Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 31 1908/2008
Fishing - Fishing has taken a big jump the last week. "Bullheads are biting great at Williams' pond, one enthusiastic Waltonite said, and judging by the procession of men and boys carrying bamboo rods (not of the "split" variety), the waters must be yielding up their finny denizens. "North and South ponds (in Brooklyn) have the big bass in" another said, "they are biting good too." Brewster's pond is also adding its quota to the grand total, and Lake Mont Rose is making a good showing with fine catches of pike. R. M. Bostwick, with six big ones to his credit for Saturday afternoon's fishing, having been the most successful that has come to our notice.
Lynn, Springville Twp. - R. W. Greenwood was the guest of his parents over Sunday. Ray made things lively at the social over at the Corners.
Harford - The following letter is from a former Harford boy, a son of Dr. Loomis, who has been in the Islands since Dewey's debut there in 1898. He has seen some sharp fighting and for several years it was supposed he was dead, nothing being heard of him. "Bert" was in the undertaking business in Scranton at the opening of the Spanish-American war, and being ever ready for a "fight or frolic," enlisted. The letter is to his cousin J. W. Gavitt. Camp Keithley, Mindanao, Manila, June 7, 1908. Dear Cousin: Well, John, I guess you think that I have forgotten you, but such is not the case. I am in the Moro country defending Uncle Sam's rights. This is the darndest country you ever looked at. The mountains are so high that it makes a man dizzy to look at them; the grass grows 15' high and there are no roads to speak of. Lots of mosquitoes, bugs and centipedes here. Plenty of deer and wild hog. The Moros do not wear clothes, nothing but breech cloth. The Moros are wicked fighters with bolos; they will sneak up on you and cut your head off before you know it. All you can see here is the same old thing--mountains and grass. I suppose everything looks natural around Montrose. I will be back one year from November, if nothing happens. Tell all the people that I am in good health and I wish them the same. I think I will come East this time when the regiment returns. Bert Loomis, Corp. Co. B, 18th Inf.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Our creamery is running again in fine shape and the patrons are pleased because they do not have to haul their milk so far.
New Milford - Miss Nina Taft, who won a scholarship in the Binghamton Republican contest, has gone to Elmira where she will take a course in vocal music at the Weigester School of Music.
Middletown Twp. - Silas Baxter died on July 29 at the age of 75. He was born in Middletown, Sept. 17, 1833 and on Feb. 22, 1866 he married Miss Hester Rutan. Their children were D. Earle, of New York City; Lewis J., Jennie A. (Mrs. H. M. Melhuish); Mary A. (Mrs. A. H. Mead, not living); and D. Oscar of Montrose. Mr. Baxter did loyal service in the war of 1861, a member of Co. C, 11th NY Cavalry and served three years. He was an esteemed comrade of Four Brothers' Post in Montrose.
Gelatt - There was a hard rain here Friday night, which did a great deal of damage. The rain poured down for four hours. Within a mile and a fourth it washed out three roads on the left side of the creek so they are entirely impassable and took out two bridges in the same distance. People who suffered the most damage were Elbert Whitney, Irving Witter, Alonzo Lamb, W. W. Pope, George Bowell and Walter Lewis. There was a bee this week at Elbert Whitney's to make an effort to get the creek back in its regular channel and clear up the wreckage around Mr. Whitney's house. I. J. Witter was at Pleasant Mount station to meet a lady and her child, and got as far as C. J. Gelatt's where he had to leave them and go home horseback. Arthur Winnie was after his cows, but could not get them across the creek, and when he started for the house he found that the bridge had been swept away. He had to go down around by the bridge to get home. The rain removed a part of W. W. Pope's mill and took out the basement of the mill and a large amount of lumber
Niven - Frank Walch, while on his way from Kingsley in company with a lady of that place, had a runaway accident. Some part of the harness gave way, letting the whiffle trees strike the horses legs; the tongue fell to the ground, and the horses ran in that condition until it was broken in three or four pieces, when the buggy turned a half somersault and threw them over the dash board and top, with the wheels in the air. Just at this moment the horses cleared themselves from the buggy and continued to run towards home. The young people were not hurt, only covered with dust. The wagon was bent and twisted; the horses went nearly home, a distance of 7 or 8 miles, when Clyde Miller found them in the road near his brother Stark's barn and took them home with him.
Uniondale - All the old soldiers of the Civil War, their wives and widows, are invited to take their dinner to Mr. Carpenter's grove, Aug. 29th, and help make an enjoyable time. AND A shelf in John Smith's cellar, that held 22 qts. of canned fruit and a pan of huckleberries, came down with a crash last Friday p.m. and converted the whole mass into an astonishing quantity of jam, quality untested.
Hallstead - Owing to the drouth the reservoir in Steam Hollow, built at great expense by the Hallstead Water Co., has proved inadequate for the wants of the town and it has been abandoned for the present. The water supply for both towns is all taken from the lake. The railroad company has been pumping water from the river for the use of their engines here.
Montrose - A couple of lively Montrose young fellows were out driving with a good-looking team of horses over Brooklyn way the other evening. Just as they were about to descend a long and particularly steep hill they saw a touring car with several gentlemen coming up. An idea struck them simultaneously. Jumping out, each took hold of a horse's bridle, at the same time holding up a hand and yelling to the motorists to stop. The car came to a standstill. Anxiously the occupants waited while the boys led the horses carefully by. Once seated in the wagon they gave the auto party the "merry ha, ha," and jollied them by shouting back that their horses were only frightened when shown a bushel of oats. "The joke came pretty near being on us," said one of the boys in recounting the experience. "The machine had stopped on the steepest part of the hill and we thought we might have to tow them to the top, as they had a hard time getting a start."
Compiled By: Betty Smith