Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 02 1905/2005
Harford - The annual memorial service held in honor of those who fell in the Civil War was held this year in the Congregational church. A fine congregation attended, including the Methodist minister, Rev. E. E. Pearce, who assisted in the preliminaries of the service. The anthem and hymns were most tastefully rendered and the highest encomiums were pronounced on the sermon preached by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Usher. In eloquent words the preacher showed how the principle of the text, fruitfulness through sacrifice, pervaded all nature and operated in relation to individuals, families and nations and particularly the United States in connection with the War of the Rebellion. A number of grand army venerables were present, both in uniform and as civilians. It was a service that will not soon be forgotten.
Brooklyn - F. B. Jewett is remodeling the barn on the Dr. Chamberlain property. The house, which is one of Brooklyn's landmarks, and has been in Mrs. Chamberlain's family for many generations, will be made over new this summer. .
Little Meadows - Mr. and Mrs. Boland, of this place, are rejoicing over the arrival of a young son. AND Mr. Hannen gave a dance Monday evening. A large crowd was present. The music was by James Hickey and son, Michael.
Elk Lake - Bert Thomas has purchased a new portable gasoline engine of I. Estus, the agent here. Bert has made no mistake in buying a Badge engine. AND Mr. Quackenbush and family, of Scranton, are occupying their new cottage at the lake.
Ararat - Following is a list of people of Ararat who have passed the age of 70 years. When the size of the place is considered, the longevity of the residents of this mountain town is remarkable: Wm. W. Cobb, 70; James P. Wademan, 72; Jones W. Walker, 72; Leonard O. Baldwin, 73; William Harris, 75; Mrs. Samantha Slocum, 76; Mrs. Minerva Carpenter, 76; Mrs. Olive Bushnell, 77; Mrs. Amanda Ferris, 78; Mrs. Desdemonia Borden, 76; Mrs. Georgiana Avery, 79; David Miller, 79; Rolla Carpenter, 80; Abner B. Avery, 80; Mrs. Emily Williams, 81; Mrs. Deborah Dexter, 83; Mrs. Caroline Yarns, 84; Mrs. Freelove Brooks, 85; Mrs. James Beaumont, 85; Mrs. Margaret Sartell, 86; Mrs. Hannah Burman, 89; Edward Atwater, 89; Mrs. Susan Baldwin, 94. Average over 80 yrs.
Kingsley - A band draws more than simply the small boys and girls. It gets everybody out, quickens their step, and makes the old feel young. Tuesday was the Kingsley band's first appearance in Montrose, but they played like regular veterans at the business. They made "bang-up" good music. Come again.
Dimock - Dimock Camp Meeting will be from Aug. 23d to 31st. The boarding tent will be conducted by Fred. A. Risley, of Springville, and the barn by Simms and Beeman of Black Walnut.
Forest City - A number of the High School graduates have gone to Uniondale to register as students of the Uniondale summer school, under the direction of Prof. B. W. Pease. AND William Owens, of the firm of Taylor & Owens, has purchased a pacing horse with a record of 2:24. Mr. Owens expects to enter the horse in the new park in the near future.
Herrick Twp. - It seems our cherished idea that Elk Hill is the highest peak in the State has been erroneous. As noted by an article from the "Scranton Tribune" there seemed to be a conflict on the question. The "Tribune" wrote to the U. S. Geological Survey asking for detailed information and this week received reply to the effect that the highest point in the State is Blue Knob, in Bedford county, the altitude of which is 3,136 ft. This would seem to settle the matter adversely to us, but still the old Elk Hill is high.
Thomson - Thomas Walker, our veteran shoe dealer, was relieved of 65 pairs of shoes last Thursday night, and the burglars left no trace to indicate whence they came or whither they went.
Clifford - C. G. Stevens, department store merchant of Lenoxville, came up here Monday p.m., to show his new gasoline motor car.
Auburn Four Corners - The Ladies' Aids of Auburn charge are expected at the M. E. parsonage on June 6, to do some needed work. The gentlemen will accompany them.
Upsonville - Andrew Reynolds went to Hallstead on Tuesday, May 22nd to do some shopping. An automobile frightened his team and they plunged into a barbed wire fence, injuring Mr. Reynolds very badly. Mr. Wheaton kindly removed him to his home near the Forks. The wagon was demolished.
Montrose - The C. J. Post house on Bank street has been thoroughly renovated and improved, and will be occupied by W.W. Gilchrist, a celebrated Philadelphia artist, this summer. He has taken premiums in the Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and will give lessons this summer to those wishing to avail themselves of the opportunity. Mrs. Gilchrist was Miss Lucretia DeSchweinitz, formerly of this place, and her sister will also spend the summer with them.
News Brief: "For Better Roads" The last session of the legislature passed a bill appropriating $6,000,000 for good roads in Pennsylvania, which has been signed by the governor. Any township in the state may use its portion of this money by paying only one eighth of the cost of building of a section of road agreed upon. For example, if a piece of road were to cost $2,000 the township would pay $250, the county $250 and the state the remainder or $1,500. It should be remembered that these roads when built will last for many years without repair and at all seasons be hard and dry. One horse on these roads will draw as much as 5 on the ordinary country dirt road. AND The automobile owners of Susquehanna county will do well to carefully peruse the following summary of the Grim automobile bill which has been approved by Gov. Pennypacker. "The bill regulates the speed limit of automobiles to a mile in six minutes in cities and boroughs, a mile in three minutes in the country; requires operators to take out a license for which they shall pay $3 to the State Highway Dept.; requires the machine to carry a light in the front and back; regulates the proceedings of action against offenders and prescribes a penalty of from $10 to $25 for the first offense, and from $25 to $100 and 30 days' imprisonment for the second offense. The fines are to be used for the improvement of the public road within the municipality in which violations of the act may be committed. The bill goes into effect Jan.1, '06, and no person under 18 yrs of age may take out a license.
Compiled By: Betty Smith