Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
June 01 1917/2017
Hallstead - The overturning of a canoe in Harmony creek, at Hallstead, on the afternoon of Memorial day, resulted in the death of for young people: Herman Gathany, aged 19, son of Eugene Gathany, Della Preston, aged 17, daughter of Lewis Preston; Kenneth Sheak, aged 18, son of A.J. Sheak; and sister, Mildred Sheak, aged 17. The young people started out in high spirits to go canoeing, leaving at about 2:30 o’clock. When they reached a point called “Ox-Bow,” which is an eddy full of deep holes, the canoe became unmanageable in the swift current, swollen and foiled by rains, and capsized. It is stated that three of the young people could swim, but either the swift current or the struggles of the young women resulted in all going under within a few moments. Young Gathany and the Sheak girl were sweethearts. Their bodies were found a few minutes after the task of recovery started, each clasped in the other’s arms. Attempts to restore life were unsuccessful. The town has never been visited by a sadder affair than that which turned the Memorial day celebration into one of poignant grief, and the shock of the terrible drowning accident will long be felt in many homes where the young people were known and loved. [Another report states that an attempt to switch seats caused the accident.]
Harford – Didier Masson, of Los Angeles, one of the oldest of living American aviators of the days when the aeroplane was a county fair novelty, is training American pilots for the Lafayette Escadrille in France. Some of his top students are Charles H. Dolan, of Boston; Robert L. Donze, of Santa Barbara, Cal, formerly of Philadelphia; J.P. Doolittle, of New York City, a former Chicagoan; Dabney Horton, of Cambridge, Mass; and Henry Sweet Jones, of Harford, Pa. [a son of Senator E.E. Jones). “These boys learn to fly in about 8 days,” Masson said. “Sometimes it takes students of other nationalities eighty days, but Americans, as a rule, are quick at the aviation game. Jones and Horton, especially, took to the air like ducks to water and made records which will be hard to beat. All of the men will be in the war game soon.”ALSO The Memorial sermon preached by Rev. H.W. Johnson, in the Congregational church, Sunday morning, was exceptionally good. The ranks of the old veterans was very small, but two being present, William Patterson and Emmet Flint.
Clifford – Mrs. Frances Rivenburg, of Carbondale, is stopping in our midst. Her nimble needle is much sought by our people. ALSO Harold Taylor has discontinued his school for a time—measles.
Susquehanna – The Women’s Relief Corps of this place entertained the members of Moody Post and about 35 of the National Guard stationed here and at Lanesboro, on Tuesday of last week, for supper.
Montrose – Robert Wood, bookkeeper in the Farmers’ National Bank, went to Scranton yesterday to take examinations for entrance into military service. He took his first examination the first of the week, but was two pounds under weight. The medical examiner told him to return after sleeping heavily and eating heartily, and he would probably pass.
Little Meadows and Vicinity – Avery Johnson and family motored to Wysox, Pa., on Sunday, in their new Maxwell and spent the day with A. Woodruff and family. N. Murphy and family called on friends at Silver Lake, Sunday, making the trip in the new Cheverolet. It runs fine. J.E. Hickey is the owner of a new seven passenger Chandler Six. Madaline makes a fine chauffeur. Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Newman have traded horses with J.E. Hickey. “Jess” is ready to pass everything on the road now. He made a business trip to Owego, one day last week, in as short a time as a Ford could do it. Peter Bergin has purchased a new horse.
Bridgewater Twp. – Florence and Doris Devine have gone to Lincoln, Neb., for their health.
Forest City – The Forest City White Sox will play their first game as a member of the Mid-Valley league on the Independents’ grounds at Simpson on Sunday. ALSO John Welter met with injuries that will compel him to remain idle for some time. He was caught in a fall of rock while at work in the No. 2 mine of the Hillside Coal and Iron Co. His left arm was broken, the other badly lacerated. Eight stitches were required to place the left hand in shape. His right leg is also broken and his head and face badly lacerated. His escape from death is considered miraculous.
Uniondale – Only 9 members of Mathew McPherson Post, G.A.R., are now with us and several of them were able to assist in directing the Memorial rites over graves of their departed comrades. Two veterans have passed to the great beyond during the past year. The two who for the first time failed to answer when their names were called this year were John F. Bass and Alva Corey. The 9 surviving members of the post are: T.B. Dimmick, Charles Coleman, Richard R. Davis, Morris B. Davis, F.Z. Carpenter, W.E. Gibson, [all of] Uniondale. J.J. Campbell and Jerome Kishpaugh, Herrick Center. A.G., Lewis of Johnson City, Tenn. [National Soldiers’ Home]. Mr. Lewis was one of the first to enlist from Clifford township in the Civil War. None are under 70 years of age. Two are over 80. R.B. and M.B. Davis are brothers, 78 and 77 respectively.
Silver Lake – Ignatius Landon, John and Will Quinlivan are among those who have gone to Indiana to work for Uncle Sam.
Hop Bottom – A flag pole has been erected in honor of the Boy Scouts, who have done such gallant work fighting local forest fires. The flag will be raised Memorial Day morning with appropriate exercises.
News Briefs: “Ford Jokes: A man went to a week-end house party, drove up to the front door, didn’t see any garage, hopped out of his car and asked his host where he could put u the car. The host asked him what make it was. “Oh, a Ford,” “Take it right up to your room.” ALSO The Nicholson Examiner reports that of the once flourishing stone industry that gave employment for years to 100 to 150 men in the vicinity, hardly enough is left to remind one of the old busy days when Shields, Williams, Tiffany, Pratt, Carlucci, Squires and others were working quarries. At the present time Al. Jayne and his son, Jay, are working a quarry on his farm and the Franklin Stone Co. and Carlucci are operating in a limited way—the Lathrop quarries.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, Montrose, Pa., May 31, 1817.
*The second quarter of vol. 11 of the Centinel has commenced, and as yet, we have received very little remuneration for our labor. Our patrons must be sensible that a Printing establishment can not long exist, without funds; and in this new country, a printer must fare hard, even though he gets pay for all his labor. It is true we have as yet made shift to live; but, unless punctuality is more observed by our patrons, we must inevitably discontinue business. We are not ashamed to confess we are poor; and that we depend upon the “sweat of the brow” to procure us a livelihood but to be compelled to “sweat” without receiving a livelihood, is quite too hard. Have we not been diligent in furnishing you with news? Have we not given you the news of our country, and, in fact, the whole world, from week to week? If so, ought we not to receive your pay?—We ask but a small recompense, and even that is denied us! We are constantly on the alert to give the earliest information of the sufferings of our fellow creatures; and when we are detailing to you the poverty of England and Englishmen, we ourselves feel the iron grasp of that unrelenting tyrant. We sincerely hope our patrons will take our case into consideration, and relieve our wants immediately.
Compiled By: Betty Smith