Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 06 1924/2024
Herrick Center – Those who have traveled over the road from this place to Forest City speak in highest terms of its condition. They proclaim it to be the best piece of dirt road in this section. Ira L. Curtis is the man responsible for this change. The lower section of the road was classed as treacherous and was impossible to maintain. Mr. Curtis has made a wonderful change and is entitled to unstinted words of praise in the improvement of the entire stretch of road under his supervision.
Brooklyn – The high school held commencement exercises on Thursday evening. The following graduates were presented diplomas: Ruth Terry, valedictorian; Mary Maher, salutatorian, Elwin King, president; Marion West, secretary and treasurer. Other members were: Viola Flowers, Dorotha Bunnell, Mary McNulty, Doris Williams, Joseph Maher, Michael Maher, Wallace Breed, Byron Sterling, and Rexford Saunders.
Franklin Forks – The Ladies Aid will be held in the Alliance Hall, June 11. Quilting will be the order of the day.
Dimock – Harrisburg has decided to grant Dimock a Junior High, Senior [High] and Vocational school. Such an arrangement exists in the largest schools of several cities, but having one at Dimock, this will be the first rural community benefiting by the modern arrangement of education. Music and art will be new subjects. It is rumored that Springville has also been granted a High School.
Montrose – At the meeting of the borough council, Monday evening, Chief of the Fire Department, Dana A. Watrous, sent in his resignation No action was taken by the council. Mr. Watrous has been one of the most active citizens of the town in endeavoring to improve our volunteer fire-fighting equipment and it is to be hoped he will reconsider his resignation. [Dana Watrous also started the Firemen’s Museum—before or after the above is unknown to this writer.]
Susquehanna – As a result of investigating a number of cases for violating the prohibition laws, reported to Gov. Pinchot by local people, Corporal Rose, of the State Troopers, and Chief of Police Stockholm, arrested five men, all of who were held under bail by Justice Williams. At the home of Joseph Fabrizio, three cases of alleged beer were found. At Joseph Orlando’s, officers found a 50-gallon barrel of raisins and water fermenting, and one and one-half barrels of alleged wine. At Milton Morris’ Hotel, two quart bottles of alleged liquor were found in a potato kettle; two tables apparently used for gambling and an alleged “crap game” table; a bar with a spigot through which beer was drawn from the cellar was also found. In the home of James Petrillo, the officers found a 10-gallon boiler used as a still; also a ten-gallon keg of beer; a quart bottle, three-quarters filled with liquor, was found in the lap of a woman who was present when the search was made; five full cases of beer and a quart of wine were also found. Romero Ezack’s place was searched and two cases of alleged beer were found. The officers visited Canavan’s Island, but nothing was found. Reports had been made that “moonshining” was being carried on in a shack on the island. [Canavan’s Island was known as a hiding place for notorious people.]
Birchardville – Memorial Day was observed here. The children carried the flags and wreaths to the cemetery, followed by the older people. All paused for a few moments beneath the trees and joined in singing “The Star Spangled Banner.” Then the children formed in line again and placed a flag and wreath on each soldier’s grave. Owing to ill health, neither of our remaining soldiers, Stanley Warner and Henry
Spafford, were present, and Mrs. Chas. Fessenden, was the only soldier’s widow.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. – The people of this vicinity better keep an eye on their chicken coops, as chicken thieves are busy again this season. I. H. Travis’ chicken coop was visited Sunday, in broad daylight, while the family was away.
Forest City – Miss Ellen Lynch will deliver the Salutatory essay and Miss Regina O’Boyle will give the Valedictory at the commencement to be held Tuesday evening. ALSO Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Eicholzer, is a member of the graduating class of State College. Russell proposes to enter Harvard Law school this fall. ALSO W. H. McMillan, a former resident, was a member of the Episcopal church when the congregation worshiped in the Henry Weiss building on Main street, back in 1888, when the mission was organized and recalls it was known as the “Church of the Good Shepherd.” McMillan moved to Scranton 30 years ago and upon his return was surprised at the growth of Forest City. He expressed pleasure in seeing such a beautiful church edifice—a wondrous change from the earlier years of the church.
Harford – An extended leave of absence was granted the pastor that he might visit his home in England this summer. He will sail in the early part of July and expects to return in time to occupy the pulpit on the second Sunday in August.
Uniondale – We have had two historic battles at Bull Run. A third is added to the annals now that Morgan Daniels was attacked by a ferocious bull. Morgan lit for safety, with the angry bovine in pursuit. Nurmi had nothing on Morgan. He was armed with a club, but fearing that the weapon might prove ineffectual should a combat ensue, Morgan bade a hasty exit, with the bovine a close second. His seventy years were forgotten in his haste from being the victim of a coroner’s jury.
Marriage license applied for: Julius J. Galenski and Casimera Zalewska, both of Forest City; Wm E. Smiedy, Hallstead and Mary A. Smith, Great Bend; Michael C. Rice, Wilkes-Barre and Louise Price, Scranton.
From old newspapers: The Susquehanna Register, Aug. 22nd, 1850 – Benjamin Patch notifies the “Soldiers of the War of 1812 or other persons having Land Patents, commonly called “Soldiers’ Rights,” that the subscriber takes this method of informing persons who own land patents granted to soldiers for services during the War of 1812; which have been sold for taxes from time to time for many years, and considered worthless, that he will purchase such claims and pay a reasonable price for them. Per-purchase all such claims will consult their interests by calling upon the subscriber, at the ‘Register Printing Office,’ or addressing a letter (post paid) to Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa.” ALSO A [Montrose] borough ordinance made it unlawful for “horses, neat cattle, tame deer, sheep, geese, swine or other mischievous domesticated animals to run at large. Provided, that between the 15th day of April and the 15thday of November it shall be lawful for neat cattle to go at large.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith