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June 08 1917/2017

Auburn 4 Corner – A deplorable happening that, only by the merest chance, was prevented from resulting in a dreadful tragedy, occurred at the home of Mrs. George Hibbard when the life of her little granddaughter was saved through circumstances that seemed little sort of the marvelous. She had been playing just outside the door, and had been out of sight of Mrs. Hibbard but a very few minutes, when her uncle, Floyd Hibbard, on passing the barn, noticed the door open and the wagon box tilted in an unusual position. He stepped into the barn and returned the box to its normal position, when to his horror the little girl fell to the floor shocked into utter insensibility. She had climbed onto the box in her search for eggs and so overbalanced it that she was caught by the throat between it and the wheel and had she not been released in a few brief moments, life would have been extinct. A physician was summoned and the child revived and now seems on the road to recovery. “Was it a special providence that prompted Floyd to go to her rescue when wholly unaware that she was anywhere in the vicinity?”

Hallstead – One of the saddest accidents that has ever happened in this place was the one reported in last week’s newspaper when four young people were drowned. Kenneth and Mildred Sheek were taken to their former residence in Scranton for burial and the funeral of Della Preston from her home at Geo. Hatfield’s with burial at Rose Hill Cemetery. The funeral of Herman Gatheney was held from the Baptist church with burial at Mountain Valley. A large number of people were present at all the funerals to pay their last, sad respect for the departed, while the floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. The flags in this place were at half-mast and sorrow was felt in the homes of their many friends, as they all took prominent parts in the business and social life of the town.

Hop Bottom – An up-to-date, well-equipped, automobile garage is one of the latest acquisitions for the wide-awake town of Hop Bottom.  The proprietors are L.F. and M.E. Rynearson, the latter having recently returned from two years spent in the service department of the Ford Motor Co., of Detroit, Mich. The former is agent for the Ford Tractor. Both are well equipped for the business upon which they are embarking. The Hop Bottom Garage should be of great service and convenience for a wide circle of which Hop Bottom is the center. They will sell accessories, oils, etc., and dispensate “Free Air.”

Glenwood – Another veteran of the Civil War has answered the last roll call. Death has removed William Medler, of Capt. Lyons Post No. 85, of Glenwood. Mr. Medler passed away May 31, aged 72 years. He has been a great sufferer for the past 5 years. The funeral was largely attended at his late home. Interment was at the Tower cemetery at West Lenox, June 3.

Montrose – The Montrose Suffrage Party will have a meeting at the Library, Wednesday evening, June 13, at 8 o’clock. The regular meeting of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union will be held in the Library on Thursday, June 14, at 3 o’clock. Flower Mission Day will be observed as usual.

Springville – Glenn Billings purchased the small building erected by James Price, on Bridge Street, Tunkhannock, as a vulcanizing shop and on Saturday brought G.S. Haldeman down with his motor truck and loaded the building on and carted it home bodily. It looked like a bulky load to carry in that fashion.

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Who rides in a new Maxwell car? Gus Raub and family.

Birchardville – Selden C. Birchard was in Montrose on Tuesday. Mr. Birchard is one of the best breeders of Jersey cattle in the state and in today’s paper offers some attractive breeding stock to those desiring to improve their herds.

New Milford – J.C. Jackson, who recently received an appointment as engineer for the United States government, is now at Tobyhanna in charge of a gang of engineers building the big military camp at that place.

Rush – Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Gary arrived home after a delightful visit in the West and Canada of about 9 months’ duration. Victoria, B.C., Rifle and Denver, Col., and Cedar Rapids were among the places where they visited their children and other relatives and friends. Mr. Gary says that one of the most encouraging signs he noticed in this present war crisis is the effort being made by the population of the West to produce larger crops by more intensive farming methods.

Jackson – A memorial service was held at the graveside of Rev. James Harvey Cargill, in the East Jackson cemetery, on June 4th. Rev. Cargill was a brother of the late Hon. John W. Cargill, and was a prominent member of the Wyoming Methodist Conference, and was killed on July 4, 1854, at Susquehanna, by the discharge of a cannon while attending a celebration in that place. At the time he was pastor of the Providence church, Scranton.

Forest City – The Sheet Iron Gang has shown its patriotism by many of its members joining the colors.  Hallie L. Conrad, Stephen Stats, Louis Puchnick, Michael Madden and Bonnie Yanchitis. All members left late Thursday for Fort Slocum. They will enter the cavalry branch. ALSO The baseball management complains that the collections taken on the ball grounds during the Sunday games are far from enough to defray expenses, and if fans wish to see games in the future they must contribute more liberally. At present the players are called on to make up the deficit.

News Brief: Nearly every town in the country is organizing a Red Cross unit. Every town should have its organization. If there is not one in your town, organize one. The times demand it. ALSO Citizens of the U.S. were pleased to learn from a Washington report, plans for issuing $4000 free government insurance on the life of every American soldier and sailor to continue during the period of the war. The plan is to be taken up this week and it is expected that insurance will be provided by legislation before American troops are sent to France.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, June 7, 1817.

*A school master gave the following definition of a money lender. “A money lender serves you in the present tense; he binds you in the conditional mode; keeps you in the subjunctive, & ruins you in the future.

*>Look at this<  The subscriber informs all who shall have owed him six months preceding the 15th day of June next, that unless they settle with him by that time they will have cost to pay immediately thereafter.  Singing School subscriptions must be paid.

*NEIGHBORS, Take care of your SHEEP or you will certainly have damages to pay; for I cannot afford them my field of grain as neighbor Foster did his last year. If not taken care of, I shall make use of the most energetic measures without respect of persons. D. DIMOCK.  Montrose, June 7, 1817.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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