Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 02 1911/2011
North Jackson - The laying of the corner stone of the annex on the North Jackson M. E. church will take place June 6, at 2 p.m., with appropriate services. Rev. J. S. Crompton, of Providence, will deliver the address. Dist. Supt. Rev. L. C. Murdock, Rev. B. R. Hanton and others will also take part. Every Sunday school scholar is especially urged to be present as this annex is to be used as a Sunday School Room.
Forest City - Benjamin F. Maxey was appointed by Judge R. B. Little as the first mine inspector of the newly created eighth mining district comprising the counties of Susquehanna, Wayne and Sullivan. Mr. Maxey was the only one of the four candidates to qualify, three other candidates from the Scranton region taking the examination. The candidates were required to answer a list of 100 questions pertaining to mining, at least 90%, of which must be answered correctly. Mr. Maxey has been a resident of Forest City the greater part of his life. For 25 years he had been a mine foreman and for some years has held the position of inside foreman at No. 2 shaft. He opened the first mine at Forest City and all the mines which have since been opened.
Montrose - M. S. Dessauer, on Saturday, closed his dry goods store after being continuously in business for the past 47 years. His wish was to round out a full half century, but he was prevailed upon by his family to retire and enjoy his remaining years free from business cares. Mr. Dessauer's head clerk, William Beck, is to go into business for himself, handling a line of clothing, dry goods and carpets. Mr. Beck worked in the Dessauer store more than thirty years.
Heart Lake - The resort is now open for the season of 1911. The resort has been much improved and is now in first class condition for picnics, excursions, house parties, reunions, etc. On Memorial Day a large number visited the lake and enjoyed boating and fishing. In the evening Proprietor Frank T. Mack opened the season with a dance in the pavilion which was well patronized by the young folks.
Susquehanna - A young Italian woman named Angelo, while picking coal on the Erie tracks here, last Saturday morning, was ground to death under the wheels of the cars. Her head was severed from her body, falling through a trestle to the road below, both legs were severed and the body terribly mangled. It is believed she was under a car picking coal, when another car was shunted down and she was unable to crawl from beneath the wheels. She was married only a few months ago.
Harford - The old veterans gathered at Odd Fellows Hall Sunday morning and were escorted by a large body of Odd Fellows to the Congregational church, where they listened to an eloquent memorial sermon by Rev. F. G. Webster. The church was filled with citizens gathered to do honor to the surviving few. The following old soldiers were present: Capt. A. T. Sweet, Dr. Brundage, William Patterson, L. Hawley, T. M. Maynard, Wm. Ira Carpenter, E. R. Flint, Charles Felton and Mason Richardson.
Kingsley - Dr. E. M. Carpenter, of Mexico, but recently of Jersey City Heights, arrived in town Tuesday to visit his brother, H. E. Carpenter. ALSO W. W. Wilmarth and son are moving the Horace Sweet house from the Sweet farm, lately purchased by them, to their home farm for a tenant house.
Herrick Center - Nelson Tonkin and family arrived from California Monday, after an absence of over seven years. Friends and relatives here welcome them cordially.
Ainey - Percy Ballantine, of South Montrose, while returning from Scranton with a large truck automobile, got ditched hear Frank Taylor's. He was assisted by Eddie Millard and Olin Taylor, who with their teams drew the car onto solid ground, and Mr. Ballantine and men returned the next morning and took it home. [Mr. Ballantine is constructing barns, lighting plants, etc., on the 600 acre farm--specifically a large horse barn, the building for the water system and the building for the lighting system. Among the contracts to be let will be the large buildings for the use of the dairy, cows, etc. The property later became known as the Louden Hill Farm. Mr. Ballantine was the founder of P. Ballantine & Sons brewery and built his summer home at this location.]
Springville - The last train south on Sunday broke a couple of rails at this point. The section men were hastily called and soon got the track in shape for the train to proceed. ALSO In Niven, Springville Twp., Mrs. Sarah Palmiter, for many seasons past, has had the prettiest lawn of anyone for many miles around, flowers of all kinds being in great abundance at all seasons.
Rush - Mrs. Benjamin Anderson has opened an ice cream parlor at her home in the Almira Smith house. She handles first-class factory cream.
Auburn Four Corners - Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Darrow, of Binghamton, with their four daughters, visited at the home of Mrs. Fred Russell on Saturday, remaining until Tuesday. Mr. Darrow made the trip in two hours with his new touring car.
Hallstead - Memorial Day was appropriately observed by the Civil War Veterans, Spanish War Veterans, Odd Fellows and Red Men of this place.
Uniondale - This writer did his best to find out how far this town can go back in years, and found that it is as old as any in the county. There is no whipping post now but something like a twin brother. A certain man, who does not keep a horse to our knowledge, went to borrow one from a certain family to make a trip of about one mile, so he said. The horse did not return at the time he should have, so the owner tried to locate his whereabouts and found that the fake driver had driven him a great many miles instead of only driving to the railroad station as bargained. The owner of this fine young horse sent his wife and she found the animal tied, hitched to a wagon, when this certain man had just told he was in the stable and well cared for. She saw by the looks of the horse that he had had most unkind usage. Quick as a flash she got a rawhide buggy whip and put it on the fellow for certain. This is just what he should have had long ago, only much harder. There is an old saying, "every dog has his day." We wish there were more ladies like her living in our town, to repeat the same treatment.
News Brief - Too many political platforms are made up of gang planks.
Compiled By: Betty Smith