Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
June 06 1901/2001
Rush - Friend Avis is suffering from the effects of a runaway accident, near Beaver Meadows. The harness broke, the horse ran, and he was thrown out and hurt on [the] head and shoulder. The accident occurred about 9 o'clock and he lay for 2 1/2 hours in a dazed condition; he finally recovered sufficiently to get to Mr. Huckabone's near by, who took him in and attended to his needs. He was chilled very much and a good fire and wraps were needed; in the morning Mr. Huckabone took him home. They found the horse at the foot of Blakeslee mountain entirely stripped of harness; the carriage was entirely demolished, but the harness was attached to the running gear near where they found the horse.
Harford's Church Centennial - June 15 rounds out a hundred years. We shall celebrate it fittingly. The old church will be beautifully decorated. The addresses and sermons will be by men of great ability. The music will be by a choir in excellent preparation, second to none. You shall not lack for conveyances from Kingsley. While we cannot undertake to provide dinner and supper for everybody, we mean that members of the church, and their guests, also invited guests shall be entertained freely. Our mother-church, Attleborough, and our sister-church, Pawtucket, will have able representatives present. The sermons, speeches, history, church-roll, photos of pastors, all brought about by the Centennial, will make a book around which pleasant memories will cluster, when we are gray-haired. Come and enjoy the day with us. We love the dear old church. Never again in all our lives will a like opportunity occur.
Dimock - W. G. Thornton can be seen daily laying wall on his lot, with a cane in one hand--as he was badly wounded in the late war.
Lawsville - Someone took a dog belonging to B. L. Bailey, from where it was chained one night last week. The dog was gone several days and then returned, to the great joy of the owner, although the collar and chain were missing. People eating sausage, please keep a sharp lookout. Mr. Bailey will give a reward for the missing property.
East Auburn - There will be a postoffice at the Baker creamery in the near future.
Montrose - E. D. King, an expert wagon maker and painter of Cortland, NY has moved to this place and will occupy the shop with Frank Strange in the alley near Perigo's livery stable. AND - The exterior of the Empire State Construction Bldg, as erected for the Montrose Canning Co., was painted in an artistic and workmanlike manner by Messrs. Andrew Arnold and Benj. W. Clark. The carpenter work was done by Andrew Garringer, J. M. Calby, John Gavitt, S. A. Young and Messrs Rifenbury, Parker and Henry.
Silver Lake - It is reported that the postoffice at Silver Lake will be hereafter known by that name instead of "Sheldon," and that the postoffice officially called "Silver Lake" will be restored to its more ancient but far less poetic name of Mud Lake.
Hopbottom - Enoch Lord was buried from his late home on Friday, May 25th. He was an old veteran of the civil war. Thus one by one the old vets are passing away and soon the last sad rites will be enacted over the remains of the last one who left home and friends for their country and flag we all love so well. We should strive to keep fresh in our minds the deeds of valor and decorate the graves of the fallen heroes and commemorate the day with due honors instead of making it a day of frivolous amusements, for soon the last roll call will be given and answered. Are we ready?
Elk Lake - The gate of the dam at the Lake was broken Saturday night so it could not be closed and it looked like a Johnstown flood but Mr. Tanner and neighbors got the water stopped before any damage was done.
Brooklyn - Miss Louise Bunnell, whose ability as an artist is acknowledged to be of a high order, is organizing an art class here.
Hallstead/Great Bend - It is said that a national bank will soon be organized at either Hallstead or Gt. Bend for the convenience of residents of those two places. AND - A newly located switch tower on the Erie RR is being completed near Main St. crossing and affords a more extensive view around the curves of the track.
Lenoxville - The circumstances connected with the death of Miss Ethel Hartley form a sad story and one long to be remembered by the people of this community. On May 23d Miss Ethel, in company with two of her lady friends, were riding between this place and Clifford, when an accident occurred to Ethel's wheel, which threw her into the ditch by the roadside. She arose, apparently uninjured, but after mounting again and riding a short distance she told one of her friends that she did not feel right since she fell. She was able to get home, however, and did not complain any the next day, until evening, when she went to a social gathering and was taken suddenly ill. Although medical aid was summoned, the next day she grew rapidly worse, until the following Tuesday, when she died. Perhaps there never was a time in the history of our little village when the people were so unanimous in their expressions of sorrow as they were to hear of the demise of this bright girl, who had a pleasant word for everyone. While the fond father and mother are mourning the loss of a loving and dutiful daughter, we all mourn the loss of a bright and beautiful life from our midst. Although but 15 years old Miss Ethel had cultivated a great foundness for literature and had shown remarkable ability in that line.
Brushville - The corner-stone of the new Baptist church will be laid on Thursday, June 14, at ten o'clock A.M.
Dundaff - After having nicely recovered from the ravages of scarlet fever, the town is besieged with whooping cough and mumps. Dr. Edwards of Clifford is making frequent calls.
Compiled By: Betty Smith