Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 07 1918/2018
Scranton/Binghamton – The Scranton and Binghamton Railroad Co., with headquarters in Scranton, and which operates an electric system between Scranton and Montrose, has been placed in the hands of receivers at the request of the Binghamton Railway company. The first inkling of the financial embarrassment of the company came when the bondholders received notice that “due to the unusual conditions brought about by the war, the company found itself unable to pay the interest of $90,000 on its bonds, due June 1.”
Montrose – Memorial Day was fittingly observed here, Four Brothers Post being assisted in the exercises by the patriotic and other organizations of the town. The ever thinning ranks of the “old vets” was noticeable, but twelve survivors of the Civil War being seen in the parade. ALSO In the year 1818, Montrose could boast of one weekly mail brought on horseback from Great Bend by the post boy, Leonard Searle. As he neared the village, every Thursday, he announced his coming by a shrill blast from a tin horn, which he usually hung from his saddle in readiness for this occasion. At this welcome sound, there was an immediate rush for Post’s tavern, which contained the postoffice. It is said that upon one of these occasions Major Post remarked that Mr. Sayre ought to be satisfied for once in his life, as he had the entire mail, 7 letters and 3 papers, the aggregate for the whole week.
Susquehanna – The Italians held a parade on Friday evening of last week in honor of the third anniversary of Italy into the war. They were assisted by several societies, beside their own, “Sons of Italy,” organizations among them being State Police, Erie Band, Erie Hose Co., Chemical Co., a large delegation of Red Cross girls and Erie girls; also about 200 Italian men, women and children. At the band stand an open air meeting was held. Excellent addresses were given by Atty. Wm. Skinner and Father Brodrick, and the Italians were addressed in their own language by the Rev. Joseph Grona, of Elmira.
Forest City - Mrs. Armina Owens is very active at the age of 79 years, and is knitting socks for the soldiers, and has finished 44 pairs, so she has informed the writer, and anxiously waiting for more yarn, and if her health holds out is planning on as many more. Who next? Mrs. Owens is a soldier’s widow, her husband having died in Andersonville prison. He enlisted in 1862 and gave to his country three years of his life, which terminated in the sacrifice. ALSO All persons owning cows are warned to keep them confined at night. The practice of allowing cattle to roam at will during the night must be stopped at once or a heavy fine will be imposed.
South Ararat –A barn belonging to Mrs. Verna Silver was destroyed by fire, Thursday night, with its contents; also a good span of horses, which she had sold that day and was to be delivered to a man in Binghamton the next day, was burned.
Heart Lake – Miss Lillian Bullard and Homer Cobb, both popular young people of this place, were married at the home of the bride, Tuesday, May 21, 1918. The groom recently purchased a fine farm on the New Milford road where they will commence house-keeping.
Harford –“War Record of the Family of Major Seth Bisbee:” Noah Bisbee enlisted and served his country in the Revolutionary war and died in New Hampshire; his son, Seth, born in 1789, served in the war of 1812 and was wounded. He died in Lathrop Township; Noah Bisbee, son of Major Seth Bisbee, was born in Harford and served his country in two wars—in the Mexican war he served under General Zachary Taylor. In the Civil War he was seriously wounded, losing a leg at the battle of Antietam; Martin V. Bisbee, son of Major Seth, was born in Brooklyn and enlisted in Co. B, 47th Pa. Cavalry under Gen. Phil Sheridan as sergeant and color bearer. Lorenzo S. Bisbee, grandson of Seth, was born in New Milford and was a member of Co. D. 13th Regiment of the National Guard. In the Spanish American War he enlisted in the Regular U. S. Army and served as sergeant of Co. D. 13th Regiment until the close of the war. Thornley E. Staunton, great-grandson of Maj. Seth, enlisted in 1917; Nathan Willard Waldron, nephew of Maj. Seth, enlisted and was killed during the Mexican war; Lt. Col. Fred Waldron Foster, grandnephew of Maj. Seth, graduated from West Point and served 36 years in the 5th U. S. Cavalry; Charles W. Foster, only son of Lt. Foster, was a graduate of West Point. Lt. Willard Snyder, grand-nephew of Maj. Seth, enlisted in the Civil War. Charles H. Tyler, grandnephew of Seth, enlisted for the Philippines, but died of heart trouble in 1903.
Middletown – Dr. E. R. Owens has purchased a new car, which will be a good help in his business.
Lenoxville – On Friday, May 24, 1918, at his home, David Nichols, one of the oldest and best-known residents of the community, died very suddenly. He was known to everybody as “Uncle Dave;” was born in Carbondale, Dec. 8, 1834, and had he lived until the 8th of December would have been 84 years old. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having served his country about four years, carrying away three different wounds. Neither hardship nor suffering had power to harden his nature, which remained cheerful and pleasant until the last day of his life. He is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs. McPherson, of Herrick, two half-sisters and one half brother.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. – We had the hottest weather in May that we have had in years.
Franklin Forks – Franklin Forks Studio open every Saturday for sittings. Prices reasonable. A. J. Van Houten, Franklin Forks, Pa.
Jackson – On June 5th, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. E.L. Tingley, occurred the marriage of Miss Theda Tingley to George Pease, both of this place.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, June 6, 1818.
*NOTICE. Whereas my son, Anatus, absconded from my house & service on the 25th ult., I now notify all persons that I shall pay no debts of his contracting; and all persons are forbid harboring or employing said runaway under the penalty of the law. ASAHEL DEANS, Bridgewater, June 6, 1818.
*The Seneca and Oneida Indians from the United States, after performing for a short time at Liverpool, had proceeded to London, and were engaged for exhibition at the Drury(sp.) lane theatre.
*A FARM FOR SALE, situate in Rush Township, containing 270 acres, 90 of which are under improvement, an orchard of rising of 100 apple trees, most of them bear; a good framed house and barn, well-watered; it lies on the main road from Bradford County to Montrose, near the center of said township. Any person wishing to purchase a pleasant farm may know the conditions by applying to the subscriber on the premises. JOAB PICKET, Rush, June 1, 1818.
Compiled By: Betty Smith