and ambition enough to remove the weeds and rubbish about their homes, by the side of their walks, trimming up shade trees &c. Follow the example of N. M. Finn in regard to keeping the sides of your walks clean.
Elk Lake - Norman Stewart has erected a large windmill so as to be able to bring water from the Lake to his summer residence. AND Homer Young has opened a barber shop at this place.
Brandt - At a meeting of the School Board the following teachers were elected - Melrose school, Margaret Coughlin; Mountain school, Margaret Smith; Stevens' Point, Leon Storer; Bethel Hill, Ethelle Wrighter; Brandt school, Lottie Townsend and Martha Peck; Green Grove School, Mary McKune.
New Milford - A felicitous event of interest to the people of New Milford occurred in the city of Philadelphia on Monday evening, June 1, 1903, in the marriage of Albert VanBuskirk, one of our popular and active young businessmen. The happy bride was Miss Catherine Verbena Warner, formerly of Montrose, but who for the past year has resided in Philadelphia. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. C. Edgar Adamson, pastor of the Thirteenth street M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. VanBuskirk reached New Milford Tuesday evening where they were met by the hearty congratulation of many warm friends who wish them continued prosperity and happiness.
Susquehanna - Former Street Commissioner Edgar N. French is ill with a light attack of smallpox. The house, corner of Jackson and Grand Streets is closely quarantined, and there are no other cases in town. AND Out-of-town workmen, who are employed in the Erie shops here, will hereafter be required to produce a certificate that they are not suffering from a communicable disease.
Montrose - Andrew Leighton, of Glenburn, while here to attend the Grow celebration, was the guest of Mrs. Julia Warner. He was so unfortunate as to lose his pocket book containing $100 in money and checks. He thinks his pocket was picked at Alford, where the crowd was changing cars. He offers a reward for the return of his property. He is the only surviving classmate of Mr. Grow at the old Harford Academy.
Uniondale - Some unscrupulous parties dynamited the private pond of W. E. Gibson and hundreds of dead fish were floating on the water next day.
Clifford - Our creamery is doing a booming business under the management of E. E. Finn. This adds much to the life and business of our town. AND We are soon to have better roads in town as we have a stone crusher now at work.
South Gibson - Miss Ida Witter, of this place, has opened a dressmaker shop at the home of Mrs. Fred Moss, of New Milford. She will be in the shop or go out by the day and sew. She is a dressmaker who comes well recommended.
Little Meadows - The mill men are very busy on Peter Nevill's hill sawing logs at present. AND The iron bridge creamery is running satisfactory under the skillful management of Hermon Card.
Silver Lake - If in want of a hair cut or shave call on Bert Wells, as he has a chair and is prepared to do that kind of work now.
Welcome Home To Grow: It was indeed true on Tuesday morning that all roads led to Montrose, for people were coming from all directions by twos, by fours, and by wagon loads, and soon the streets of our village were thronged. Business places and residences were draped with flags and bunting; across prominent streets were stretched banners in red, white and blue, bearing this inscription, "1851 Welcome Home 1903". Upon the arrival of the train, as Mr. Grow appeared before the vast throng assembled, some one cried out "three cheers for Grow and Freeman," and they were given with a will. The carriage bearing Mr. Grow swung into line, preceded by the Endicott band, with Co. G acting as escort. In the carriage with Hon. Galusha A. Grow were Hon. D. W. Searle, President of the day; F. I. Lott, chairman of executive committee; and Mr. Daniel Freeman, the first man to pre-empt a farm under the Homestead laws. Then following were carriages bearing the reception committee and other distinguished citizens. Bands included the Forest City drum corps, Bullard's band of Hallstead, Harford band, Morgan's band of South Gibson, and Lawsville Centre drum corps, while Fire Co. No. 11, with their attractive hose carriage and Hook and Ladder Co., with their truck drawn by two handsome black horses, added much to the attractiveness of the procession.
The procession passed in review before Hon. Galusha A. Grow, who had taken his position on the balcony of the Court House. The Court House had been artistically draped in red, white and blue bunting and as Susquehanna county's Grand Old Man, with shoulders erect, head proudly poised, and with piercing eyes, stood in bold relief between the colonnades, it constituted a picture worthy of the brush of an artist.
From the speech of Chairman F. I. Lott the following is extracted: "He [Grow] was amongst the foremost of that sturdy band, who in the years immediately preceding the civil war, battled in the halls of congress for free speech, free soil, free men. When the strife was transferred from the forum to the field he was selected to preside over the deliberations of the house of representatives, a place in actual power and responsibility second only to that of the President. He holds the proud position of author and successful champion of legislation which gave the millions of acres of government land in the great west to the formation of free homes for free men. As Speaker of the House of Representatives he affixed his name to the bill, the passage of which was the fruition of his years of strenuous labors. He takes his place amongst the great and good sages and statesmen of our republic, and like them his grandest monument will be the well-earned love of his countrymen."
Compiled By: Betty Smith