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June 08 1900/2000

Rush - The Hardy brothers, Frederick and George, began work laying the foundation of the M.E. church on Monday.

Brookdale - Three meat wagons go through Brookdale to the lakes, so no one need go hungry for meat. AND - The Helping Hand society met last week with Mrs. Gunsalus; the attendance was good and they intend to have an ice cream social on the 21st of June at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanLoan. The Lawsville band will be present. We hope all will come as the object, a worthy one, is to get clothes for some poor children to enable them to go to school.

Glenwood - You can get peanuts, candy, tobacco, cigars, soft drinks, and a first class lunch, at J. F. Conrad's.

Susquehanna - The commencement exercises of Laurel Hill Academy will be held in Hogan Opera House June 28-29. Following is the class - Peter Byrne, Grace Brennan, Lottie Buckley, Nora Coughlin, Bertha Collier, Lillie Creegan, Alice Dinsmore, Nellie Dooley, Frank E. Driscoll, Edward Fitzgerald, Albert Houlihan, Walter Healey, Nora Hanrahan, Frank Irving, Isabelle Kittell, Henry & Lillie Lannon, Gertrude Markart, Chester & Kittie Munson, Kittie Reilly, Lena Scanlon, Thomas Savage.

Montrose - At the instigation of S. J. Jenckes, representing the Village Improvement Society, the gas pipe hitching posts and rails about the business part of the town are being touched up with a new coat of paint, the expense being met by the owners or tenants of the properties. The village green will be kept cut during the season, W. A. Harrington having been engaged for the work by the Village Improvement Society. The new horse power mower, bought in '99, is proving a success, and Mr. Harrington knows well how to manage it. The thanks of the Society are due Mr. Harrington for his gratuitous services last year in this work. AND - A. L. Titman, Dr. H. V. Frink and Commissioners' Clerk Titsworth are the proud possessors of new and handsome rubber-tired wagons.

South Montrose - Aaron Reynolds, an aged and widely known resident died at the home of his cousin, Israel Reynolds, on June 5. Mr. Reynolds was buried in a coffin which he had caused to be made many years ago. He furnished the cherry lumber himself and Alexander Smith, of Montrose, did the work. The suit of clothes in which the deceased was buried was purchased for the purpose by him five or six years ago.

Lawsville - The Baptist Church, during the heavy thunder shower last Friday afternoon, was struck by lightning and considerably damaged.

Brooklyn - Brooklyn has a newly organized band of 18 members. There is always good band material in Brooklyn and we wish the new organization success. AND - The Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sterling will be celebrated June 20th at their home.

New Milford - Four gasoline lamps now light the streets and are said to be a great improvement over the old style kerosene lamps heretofore used in town. AND - The saw mill erected by F. N. Gillespie is in operation. He has upwards of 300,000 ft. of lumber to saw. The work is under the competent supervision of Cush Cole.

Great Bend - July 1, 1863, Mr. Silas Squires, of Great Bend Township, while engaged in the first battle at Gettysburg with Co. A., 151st Pa. Vols., was hit in the face near the nose by what he then and has since supposed was a piece of shell. At times it has caused him considerable pain, and a few days previous it caused him a great deal of trouble. On Friday last he could feel some hard substance in the right nostril, and by continued effort he succeeded in removing what proved to be an ounce Minnie bullet. It is indeed remarkable that a man could carry in his face for 37 years so large a piece of lead without experiencing more inconvenience than Mr. Squires was subject to. The bullet which Mr. Squires was showing to his friends Saturday was nearly perfect, although showing marks where quite likely it had hit some object and lost largely its force before striking Mr. Squires.

Uniondale - A very heavy shower passed over this section on Friday evening, June 8, with unusually severe thunder and lightning. Several burning buildings were ignited during the storm, among them the residence of Thomas Burdick, near Burdick Hollow.

Lynn - Our new firm, Risely & Silkman, have been making numerous improvements in and about their store, which adds much to the beauty of the town.

Thomson - Thomson is raising a fund to establish a co-operative creamery. Unless present conditions radically change, next year will find scores of creameries in Susquehanna county and fewer cans of milk at the stations. The farmer has commenced to believe that "the laborer is worthy of his hire." AND - Allen Cook had the misfortune to lose both of his horses. It is a great loss this time of year.

Gelatt - Rufus Barnes' sons have purchased the Gelatt grist mill.

Dimock - The milk station has been nearly dry. We hear some of the biggest dairymen there refused to sign the contracts required of them and they are taking their milk to the Elk Lake creamery.

Hopbottom - Since the first of January there have been seven deaths of old citizens: Emanuel Carpenter, William Ainey, Truman Bell, Jackson Chamberlain, Enoch Lord and Edward Oakley.

Elk Lake - The friends and neighbors of Mr. J. G. Cart and wife met at their home on Saturday to give them a surprise, it being Mrs. Cart's birthday. There were 40 who sat down to dinner; the table was in the yard and neatly arranged by the ladies with a new set of dishes which had been presented to her, filled with good things the ladies had prepared. After dinner the company gathered in the house to listen to music. Mrs. Avery of Springville presided at the organ.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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