Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 08 1906/2006
Brushville- Last Sunday afternoon Delos Carrington, Jr., while strolling through the woods near here, killed a blacksnake five feet long. He tied a string around its neck and dragged it about 20 rods to a large rock, on which he went to sleep. After sleeping about two hours he awoke and upon going to get the dead snake found another large black snake near the dead one, which evidently had followed the trail where the other had been dragged along. Delos cut a stick and captured the second snake alive, which measured 5'& 6", and brought him home to Susquehanna. A large number of people saw the snakes and were astonished that we had as large snakes in this section. The snake would climb the large maple trees as easily as crawling on the ground, which was a new feature of snake life to most everyone. He [Delos] has it in a box and will keep it for a time as curiosity. Samuel Bagnall, who touched the snake's tail, was struck in the knee, but fortunately his loose fitting trousers saved him from being bitten.
Springville - Bessie Coons had the misfortune to fall from a chair, striking her face against the stove and knocked out one of her eyes. The eye, however, was one which had troubled her considerably and was nearly or quite blind.
Great Bend-Hallstead - The opening of the racing season of 1906 will occur on the fourth of July. Come and enjoy the sport, consisting of harness racing, running racing, automobile race [and] foot race. Cake walking will also be a feature of the contest. At the park a large force of laborers are cleaning up the grounds and placing the fine track in condition for the event. The management has offered the free use of its track and barns to all persons desiring to condition their horses, and for the purpose of training and practicing for this event. An excellent place to spend the fourth and have a good time. Good order will be maintained. All faking will be prohibited.
Montrose - While alighting from a carriage in front of her home, Mrs. D. W. Searle, wife of Judge Searle, was tripped by her dress and falling, sustained a broken arm. The other arm was also badly sprained and the ligaments torn, so that it was necessary to place both in plaster paris casts. It is expected no permanent inconvenience will result from the injuries. AND A man with a trained bear gave exhibitions on our streets Wednesday eve.
Susquehanna - The Rail Road Y.M.C.A. organized a boat club Tuesday evening, with John Barnes as commodore. This is a good thing as it will bring a number of new boats here on the river, and give the young men practice and recreation at the same time. AND The Erie is to build another new round house. The plans have been accepted and the work will be started as soon as possible. It will be situated near Jackson and Millane's coal pockets. It is also currently reported that the Erie is to install a number of new and up to date machines in the shops, the cost of which will amount to $80,000.
Dimock - During the thundershower Tuesday afternoon, lightning struck the big barn on the Cope farm, burning it, and four other buildings close by. Lightning also struck the Ballentine barn, three quarters of a mile away, but did not burn it, but stunned a couple of men who were in it, it being an hour before one of them, Albert Avery, regained consciousness.
Glenwood - Decoration day was fittingly observed at the Tower cemetery. Capt. Lyons Post was assisted by the Sons of Veterans; also the Spanish American Soldiers' dinner was served by the Ladies Aid Society--and such a dinner! Everything good and plenty, and the inner man was well satisfied. Afterwards we had another feast in the chapel. Selden Munger, of Montrose, was the speaker and his address was well rendered, and listened to with rapt attention. The day being fine, a goodly number were out, and all spent the day with good feeling and profit to themselves and to all concerned.
South Gibson - The death angel has again visited our village and taken from us a good neighbor and a useful citizen. On the morning of May 29, A.J. Wickwire, who kept a shoe store and did repairing in leather, went to this shop to finish a pair of shoes for a Mr. Freeman, who had stopped in town over night. Mr. Freeman entered about 5 minutes after Curtis Howell had left the store and found Mr. Wickwire gasping his last breath. A physician was called but was too late. Burial at Union Hill cemetery.
Harford - Roll call service on Friday the 15th, the 166th anniversary of the Congregational church. Dinner at noon. Everyone welcome. AND Geo. Tiffany has traded his house and blacksmith shop to Andrew Meade for his farm and will take possession soon.
Brooklyn - Rev. T. L. Drury will preach to the Order of the American Boys next Sunday morning at the Universalist church. The boys will attend in a body. His subject will be: "Daniel in Babylon" or "The Value of Character." [Does anyone know if the Order of the American Boys became the Boys Scouts of America?]
Lanesboro - The drilling for coal on the States farm near Lanesboro has been discontinued for the present and no information has been given out as t the results obtained. Some say a seven-foot vein was struck and others claim it was another bubble gone wrong.
Scranton - A Scranton youth was arrested the other night for prowling around a house in which his sweetheart resides, not being bold enough to enter in at the door, as he suspected pater familas was also holding sway in the parlor. At the investigation in police court the girl was loyal to her "best fellow" and saw him safely out of his predicament. But after the magistrate had finished his lecture and the couple departed, the young lady took it upon herself to tell the young man to ring the doorbell in the future. It takes some youthful admirers a long time to find out it is best to enter in by the door even with the "old man" hanging onto the door knob, than to run the risk of wet feet from the dewy lawn.
News Briefs: In the opening of the Shoshone reservation this summer one railroad in Wyoming will organize a subsidiary automobile service over a gravel road 100 miles long. A railroad cannot be built in a day, but little time is needed to get up steam in a skidoodle annex. AND Twenty-three veterans of the civil war are in the United States Senate, of whom 13 were confederates. In the lower house are 32 who served in the Union army and 12 were Confederates. The total of 67 civil war soldiers in Congress, 41 years after, is a striking fact. AND The milking machine promises to become quite a factor before long. they are now in successful use.
Compiled By: Betty Smith