Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 10 1910/2010
Bridgewater Twp. - Rural Carrier Homer L. Smith, who uses a Buick roadster in carrying mail over his route, met with an accident near James Bunnell's farm. Mr. Smith had damaged the steering gear in a previous accident, but thought it not of enough consequence to result seriously. While bowling along at a 20 mile-an-hour rate, the wheels got into a deep rut and a sudden swerve threw the machine from the road and sent it crashing into a telephone pole. Mr. Smith was hurled from the machine but strange to say escaped with no more serious injuries than a bad shaking up. One of the wheels had every spoke knocked out, the fenders broken and parts of the mechanism were damaged or displaced. A passing autoist took Mr. Smith over the balance of his route, delivering the mail.
Brookdale, Liberty Twp. - The Liberty school board met Monday and after organizing for the coming year, appointed teachers for the schools as follows: Brookdale, Mary E. Downs; Stanfordville, Mary Cosgriff; Lawsville, Lu B. Ruckman; Hillside, Margaret Downs; Tripp Lake, Anna Dolan, Rhiney Creek, Gertrude Southworth.
Silver Lake - J. J. Ryan and Co. [of Montrose] is installing five bath rooms in the Rev. J. T. Russell home at Silver Lake.
Forest City - A serious fire occurred in the Northwest mine, about 3 miles below here, Monday morning, and over 50 mules were burned to death or suffocated in the underground stables, which are located between the second and third drifts in the mine. They caught fire in some unknown manner during the night. James Wilcox discovered the fire and with a fellow laborer attempted to save the animals, but was able to get out only four, being nearly suffocated in the attempt. It was feared the fierce fire would ignite the coal, but a large force of men was summoned and the flames gotten under control. The mine is owned by the Temple Coal and Iron Co. Loss placed at $12,000.
Uniondale - Henry C. Yarrington, aged 74 years, a native of Dundaff, died on May 30th. For a number of years he conducted a photographic studio in Carbondale and for the past 8 years resided here. He served as a musician in Co. B, 143d Pa. Volunteers during the Civil War. Bearers were Dwight Mills, Charles Ellis, Milo Carpenter, Christ Stultz, John Lingfelter and Geo. Hull, members of W. H., Davis Post, G. A. R.
South Gibson - Our grist mill is closed for the present. Our citizens hope that some one will take up the business in the near future.
Lanesboro - A band of gypsies that has been raising considerable disturbance by their thefts and lawlessness in New York State, got over the line into Pennsylvania last Friday evening and located on the Frank McKune farm near Lanesboro. State Policeman Albert Carlson and Troopers Kunz and Leithiser of the Hallstead substation and Constable Jack Palmer were notified and in less than two hours they made the 15 mile trip to the McKune farm. The band, consisting of about 50 persons, found out the troopers were after them and they pulled stakes, got into their wagons and trekked it for the State line, lashing their horses in true nomadic fashion to escape. The troopers were unable to catch up with them before they got over the border. If they had, the gypsies would have been liable to a heavy fine, as all such bands must pay a license in every county through which they pass. They stated they had unwittingly gotten to Pennsylvania, as they were enroute to New York city, and intended to keep in that state on their journey.
Little Meadows - C. M. Garfield was appointed poor master here to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Asahel Graves.
New Milford - G. H. Lindsley has gone to Edmonton in the province of Alberta, Canada, where he will take up a homestead claim and make his future home. Mr. Lindsley sold his farm here to N. P. Darrow.
Thompson - The stockholders of the North Eastern Telephone Company will meet in G.A.R. Hall this week, when the financial gladiators of this section will be seen in their full strength foolishness.
Susquehanna - Joseph Dolan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dolan, is suffering with diphtheria. The house has been quarantined.
Fairdale - At the base ball game yesterday Fairdale beat Montrose 9 to 4. Fairdale has a strong aggregation.
Montrose - It is quite evident now that Montrose will celebrate July 4th in the usual way by going to Heart Lake. A night train will leave the lake at 11 o'clock for Montrose.
Brooklyn - The union of Dr. Fred B. Miller and Miss Jessie Dolaway is a very pleasant consummation of a long, fervent courtship. During this time the Dr. had served a term in the Spanish war and one term in the regular army service in the Philippines and has taken a four year course in college and after graduating and entering a successful practice. They will be at home after June 10. Their many friends congratulate them that there was "no slip between the cup and the lip" and wish them a pleasant and useful voyage on life's tempestuous sea.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - There is to be a bee to clean the Hall at Auburn Centre, Friday, June 10th and all the Grangers, Odd Fellows and Rebecca's are requested to turn out and help; also bring your baskets well filled, as they will get up a dinner for the occasion.
Hopbottom - Almon E. Sweet, who came here to visit his aged mother, Mrs. Lydia M. Sweet, during her recent illness, has returned to his home in Jetmore, Kansas. Almon, who is a former resident, is a son of the late Lorenzo Sweet and was reared on the farm where his mother now lives. He returned via Dixon, Missouri, to visit his son, Merton Sweet, who is mayor of that city. Jetmore is the county seat of Hodgeman county, a thriving town at the terminal of the Jetmore branch of the Santa Fe railroad. For two terms Mr. Sweet has acceptably served Hodgeman county as sheriff, and during his residence there of 32 years he has been the leading contractor and builder and most of the public and private buildings in Jetmore were erected by him.
Compiled By: Betty Smith