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June 04 1909/2009

Harford - Decoration services were well attended here on Monday. A fine dinner was enjoyed at I.O.O.F. Hall, after which Mr. DuBois delivered a fine address in the cemetery, after which the crowd assembled in the Congregational church and Prof. W. L. Thacher delivered a fine historical address. Rev. B. L. Lyon then gave the old soldiers a splendid talk.

East Rush - Miss Mame DeWitt, who is a student nurse in the Moses Taylor Hospital in Scranton, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. DeWitt. Miss Grace DeWitt, a student at the Pennsylvania Medical College, in Philadelphia, will spend a portion of her vacation in Hospital Practice.

N. Bridgewater - A sudden break down [occurred] in the creamery, Sunday morning, caused by a defective bolt in the engine, and while awaiting repairs from Binghamton, they secured a gasoline engine, which in two churnings made nearly 900 pounds of butter, with no loss to the patrons.

Fairdale - The Fairdale and Lawton Valley Tigers crossed bats with the LeRaysville Trogans the 29th. A large crowd witnessed a very closely contested game, resulting in a score of 3 and 4 in favor of the Tigers. It being the initial game of the season for both teams. Curran and Redding battery for the Tigers. Those Irish twists from "Mikes" old time swings were simply guessers for the Trogans while Curran with his murderous sweeps sent the "sphere" sky ward out of sight. Horton, on First, froze to everything coming his way high or low. While the Trogans were defeated Saturday last, they are one of the best amateur clubs in this section and a gentlemanly lot of fellows.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - Jake Rosengrant and a yearling heifer made a picture for a snapshot although the artist would have had to have pulled the string quickly as they passed and re-passed through our courts and alleys, over barb wire fences, dodging automobiles in order to get the animal corralled, which he finally accomplished after a chase of about ten miles.

Herrick Center - H. H. Flynn is improving the road in front of his hotel by putting in pounded stone and dirt.

Flynn - The new church at Flynn is progressing rapidly as it is all enclosed and roof on, and steeple completed. It is going to be a peach when completed, also is in one of the most beautiful location in the county. ALSO The old bachelors are planning a banquet to take place in the near future. The meats ordered are steamed chicken and Spanish spaghetti.

Montrose - The boys take an active interest in the juvenile books of the library, especially so since "The Deerfoot Series," by that unapproachable writer of boys' books, Edward S. Ellis, have been added to the boys' department. A boy is far better off reading these Indian stories, which lack the blood-curdling parts, than reading the cheap sensational fiction that usually finds its way into the hands of the average boy. They are written in a vein that imbues the boy to be physically and mentally strong. Even older people find them fascinating reading. ALSO There are times when the city water of Montrose tastes very "rank." This is one of those times. Everybody is "gagging" and saying things not fit to print--to their neighbors. But they say nothing to the company; but instead pay up their water bills like little men from time to time, and look pleasant. But if there were a decisive "kick" by all hands, including the Town Council in official action, it might be different, and the company might be caused to sit up and take notice.

Nicholson - The first murder in the history of Nicholson occurred Tuesday, when Roger Greenwood, a stationary engineer in Moses Shields' stone quarry, met death in a shooting affray in which it is alleged Henry J. Sprague, a sawyer in the same quarry, fired the fatal shot. Greenwood and Sprague were considered good friends, but it is alleged that both had been drinking heavily and were intoxicated at the time, and when in this condition neither was tolerant of the other.

Lawsville - As Mrs. Walter Craik was driving near Franklin Forks the axle of the carriage broke and threw Mrs. Craik and the children out. The horse became frightened and ran away but fortunately all escaped with a few slight bruises.

Lathrop - Miss Genevieve Mackey, a very estimable young lady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mackey, was recently married to Ross Tewksbury, of Brooklyn. He has purchased the Fairchild farm in Brooklyn, where they now reside.

East Ararat - Miss Phillips, a Herrick Center high school graduate, will take charge of South Ararat school next week.

Marriage Licenses - The following applied for marriage licenses: Wm. Halsey and Rettie Wood, of Brandt; Wm Kane, of Bridgewater and Anna T. Murry, of Franklin; Gaylord Gelatt, of Susquehanna, and Florence Gulley, of Thompson; Melvine Demun, and Maud Sloat, of Susquehanna; Lawson Hurlburt, Syracuse, NY and Grace Fulber, Colton, NY; Frank Perry, of Hallstead and Grace Edinger, of Great Bend.

News Briefs - There is a growing sentiment against base ball and similar things for Memorial day, as was easily seen from the frequent remarks by citizens Monday. We presume the time is not far distant when many of the men who contribute money towards the equipping and maintaining a ball team in Montrose, will do so only upon the understanding that Memorial day games are to be "cut out." ALSO While the funeral cortege of the late Ira Bixby, of Sharon Center, was on its way to the cemetery, the doors of the hearse flew open and the coffin fell out, one end striking the ground. The lid opened and the body of Mr. Bixby arose to a sitting position. Many of the spectators fled in fright at the unusual sight, and a number of women fainted. The directors of the Shinglehouse bank were acting as pallbearers. The accident occurred when the hearse dropped into a deep hole in the road, the steel safety bar in the door not being securely set. After the excitement subsided the body was replaced in the coffin and the burial rites consummated.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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