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July 30 1915/2015

Brooklyn – Had Joseph Tewksbury cut down a small elm tree, as he came very nearly doing when tidying up his back yard, this report of an extremely unfortunate automobile accident would have likely told of a shocking fatality. The funeral services of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ely had been concluded at the resident of the grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. Luther S. Ely, and friends were on the way to the cemetery. In an automobile driven by the grandfather, Mr. Currier, of Hornell, NY, were his son and the other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ely and their daughter, Miss Edna. They had driven across the bridge and turned to the left to enter the cemetery when the car was stopped. The driver, in operating the levers, in some way lost control of the machine and it suddenly started backward across the road and over a retaining wall, carrying away an iron guard rail extending from the high bridge. The car tipped on the side, lodging against a small elm tree, which saved it from turning over. Miss Ely was thrown under the water, but was taken from the stream, none the worse for the experience. Mr. Ely was injured about the limbs but no bones were broken. Ms. Ely’s shoulder was painfully injured. Mr. Carrier had recently purchased the car.

Choconut Valley – Sister Chrysostom, of the convent of Mercy, Harrisburg, and Sister Gabriel, of St. Patrick’s orphanage, Scranton, sisters of Cyrenus and Jerome Donley, and Sister Xavier, of the convent of Mercy, at Harrisburg and Rev. J. E. Donley, of Scranton, sister and brother of Thomas Donley, visited at the home of their brothers, Thursday and called on other friends.

Montrose – The Winner’s Band, a company of young ladies from Binghamton, will attend the Bible Conference this year, occupying the fair grounds.

Forest City – For the first time in several months every councilman was in his place, Monday evening at the regular meeting of borough fathers. Although beyond paying bills little real work was done. It was a lively session with several verbal jousts in which members and citizens took a hand. Some of the discussions: A petition was received from local business man complaining about transient huxters [hucksters] and asking that the peddlers’ license be increased. The communication was laid on the table until next meeting to het the opinion of the borough attorney. Next, Mr. Ruane brought up the matter of sewer connections to out buildings which the secretary of the board of health informed him could not be stopped under the present ordinance. If this is found to be true, the ordinance will probably be changed to provide that connections be made to inside toilets. AND C. P. Lyden, who has long sought definite information as to the building line on S. Main Street, where he is excavating for a building, was present to ask council to give him the line as he said his building operations were being delayed. It developed that most of the buildings on the west side of Main street, between Center and Depots streets, are about 13 ft. from the curb, while those in the next block are 17 ft. back from the curb. There was a conflict of opinion as to whether the property owners wanted to stay back where they are or come out. The council decided to inspect the ground and take up the question at the special meeting.

Harford – The erection of Harford’s new High School building was commenced by the Holt Lumber Co., of Carbondale, the contractors. It will be of wood construction with stucco finish, and will be modern in its appointments, especially for comfort and sanitation.

East Bridgwater – Peter Brown, of this place, who has been super intending some emergency work for the State Highway Dept., since the big rains, took the pains last Sunday to count the autos and the number of passengers, which passed his home during the day and from the figures, the horse is fast on the way to join the great auk and dodo – extinct species. His figures follow: Number of autos, 185; number of passengers carried, 798; number of horse-drawn vehicles, 8; number of passengers, 16; number of motorcycles, 14; number of passengers, 18.

Alford – Rev. H. L. Hubbard, whose congenial ways and hospitable manners are well known to many who, during the long wait for trains here, have stopped with him for lunch or meal. Rev. Hubbard built his house several years ago, for a boarding house, and it has been a real convenience to many a travel. With the new station, built on the west side of the valley, which will be ready for occupancy in a very short time, this public place will have passed to memory.

New Milford – As William Flindt was descending the hill on the New Milford road, near Fred Deans, Sunday afternoon, the brake on his automobile failed to work and the car started on a wild dash down the steep grade. All efforts to get control of the car failed and to add to the troubles a rear axle snapped. The car was steered out of the road and up a steep incline near Mr. Dean’s barn and brought to a stop, with no one the worse for the exciting experience. The car contained Mr. Flindt, his sister-in-law, Miss Rena Payne, Mrs. Mary Payne, and Mrs. Fred O. Miller, of Harford, who were returning from Montrose, where they had been visiting relatives.

Uniondale – Three young men, apparently about 20 years of age, were arrested here last week for breaking into a car containing watermelons. They had several of the stolen fruit when arrested. They were brought to Montrose and refused to state their names or where they come from. LATER – Their case was ignored by the Grand Jury, and they will be discharged this morning.

Friendsville – The Friendsville ball team defeated Flynn, July 25th, on the grounds of the former, by a score of 13 to 3. Raymond Lee occupied the mound for Friendsville and was in fine form, holding the Flynn aggregation to only two hits, while Coleman and Guiton, who twirled for Flynn, were more generous, allowing the villagers nine hits.

Susquehanna/Nicholson – Sidney Stockholm, of this place while driving his big touring car, was hit by a fast D. L. & W. train, at Nicholson, hurled down an embankment and turned turtle Stockholm clung to the steering wheel and was picked up under the wreckage. He was seriously hurt about the head, body and legs and was removed to the Moses Taylor hospital. He will recover but the car was totally wrecked. Lackawanna officials declare that the danger signal bell was ringing loudly when Stockholm attempted to race his machine over the tracks. The conductor of the freight train asserted that the engineer had blown his whistle and that the bell on the locomotive was ringing.

Little Meadows – There was a ball game held on Frank Darling’s flat Sunday afternoon. They were organizing a ball team for Little Meadows which will soon be ready to play with any ball team.

Gibson – Rev. R. S. Kellerman, pastor of the Universalist church, will preach next Sunday upon the question asked him by a lawyer --- “Do the good and the bad go to the same place when they die?” The lawyer said he did “not want to go to Heaven if everybody goes there.”

News Brief – The advantage of Mansfield State Normal School: Graduates can expect teaching salaries from $45 to $125 a month; No Saloons in Tioga county; no public billiard rooms or bowling alleys within 9 miles; Entire expense less than $200 a year – includes board, tuition, laundry, books, enrollment fee, admission to games and lectures, to name a few. ALSO The people of Lestershire are debating on the question of changing the town’s name to Johnson, after the big shoe man who has made Lestershire famous. We have not been asked for our opinion, but feel that it is a little “too much Johnson.” How would Johnsonshire suit? [Name was eventually changed to Johnson City, NY]

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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