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June 07 1912/2012

South Gibson - The will of Jesse L. Holmes, leaving his estate of $100,000 to his niece, Ethel M. Resseguie, instead of his wife, was decided in favor of the niece by Judge R. B. Little. The will was contested by George R. Resseguie and with this decision it is probable that the losing side will carry the case to the Supreme Court, hoping to reverse the opinion. The will was executed Feb. 12, 1908.

Harford - Howard Seamans, age 8, attempting to capture pigeons, fell down a 26--foot silo at the home of his grandfather, Henry Seamans, at Middle Lake. Howard, when at the top of the silo, reached too far in attempting to catch a bird, and plunged headlong to the concrete floor 26 feet below. He was on his way to a Scranton hospital, on the noon train, when arriving near Hopbottom the boy’s condition was so critical that he was taken to Dr. Taylor’s home, where he died soon afterward.

Susquehanna - Susquehanna is talking very favorably of paving the streets of the town and the council is expected to further the project through State aid. ALSO Four Hoboes “tapped” an Erie train of 21 cars one night last week, near Susquehanna, throwing the goods they wanted from the moving train and then picking them up. One of the most prized prizes was a cask of good (?) Scotch whisky. They all climbed off when the cask rolled out the car door. The amount they imbibed to save the precious fluid from wasting proved their undoing. Two Binghamton detectives succeeded in securing the bunch without the aid of handcuffs.

Ararat - An ice cream social for the benefit of the Presbyterian church will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary Sartell, June 14.

Jackson - Tuesday, May 21, the remains of the late Alvin Griggs, of Oakland, were interred in the North Jackson cemetery. He was an old soldier and during the Rebellion served in Co. B, 17th PA. Cavalry. He was the 49th soldier to find a final resting place in the beautiful cemetery.

Auburn Four Corners - The L. T. L.’s [Ladies’ Temperance League(?)]held a basket picnic on H. D. Ross’ lawn, May 24. Miss Vivienne Bushnell was crowned the temperance May Queen, it being her birthday.

Uniondale - Prof. A. P. Thomas, who has made his home in California for the past four years, returned to Uniondale last week. His many friends welcome him back.

Hallstead - Five Susquehanna County merchants were fined in United Sates Court, in Scranton on Friday, for shipping bob veal in violation of the laws.

Royal, Clifford Twp. - Memorial Day was well observed here. Carbondale was well represented, about 40 eating dinner at our hotel. The ball game was played for all it was worth, Carbondale No. 1 team and Royal; Carbondale won. This is the first time the Royal team has been defeated this season. The game here last Saturday, with Dundaff, was a one sided affair. Royal made 32 runs and Dundaff 7.

Elk Lake - George Ridley has got his mill rigged and is sawing the lumber on his farm for the Summit Lumber Co.

Lathrop Twp. - Messrs. Lowell Smith and Lawrence Wells took in Ringling Bros. circus, in Scranton, Saturday.

East Kingsley - W. H. Wilmarth came near having a severe accident by having a tine of a manure fork run through his hand, but they treated it with turpentine and it is hoped it will not give him severe trouble.

East Lenox - Eldridge Snyder was in Montrose Wednesday morning. This gentleman is the proprietor of Round Lake farm, one of the handsomest places in northeastern Pennsylvania, famous for its shrubs, flowers, potted plants and green vegetables, which have a splendid market in several cities. We asked Mr. Snyder how the late season had affected matters at his greenery and he informs us that they never had so large a stock nor so many orders as this year.

Montrose - The work of improving and putting into playing condition the tennis court on South Main Street was started last Monday morning by the members of the South Main Street Tennis Court Club, under the direction of its President, Elliott LaG. Davies. The club regrets that in acting under orders it is unable to give any public expression of its gratitude for kindnesses gratuitously bestowed. In 1908 the court ground was covered with four inches of clay which was applied like mortar. Beneath the clay is a thick layer of ashes and beneath the ashes is old hard pan, which, when in condition, makes the fastest tennis court in Montrose.

News Brief - With the world watching, hoping that he might win, Wilbur Wright lost his gallant fight for life against typhoid fever. Not until his physicians uttered the final syllable of the last word did his loyal brother, constant companion, and sharer in his world triumphs, give up hope. The Wrights—they share equally in all their inventions—showed themselves to be of an inventive turn before they got out of knickerbockers. When mere lads they invented a wood lathe. Later they opened a printing office and built a machine to fold newspapers. Still later they built and repaired bicycles. They first turned serious attention to aeronautics in 1900, some years after Chanute and Lilienthal had begun their experiments. Wilbur Wright was ill and it was to provide some work of interest which would keep him out of doors that the experiments were really undertaken. The Wrights said little concerning their endeavors, but the word got around Dayton that they believed they could fly, and they were looked upon as harmless cranks. The first aeroplane, constructed largely out of bamboo, flew in a room as long as its power lasted and then settled to the floor. Those who saw the toy shrugged their shoulders. They said the machine could not be built which would take up a man. The Wrights thought differently and spent every dollar they could lay their hands on in experimenting. About the only person who had faith in them was their sister, Katherine.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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