Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 02 1922/2022
Montrose – G. Carlton Shafer, better known as “King,” owner and director of Camp Susquehannock, played some of the best tennis of his career when he met Bill Tilden, world’s champion, in the fourth round of the Philadelphia championship tournament. The following is an excerpt from the Philadelphia Public Ledger: “Bill Tilden, for the first time of the tournament was forced to extend himself for advance. Prior to this round, the world’s champion had dropped but four games out of three rounds of play. Yesterday he faced G. Carlton Shafer, and the match held the attention of the gallery. Spectacular shots punctuated the play throughout the two hectic sets that were required to settle the issue. The champion would slash out sizzling shots, only to have his stocky opponent ring off returns that were believed impossible. Tilden caused Shaver to cover a lot of territory, but had difficulty in wearing him down.” Tilden eventually won the tournament. Shafer was born in Montrose, son of Nathan and Catherine Shafer.
Springville Twp. – Edw. A. Hibbard died at his home near Toronto, Kansas, May 20th, in the 80th year of his age. He was born in Springville Twp. Oct. 21, 1842. He enlisted in the Civil War in Battery A, First Pennsylvania Light Artillery and mustered out at after the close of the war. Married to Mary Peck, in New Milford, he then moved with his family to Kansas and located on the farm that has been his home for more than half a century.
Heart Lake – The many spectators, as well as dancers, who attended the opening dance of the season, were delighted with the changed and attractive appearance the resort has assumed. The shifting of the pavilion back onto the knoll proved to be a wise move, as it has greatly enhanced the resort’s general appearance and provided a spacious beach.
Susquehanna – John Sullivan, of “Smoky Hollow” had the experience of his life on Front street last night. He drove his Chevrolet car to Kelly’s garage and there started to turn by backing towards the fence guarding the high embankment overlooking the approach to the Erie station. As he started to back up, he stalled his motor and without shifting the gear from reverse to neutral, got out and cranked the car. The motor started as did the car. The machine began to move slowly backward toward the fence. Sullivan jumped on the running board and tried to steer it away from the fence, but before he could do so the car crashed through the guard rail and started down the embankment, which is about 40 ft. high at this point. Sullivan leaped from the car just as it careened and over went the machine. Turning turtle, and rolling over twice, the machine landed right side up on the sidewalk. The top was crushed and the windshield smashed. Otherwise the damage seemed slight; the motor was still running. Sullivan calmly removed the broken top, climbed into the machine and drove home. Had he been in the machine when it went through the fence he would have been killed as the car turned turtle. ALSO Myron Griffis, Susquehanna’s ice dealer, has been in the Barnes hospital undergoing treatment for blood poisoning in the left hand. His hand was cut by a piece of ice and blood poisoning developed. [Our Historical Society has, on display, a collection of the tools used by the Griffis Ice Company when they harvested ice at Brushville pond.]
Ararat – The base ball game between Ararat and Carbondale resulted in the defeat of Ararat, 14-7. The boys looked fine in their new uniforms and really put up a good game, but were up against a stronger team. Michel Howard, conductor on the D. & H. work train, was hit in the face by a very swift foul ball. Although no bones were broken, “Mike” will have a very sore face for some time.
Oakland Borough – Mrs. Sarah Burgess celebrated her 100th birthday on Memorial Day. She resides with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Lee, Sr., and is enjoying good health.
Transue – The quarantine for scarlet fever was removed from the home of James Hallstead last week.
South Auburn – This community was very much shocked and grieved when the news of an accident, which resulted in the death of Harry Love, occurred. He was working on his garage when the board on which he was standing gave way and he was thrown on his head, bruising it in a terrible manner. Dr. G. M. Harrison was summoned and advised taking him to the hospital at Sayre. His wife, son and one of their men started with him, but the case was hopeless and he expired on the way. The deepest sympathy of the entire community is extended to the heartbroken family. He is survived by his wife and two sons; one brother and one sister.
Forest City – David Krasno writes of his arrival at the home of his parents in Wiesbaden, Germany. He viewed the sights of London and Brussels while on the way. He found his father, mother and brother in good health. The family had not seen Mr. Krasno for seventeen years and the meeting was a cordial and happy one. During the World war all communication between Mr. Krasno and his kin were cut off which increased his desire to again visit the fatherland.
Memorial Day in Montrose – Thirteen members of Four Brothers Post, who for more than half a century have kept alive the spirit of patriotic and fraternal love for those who responded to the call to arms in ’61, participated in the exercises as follows: F. L. Compton, E. L. Robinson, A. J. Hawley, H. L. Beach, Charles F. Read, R. M. Bostwick, J. I. Chapman, T. L. Ainey, F. G. Warner, T. F. Mack, F. I. Lott, Geo. Simpson, W. A. Taylor.
Bits of news from “200 Years Ago” from the Susquehanna County Herald, June 2, 1822.
A chariot propelled by seam is now exhibiting in New York. Another is building on a larger scale, intended to ply in one of the public gardens, so that the ladies and gentlemen of the city may have an opportunity of riding in alleys overshadowed with trees and skirted with flowers, with the assistance of horses. ALSO Prof. Rafinesque makes the North American snakes amount to 115 species: Among these are 10 species of rattle snake, 4 species of copperheads, 12 species of vipers, and one moccasin. There are therefore only 27 kinds of venomous snakes, while there are, in the United States, 3 species of adders, 3 of boas, 7 of glass snakes, and above 80 species of common snakes belonging to the genus Coluber, all harmless. [I know, doesn’t add up to 115.]
Compiled By: Betty Smith