Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 1 1894/1994
Susquehanna - Messers O.A. Gilbert, N.M. Finn, and James West, viewers appointed in connection with the proposed county bridge to span the river between Susquehanna and Oakland, will perform their duties this week.
Harford - In August next it will be 100 years since Thos. And Melatiah Tiffany settled in Harford, and it is proposed to hold a centennial celebration. AND Dr. Overton, of Binghamton, was called last Friday to visit one of the girls at the Orphan School. She had been sick with measles and on Thursday night they took an unfavorable turn and she lived only 24 hours. There has been over 80 cases and 40 sick at one time. It is the first death that has occurred since Mr. Dark has had charge of the school over 6 years.
Dimock - E.O. Bailey of Dimock, is selling Meyers & Bros steel track hay carriers, a useful thing when haying comes.
Montrose - J.F. Blessing informs us that he made his first trip over the L&M Wednesday. "And thereby hangs a tale." With a ticket in his pocket, the train slipped away from him, at Alford and he had to walk home He tells the joke on himself with great gusto.
Hop Bottom- The Misses Candace and Melia Brown left, Wednesday, for the sea shore. Melia has been in poor health for some time, and the doctors advised a few weeks of sea breezes to see if her health could be improved.
West Lenox - D.D. Hadsall contemplates taking a trip to Susquehanna on a fishing expedition in the near future. Dick is a famous angler, and the finny denizens of the raging Susquehanna had better take a vacation while he is around.
Thompson - The new Milk Depot is not expected to startup this season to the chagrin of many farmers.
Auburn Corners - Rev. D.C. Barnes and family attended a wedding at Brooklyn on Tuesday, thus making the second one in a short time. Isn’t it nice to be a preacher? AND The dwelling of Mrs. Fox gives the appearance of a new one, owing to the recent coat of paint and new roof. By the way she has just received a new lot of millinery goods, which is being sold at the P.I. prices. Call and be convinced.
Lenox - Theodore Fuller is preparing to receive city boarders. Come and enjoy health and plenty.
Lenoxville- Curtis Moore, who went west and brought back a bride, is located in Mrs. Hallstead’s residence on East Street.
North Bridgewater - Miss Jennie Russell, of Auburn, is visiting at Mrs. W.E. Darrows. T.E. Darrow is happy all the daylong. He sings "Annie Rooney" most of his days.
Springville - John and Byron Oakley are building the new road from Theron Strickland’s to Parkvale.
Rush - L.A. Herrick of Montrose will shortly open a jewelry department in a part of the drug store of Dr. L.R. Granger. He is a young man and comes highly recommended. He is a member of the Montrose Cornet Band.
Clifford - A shade of sadness and gloom was suddenly cast over a large congregation at the Baptist church on Sunday the 27th. When the Rev. B.A. Jones arose and announced the text for a memorial sermon to the veterans who had assembled, he was stricken with a paralytic shock and had to be taken to his home, where he soon after expired. The funeral was largely attended from the Church of which he was pastor, Wednesday, the 30th, Rev. James Rainey officiating. The community mourns the loss of a most respected citizen and Christian minister.
Compiled By: Betty Smith