Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 28 1911/2011
Lanesboro - Mrs. Minnie Lee was brought to Montrose on Wednesday morning by Coroner Ray Lyons and placed in the county jail to answer the charge of poisoning her husband, Willis Lee, whose death occurred July 10th. The Coroner's jury rendered a verdict to the effect that "Willis Lee came to his death from arsenical poisoning, the poison being administered by his wife, Minnie Lee." The report of the analysis done by Chemist Moore, of Philadelphia, showed both stomach and liver had been permeated by the poison, leaving no doubt as to how the man's death was occasioned. Mrs. Lee, as she entered the jail yard, on her way to the woman's ward, piteously exclaimed: "I didn't do it! I didn't do it! Why don't they let me alone?" The ward pleasantly overlooks Lake Ave. The wife of the sheriff, Mrs. Conklin, is providing Mrs. Lee with sewing, books and magazines in the hope of occupying her mind.
South Montrose - South Montrose young men are simply "carried away" by Montrose young women. Three of our athletic young ladies, pedestrianizing through that town one day last week, brought back three young men who were never known to walk so far.
South Auburn - Last Friday when Mrs. Frank Baldwin entered the kitchen to prepare the noonday meal, she was surprised to see a large blacksnake coiled upon the floor. The snake showed a disposition to attack, rather than retreat, and Mrs. Baldwin called her husband from the field and he dispatched the reptile, which measured over four feet long. ALSO Miss May Ross, of Auburn Four Corners, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mericle, was born July 10, 1864 and departed this life March 26, 1911. When eleven years old she was adopted by Henry D. and Harriet Ross and for nearly 36 years was a member of that home.
Forest City - Lawrence Wasnak, who was charged by Telban & Beber with causing the death of a horse by over driving, was given a hearing before Squire Morrison on Friday night and held under bail for court on Cruelty to animals charge. Wasnak claims the horse was sick and that he drove carefully.
Kingsley - The members of the Kingsley Book Club, with invited guests, numbering in all about thirty, enjoyed a picnic at Heart Lake on Wednesday of last week.
Hop Bottom - The apple evaporator men have made arrangements to commence business here again this fall. ALSO Glenn Roberts has purchased N. M. Finn's stock of dry goods and expects to move into M. McVicar's house this fall. We welcome him.
Stevens Point - Justice A. G. Spears killed two rattlesnakes one day last week--both of which were over 5 ft. long. One had fourteen rattles and the other thirteen.
Montrose - There are many people who have not been carried away by the auto fever and who still have an eye largely for a good-looking one-horsepower, propelled vehicle. A. L. Titman, the carriage dealer, is selling large numbers of fine carriages and only recently has added several carloads to his stock. Besides the Church street repository he has an additional sales room nearby in the same block, and the spacious skating rink has been filled with late shipments of carriages and wagons of all descriptions and kinds--all good. They are ready to harness to and all that is needed is to have the "niftiest turnout that ever came down the pike" and to match the carriage with the right kind of animal. Good carriages will be in demand as long as there are good horses, and Susquehanna county conditions are conducive to raising good horses.
Susquehanna/Oakland - Clarence Carnegie, a 16 year-old Oakland boy, lost an arm by falling from a freight train he attempted to board Saturday afternoon. The young man fell on the track and the wheels of the train passed over the arm, making amputation necessary. When found, he had crawled on to an adjoining track, and but for the vigilance of the engineer on an approaching locomotive, would have been run over.
New Milford - Thirty "fresh air" children arrived from New York city on Monday and are being given a two weeks' vacation in the homes of that vicinity. While the country people are more than glad to give the youngsters from the city the pleasure of rural life during the hot summer weather, just imagine the independent country people letting their children be entertained, free of charge, in the city, two or three weeks during the year! Providing, of course, the city would do it.
Dimock Grove Campmeeting - Commencing August 9th, lasting eight days. Famous spring of water and fine grove makes it a fine place to sojourn for several weeks during hot weather. Train service the best. Rooms or cottages rented very cheaply. Inquire of M. E. Compton, Springville, Penn'a.
S. Ararat - There are about 12 families finding great pleasure in camping at Fiddle Lake.
Springville - We are very sorry to learn that we are to loose two of our townsmen and their families. Nick Titman goes to Factoryville in a few weeks to engage in the mercantile business. James Wescott will still continue in the milk depot business, but at a much more paying station 4 miles from Little Falls, near Utica. We wish them success.
Harford - The second annual tournament of the Harford Camp of United Sportsmen will have a pigeon shoot on the Harford fair grounds on August 2. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and bring guns. Shooting will commence promptly at 10 a.m. with practice events during the morning.
Thompson - Mrs. Dr. Barnes and son, of Ovid, NY, were visiting her old home and friends here last week. Dr. Barnes began his practice here and married one of our girls, Miss Gladys Davis.
Choconut Valley - Sister Anatalia, of Binghamton, and Sister Ignatius Loyala, formerly Miss Ella Mooney, of Hudson, spent several days with Mrs. Mooney and Mr. and Mrs. John Mooney and called on Rev. J. J. Lally and other friends down the valley.
Hallstead/Great Bend - Owing to a disagreement among the proprietors of the Herbeck-Demer Co., manufacturers of glass ware, who recently removed their plant from Honesdale to Hallstead, the Demer Bros. have withdrawn and will open a cut glass factory at Great Bend. They have purchased the equipment of the Kohlar Glass Co., at Clark's Summit, and will occupy the Day building. This will give the twin villages two cut glass factories and it is expected each will employ about forty men.
Compiled By: Betty Smith