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June 02 1916/2016

Montrose – L. H. Sprout & Sons secured six Chevrolet cars from the factory at Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson the latter part of last week. These cars, fresh from the factory, were driven to Montrose over the Catskill Mountain region, where many of the roads had been just worked, on high gear, it not being necessary to throw the machines into low gear even on the steepest hills, a remarkable test of efficient construction. Four of the cars were speedily sold, the buyers being Bert Morgan and Henry Morgan, of Montrose; Arthur Topp, of Louden Hill farm, South Montrose, and Dwight Rhinevault, of Birchardville. ALSO Fifty-two persons will go on a special car [trolley] to Scranton to witness “The Birth of a Nation.”  The car will leave at 5:10 and arrive back about midnight. All are looking forward to a good photoplay and a fine scenic trip over the trolley line.

Heart Lake – Our opening dance was very well attended considering the fact that on Decoration Day it rained nearly all day. Realizing there were some who staid [stayed] at home on account of the bad weather, we have planned another dance on June 13th and look for a big crowd. Our dance floor has been waxed and is in A No. 1 condition. Come and bring your lady friends. Mack & Jenkins, Prop.

Gelatt – Galusha McNamara, who has been in the mercantile business at Bearston, NY, for several years, has disposed of his business. He and his family are spending some time at the home of his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Taylor. ALSO We regret that Mrs. D. C. Sparks had the misfortune to lose a cow, as did F. E. Barnes.

Brooklyn – In spite of the rain Tuesday a goodly number participated in the observance of Memorial Day. At 10 a.m., automobiles conveyed the veterans to Mountain View cemetery and Evergreen cemetery to decorate the graves. At 2 p.m. a drum corps led the march to the cemeteries in the village where after decorating the graves the ritualistic service of the G.A.R. was observed. At the M. E. church later a quartette furnished excellent music. Mrs. J. C. Miller read Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, Mrs. H. C. Tewksbury gave an appropriate reading and R. H. Holgate’s speech was greatly appreciated. ALSO When passing over the state road near Oakley’s garage, last Sunday, Glenn Voss, who was driving a touring car containing his wife, his father and mother, C. E. Voss and wife and his grandmother, suddenly found himself in a pocket in the road when attempting to pass some horse-driven vehicles, and a head-on collision resulted, striking an automobile driving by a lady whose name we have been unable to learn. The Voss car was badly injured and some of the occupants came home with A. W. Lyons, who happened to be nearby. The car driven by the lady was slightly injured, the fenders being bent and the lamps broken. No one was injured although given a bad scare when the gasoline steeds strenuously disputed the right of way.

South Harford – Automobiles seem to be getting to be the things. We sighted O. F. Maynard, of Harford, out with a new car, Clifton Brainard and O. F. Miller also; but they were not as swift as the three which went through here one day last week.

Clifford – Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Rivenburg and Mrs. Jane Wells have come home for the summer from their winter home in Florida and Dr. Sidney Rivenburg and family, missionary to India, are occupying their home in the upper end of town. ALSO Memorial Day exercises [were] held in Finn’s Hall, on Tuesday. The old soldiers were on the platform as usual. They were: D. N. Snyder, commander; John and Thad Hunter, Henry J. Race, Alonzo Abers, and Geo. Simpson.

Great Bend – Arthur F. White and Miss Cornelia Tuthill, of this place, were married in Trinity Memorial Church, in Binghamton, Saturday morning. The bride was given away by her mother. She was attired in a rich blue traveling suit, and a large black picture hat, and carried a bouquet of lilies-of-the valley.  The ceremony was witnessed by relatives and a few intimate friends.

Forest City – Memorial services were held in St. Agnes Church on Sunday. At the conclusion of the services, a procession formed and marched to St. Agnes’ cemetery, where the graves of the old soldiers were decorated. ALSO Clark Brothers, of Scranton, have opened a store in the Knapp building.  It is their 21st store now.

S. Ararat – Lennie Barnes and family, of Gelatt, are at their cottage at Fiddle Lake. Soon be time for the campers to arrive and we generally have very good ones. Last year there were not enough cottages to accommodate all.

Hop Bottom – The County Association of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will be held in this place June 13th and 14th. Mrs. Mecca Marie Varney will speak at the afternoon session, June 13th, and will give a lecture at the evening meeting.

Alford – J. M. Decker, Alford’s postmaster, merchant, and proprietor of the Alford Blue Stone Co., has a business which is among the county’s large and prosperous industries—his pay roll each week running into handsome figures. Last month twelve car loads of curbing were shipped from Alford, and the business will run much heavier for the months to follow.  The quality of the stone from the Alford quarry is excellent and “repeat orders” take the product as fast as Mr. Decker can load same on the cars.

Lynn, Springville Twp. – Springville’s base ball team crossed bats with the Lynn boys on Saturday afternoon last on the latter’s ground, resulting in a score of 3-7, in favor of Springville. Rev. L. A. Kilpatrick umpired the game. ALSO Albert Jennings has opened an ice cream parlor on the corner and is prepared to serve his friends with the real stuff.

200 Years Ago.  From the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., June 4, 1816. NOTICE. Those persons who have cut timber on my land near this village are invited to call and settle therefore; and all who shall hereafter cut any, will be invited to a Justice’s office with further notice. D. [Davis] DIMOCK. Montrose, June 4, 1816.  ALSO  Recipe for a Lady’s Dress.  Let your Ear Rings be Attention, encircled by the Pearls of Refinement, the Diamonds of your Necklace, be Truth, and the Chain Christianity; your bosom pin Charity, ornamented with Pearls of Gentleness; your Finger-Rings be Affection, set round with Diamonds of Industry; your girdle be Simplicity, with tassels of Good Humor; let your thicker garb be Virtue, and Drapery Politeness; let your Shoes be Wisdom secured by the buckles of Perseverance.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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