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July 28 1905/2005

Herrick - Tyler Hankin, the new stage driver, carries passengers to Pleasant Mount for 25 cents and covers them up with a $25 lap robe. AND George M. Curtis has come to the conclusion that a man who deals in horses is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things.

Alford - The building occupied by J.M. Decker, as a store and postoffice, was entered by burglars and $140 in cash, a postoffice money order book and about 200 one and two cent stamps, were taken from the safe, which was blown open with nitro-glycerin, and eight fine razors were stolen from a show case. The safe was dragged from the main room of the store to a room in the rear before it was blown open, the burglars probably thinking that less noise would be made by the explosion by confining the safe in a smaller room.

Springville - On last Saturday night some malicious person or persons went in Judson Gavitt's barn and poured some acid on his horse's neck that burned the poor beast's neck and caused him such intense suffering that it aroused the family. Such a person hanging is too good for, and I should not expect that my life or buildings were safe with such persons in the neighborhood and it is to be hoped they will be "marked."

Glenwood - The parties who make it a practice of going round after dark to listen at the neighbors houses had better be in other business, as it is a mean contemptible piece of foolishness and their names may appear in print if they do not call a halt.

Dimock - The managers for the Dimock Camp Meeting Association voted to hold the annual camp meeting commencing August 23 and closing August 31. The boarding hall was let to Fred A. Risley for $127 and the barn was let to John Sims and Beeman for $45.

Heart Lake - While Harry Shaner was raking hay yesterday morning one of his horses kicked over the pole, breaking it. The team ran and the rake tipped over in such a way that an iron rod pierced one of the horses and it bled to death in 10 minutes. Harry was bruised and his clothes torn and he escaped serious injuries by a narrow margin. AND The D.L. & W. ice houses are being emptied at the rate of four carloads per day.

Susquehanna - The name of ex-Congressman C. F. Wright has been suggested and wisely, too, as a candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania next year. Mr. Wright has represented his district with honor to himself and credit to his constituents and the Republicans of Pennsylvania might look long before they find a man better qualified to fill this high office. AND And now Montrose and Susquehanna "are at it again" trying to decide which of the two baseball teams is the best. Let each one "whoop 'er up" as lustily as possible for his own team. That's fair. Or as the old Irishman said: "Each man for his own country--and the divil for us all."

Hopbottom - Mrs. S. C. Merrill, of Lestershire [Johnson City], formerly of Hop Bottom, received a letter Monday afternoon from a brother, George Betts, whom she has not seen or heard from before in 40 years. Mr. Betts, who is now in Oklahoma, wrote to the postmaster in Nicholson, where he formerly lived, inquiring for the address of his sister, Mrs. Merrill. The postmaster replied that Mrs. Merrill was a resident of Lestershire. It was believed that Mr. Betts had been dead for several years. He left home when but 15 years of age and not a word had been heard from him since.

North Bridgewater Twp. - C. F. Wademan suffered a peculiar and painful accident last Tuesday while working in the hay field. A load of hay had been put on the wagon and Mr. Wademan threw his fork up on the load, which was a high one, then proceeded to climb up the side to ride to the barn. He had nearly reached the top when he slipped and fell, the fork handle striking the ground on the end, a tine passing entirely through his leg near the hip, and impaled him in the air. His son, who happened to be near, ran to his assistance and laid him on the ground. The wound was dressed by Dr. Gardner, and the patient is doing well.

Hallstead - The American Chair factory is doing a heavy business. Last week, to fill the large orders, it was necessary for many of the employees to work until midnight.

Montrose - Montrose plays at Forest City to day and the team goes to Tunkhannock to-morrow to win from the Tritons. The game with the latter team last Saturday, at Tunkhannock, was not finished as the Montrose aggregation had to hustle to catch the train home. The score when the game closed was 8-8.

Dundaff - The borough of Dundaff is afflicted with an epidemic of typhoid fever in a malignant form. In the past month 15 cases have been reported and the only local physician, Dr. Fike, has been kept almost constantly on duty attending the sick. Only one death has resulted as yet, that of Beatrice, the 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Richardson, who died Wednesday morning. The source of contagion is thought to be from the well water and as that is the only water supply, fears are entertained that the sickness will spread.

Forest City - Vrooman Gardiner, of Montrose, accepted a position at a good salary on the Forest City ball team. "Vroom" is a good player and should materially strengthen that excellent aggregation of players.

Laurel Lake - On Saturday morning last a great loss fell upon the community by the death of Timothy Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan had resided at the lake for over 50 years and during the last few years filled the office of postmaster. Such was his general character that we have heard it said more than once, he did not have an enemy.

South New Milford - Austin Darrow's barn was struck by lightning last week and burned to the ground. Nearly all his hay excepting five loads was burned up and nearly all his farm implements destroyed. No insurance.

News Brief: The towns touched by the proposed railroad between Binghamton and Ansonia are given on a map of the road as follows: Little Meadows, Jackson Valley, Warren, LeRaysville, Potterville, Orwell, Rome, Wysox, Towanda, Monroeton, Powell, Franklin, LeRoy, Canton, Union, Liberty, Oregon Hill, Haptville, Wellsboro and Ansonia. From present appearances it seems as if the road would be more than a phantom. The Binghamton Press, of a recent date, states that the entire block of stock has been disposed of and that $800,000 is available to commence the work. By some it is thought that the road will be in operation in a very few months.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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