Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
June 06 1913/2013
Thompson - Nine veterans of the G. A. R. helped in the service of decorating the graves of their departed comrades, being assisted by the children and a goodly number of citizens. The singing by the male quartette and remarks of the Rev. Mr. Webster, were very appropriate for the occasion.
Lenoxville - J. A. Hortman, collector of school taxes, was in town last week, relieving some of our people of their available cash which he pockets with a genial smile and passes on to find the next “victim.” Come again, John.
South Harford - We are very proud of our Harford tax payers who attended the road bee in Lenox.
South Ararat - The centennial of the Ararat Presbyterian church will be celebrated on June 18. All old residents of the township are invited to attend. Please bring well filled baskets and a cup. Ladies will furnish tea and coffee.
Jackson - There will be a meeting June 12, at 2 p.m., to decide on some plan to better the condition of the Jackson cemetery. Any one who is interested is requested to attend.
Dimock - I. F. Wanick is a grower of huckleberries, the quality of which is vastly superior to anything that comes to Montrose markets. He thinks that the recent frosts did not injure this year’s crop.
Montrose - Montrose has every appearance of being a superior trading place if one may judge from the number of [horse and wagon] teams from the surrounding townships and villages. It is really amazing on some days to see how full the streets are of teams that have brought in products of various kinds or that are here to take out lime, lumber, wire fencing, boxes of dry goods for the country stores, and a thousand and one things, all combined to make up a volume of trade and traffic in and out that is astonishing in extent. ALSO: The street committee has directed that the Tarbell drinking fountain at the foot of Public Avenue be placed at the head of the avenue, near the Court house and auto danger signs be placed at every approach into the borough, limiting speed at 12 miles an hour. ALSO: Wm. M. Post has presented the Rescue Hook and Ladder Fire Co. with the old bell which was first used on the original County court house, way back in the early part of last century. [The first court house was built in 1813.]
Liberty - A. R. Stanford, of Lestershire [now Johnson City], has returned to his place where he will spend the summer farming it. Mr. Stanford is better off than some of the town people; he can get part of his living from the farm.
Lake View - Miss Josie Stevens and Miss Lulla Warren, of Scranton, are spending a few days at the home of C. G. Corse. They left Scranton Thursday morning and walked through, arriving here Saturday night. They claim to have enjoyed their walk very much.
Flynn - It is claimed by some that fishing is good. I should remark there is fishing going on in streams that never were known to have fish in before.
Hop Bottom - The boys of this village have again rented the base ball grounds from Mr. Zimmerman for another year, and soon the game will be in progress. It is contemplated erecting a handball court on the grounds if a sufficient number of our citizens can be interested in the project. Many of the boys have already learned the game under the tuition of Prof. Tiffany and the Rev. J. L. Dowson and they are very desirous of having the court built at once.
Forest City - The new pipe organ for Sacred Heart church has arrived and is now being installed by W. B. King, of New York. It comes from the W. W. Kimble company and will be one of the finest instruments in this section. It is probable that the public will have a chance to hear the work of the organ under competent hands in the near future when a recital will be given. It will probably require a week or ten days yet to complete the erection of the instrument. ALSO: Harry Goodrich intercepted a trio of men near the Stillwater dam last evening to inquire if they had nets when Tony Waskey pulled out a revolver, it is alleged, and fired, the ball passing across Goodrich’s chin. Goodrich grappled with the man that fired the shot, obtained the revolver and placed him under arrest. He was placed in the borough lockup and will be taken to Montrose today. The other men escaped.
Clifford - Two of our esteemed townsmen have decided that it is not good for man to live alone, so have taken to themselves helpmates. The wise ones are John Tinklepaugh, who took for his bride, Mrs. Emma Doyle and J. F. Kenyon, who led Mrs. Ella Gammel to the altar. We are wishing them the comforts of life for the rest of the journey.
Rush - C. D. Williams and his force of men and teams have just completed the grading of the State road the entire distance from Rush to Montrose. A reporter, in conversation with Levi P. Light, who with his brother has driven the Rush stage for eight years, was told that their term as stage drivers would expire July 1st. They refused to bid this spring when the government asked for bids. Mr. Light stated, however, that had they realized what good roads were to be constructed between Rush and Montrose, as had been done by the State highway caretakers, they might have considered it. He says the road between these two points is now the best he has ever known it. He believes that if the contractor can secure a good road figure for the stage service it would pay to use an automobile truck for carrying passengers, freight, etc.
Great Bend - Burglars entered A. L. Reckhow’s store Friday night by crawling through a very small window in a shop back of the store, and then breaking the glass in the rear door. Only a few pairs of shoes were taken.
Kingsley - Mrs. B. M. Jeffers’ 77th birthday, on May 31, was cheered by the presence of her sister, Mrs. Almira Browning, of Scranton; her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lucy Oakley, and nieces, Mrs. W. O. Finn, of Montrose, and Mrs. Nancy Webster, of Franklin. The arrival in the evening of her son, H. W. Jeffers and granddaughter, Louise, of Plainsboro, NJ, completed an enjoyable birthday, of which we trust she may have many more. Mr. Jeffers will sail the 19th of this month for Europe in the interest of the Walker--Gordon Laboratory Co., of which he is manager. Landing at Copenhagen he will visit Holland, France, Germany and England, making a scientific investigation of the best methods of farming and dairying.
News Brief - Two Sayre youths, both under 21 years of age, were arrested last week for smoking cigarettes.
Compiled By: Betty Smith