Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 12 1902/2002
Oakland - The commencement exercises, held in the Congregational church on Friday evening, were largely attended and very interesting. Dr. Lincoln Hulley, of Bucknell University, delivered an able lecture. Subject-"Eugene Field and the Children." The following students were presented diplomas: Judson C. Fisher, Mamie E. Pettis, Anna C. Borgstrom, Mabel M. Cochrane, Joseph Jeffryes and Jessie M. VanOrsdale. Jessie VanOrsdale gave the valedictory and Judson Fisher gave the salutatory.
Elk Lake - Mrs. Blakeslee's cottage is progressing nicely under the direction of Allen & Son, of South Montrose.
Dimock - There will be an entertainment at the Dimock Literary Rooms, Saturday evening, June 14, consisting of phonograph selections, solos, instrumental, music and recitations. Adm. 10 cents. Come.
Harford - A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mrs. Mary Gillespie, on Wednesday evening, June 4th, when her daughter, Helen, was untied in marriage to Norman C. Adams by Rev. C. W. Hawkins. About 50 relatives and friends were present. Mendelssohn's wedding march was played by Mrs. Hawkins when the bridal procession marched to the parlor and stood under a large evergreen arch while the ceremony was performed. The company then adjourned to the dining room where a beautiful supper was served. The bride was attired in a blue landsdowne silk and wore white flowers. William Merrits and Miss Anna, sister of the bride as groomsman and bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Adams left Thursday morning for a short visit with friends in New York State. The Harford Cornet Band, of which Mr. Adams is a member, furnished music.
Uniondale - The family of Zenas Rounds held their 25th annual gathering on June 4 in Carpenter's grove. This was the first held in a grove, all former gatherings being held at the old home. All relatives, no matter how distant, were invited to attend. About 100 of them were present and also 31 of the immediate family, only 15 being absent.
Welsh Hill - The mine mules which were turned out to pasture are making things hot there as is shown by this item by a Welsh Hill correspondent to an exchange: Recently about 100 mules broke loose in a neighboring oat field and could not be driven out until they had completely ruined the same-while a number at the same time were in David Jones' pasture chasing his young cattle and refused to leave until they had killed a young heifer. Should this thing continue our people will be forced to call an indignation meeting and proceed to have their just claims satisfactorily met.
Lake-a-Meadows - Chas. Downs has taken the contract of re-building the iron bridge, which was wrecked after the washouts.
Springville - Dr. Wm. E. Kelly, who recently graduated from the Philadelphia dental College, will spend one week, beginning Monday, June 16th, at the Springville Hotel, prepared to do all kinds of dental work.
Jackson - The Jackson school board organized by electing J. J. Savory, president; I. C. Hill, secretary and B. E. Leonard, treasurer. Seven teachers will be employed and five schools, outside the graded school, will be maintained. A 7 mill tax was levied.
Susquehanna - Miss Pauline Barrett, of Susquehanna, has accepted a position as teacher in the elocutionary department of the summer school of Susquehanna University, at Selinsgrove, Pa. Miss Barrett has also accepted the principalship of that department for the following year.
Hallstead - The offer made by Patterson parties has been accepted by owners of the silk mill, papers have been passed and check received to bind the bargain. Mr. Philip Weibler, on a visit to Paterson, under auspices of the board of trade, closed the bargain. Prospects are that the mill will be in operation in a short time. Extensive additions and alterations are to be made and from 250 to 300 hands will be employed. AND J. W. Snedaker has purchased and is running a new up-to-date delivery wagon.
Forest Lake - The annual picnic of the Jacob Cronk Family and friends will be held at Forest Lake, June 19th. All fiends and relatives are cordially invited.
Gibson and Jackson - C. W. Deakin, of Susquehanna and L. D. Hall, of Lake View, have purchased three tracts of 155 acres of timberland situated in Gibson and Jackson townships. There is estimated to be 3,500.000 feet of lumber upon said tracts upon which two steam saw mills will be erected. The contract for manufacturing the lumber, peeling the bark and delivering the same to New Milford, has been let to New York State parties.
Montrose - Last Friday morning Geo. P. Little and Edson S. Warner started for Skinners Eddy, driving a single horse and carriage. When descending a hill beyond Auburn Corners, near the resident of R. M. Bushnell, part of the harness broke, which frightened the horse into running at a terrific rate of speed. The vehicle was soon overturned, throwing the men underneath. The horse, however, was quickly stopped and they were both speedily extricated. By the kind assistance of R. M. Bushnell, Miss Jessie Bushnell, Patrick Riley and Mrs. Emmons, who were spectators of the accident, they were made comfortable as possible and the carriage repaired so that the injured ones were enabled to return home. Both men were lucky in having no bones broken. AND on the same morning....Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, of Bridgewater, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lodge, (their guests from Nebraska) started for Silver Lake township to spend the day with relatives and friends. When about two miles from Mr. Kelly's home, near C. D. Hawley's place, the back seat of the wagon suddenly gave way and the ladies were thrown with great force, overback, to the ground. A physician was immediately summoned and found that no bones were broken, although the ladies received slight bruises and were badly shaken up and frightened.
News Brief - Nearly five acres of ground caved in near Pittston Monday as a result of robbing pillars in the mines. Many houses were badly damaged and the inmates in some were imprisoned in their homes for some time, the doors being wedged fast, and were at last rescued by means of a ladder from windows on the second floor. In places the earth has gone down seven feet. The damage will amount to thousands of dollars.
Compiled By: Betty Smith