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July 28 1899/1999

Franklin - The "Boys and Girls" of ‘76, of Franklin and Liberty, will hold their third annual reunion at the Salt Springs, Thursday, August 3. Their friends are cordially invited to meet with them and make it an old-fashioned picnic. AND - The annual reunion of the seven Smith brothers will be held at the home of Harvey Summers, Aug. 25th.

Montrose - "The Prince" is the name of a new brand of very fine cigars put on the market by our enterprising cigar man, D. V. Gardiner. The boxes in which these cigars are packed bear a finely lithographed picture of "Prince," a favorite horse owned by Mr. Gardiner. The cigars are of the finest quality and will doubtless have a large sale. AND - Can any of the pioneer residents of Montrose give any information in regard to William Mosher, who is reported to have lived at this place about 1836-37 or 8? If so, please inform Postmaster Stoddard.

Forest City - was visited early Monday morning by the most disastrous fire in the history of the town. Eleven buildings, in the very heart of the business centre, were destroyed before the flames were brought under control. The local Department was assisted by the Vandling Hose Co. The burned district included these business places - The Davis House and stables, occupied by Chas. Crandall, Wellbrock's liquor store, Frano's barber shop, Gardella's fruit store, Carpenter's meat market, Wildenberger's jewelry store, Miss Hyatt's millinery store, Knapp's drug store, Spencer's blacksmith shop and a double dwelling occupied by Jerry Westcott and Miss Anna Fox. The Conyngham hotel was also badly damaged. All the burned buildings were on Main street. Estimated loss $50,000.

New Milford - The C. T. Whitney store house has been turned into a barrel factory, employing eight men. It is merely a temporary affair to supply farmers in this vicinity with apple barrels.

South Gibson - Landlord Shafer's pacer narrowly escaped being killed, Friday last. It seems that Mr. S. was out with a couple of gentlemen buying stock and they stopped at a farm a short distance from town. After getting out of the wagon he stepped to the back to lift it around when the horse started on a run down the hill, at the foot of which is a sharp turn and a bridge about 20 ft. high. The horse, being unable to turn the corner, jumped the bridge. When Mr. Shafer found the horse it was standing in the creek. Upon examination it was found to have escaped with several ugly cuts and stiff joints.

Strickland Hill (Springville) - The people of this vicinity were greatly shocked on Sunday to hear that Rollie Taylor had met death by drowning in Schooley's Lake. He and three companions were in to bathe and gather pond lilies. The other boys did not discover his danger until he had come up for the last time, and it was then too late to rescue him, although every effort was made to do so. After he had remained in the water four or five hours, Eli Barber dived under the water and brought him to surface. He was taken to Oliver Squires' where he was working, and thence removed to his home in Springville. His age was 21 years.

Elk Lake - Petty thieves did considerable work in this vicinity last week. They took hams, canned fruit and vinegar from Mrs. Rogan's cellar, wool from Richard Arnold's and bedding, etc. from the cottage occupied by Rev. E. A. Warriner. The party was apprehended and goods recovered, in the latter instance.

Susquehanna - The Susquehanna Athletic club treated their lady friends to a moonlight excursion on the steamer Erminie to the Forest House on Tuesday evening. There was supper at the Forest House and music by Doran's orchestra. AND - Pawnee Bill's big show held forth to big audiences in Beebe's Park on Wednesday.

Oakley - The annual reunion of the Jeffers, Loomis ad Titus families will be held on Aug. 16th at the home of Watson Jeffers. It will be a basket picnic. The exercises will beheld in Union Hall, near by, and the company will be photographed.

Lenoxville - The centennial of the settlement of Lenoxville will be celebrated on August 24th. Isaac Doud was the first settler.

Elkdale - On Friday evening, J. W. Davis, of Welch Hill, gave a phonograph concert in the church after which the ladies served ice cream on the lawn.

Clifford - The ice cream festival held at Finn's Hall last night was financially a success but rather noisy for such an occasion.

Brookdale - M. Dolen's horse ran away last Monday evening with three of his little children. All attempts to stop it was of no use till it reached the barn, when it turned into the yard, tipping the wagon over and throwing the children out. We are thankful to say they escaped with only a few bruises.

Heart Lake - The black population of Montrose held their annual picnic at Heart Lake on Thursday. Shortly after their arrival at the Lake, Maurice Brown, the 13 year old son of Mrs. Johanna Brown, rigged himself in a bathing suit and started for a row on the lake with Willie Dodge, his 14 year old companion. Young Dodge refused to go until Maurice agreed not to go in bathing. When about 250 ft. from shore, Maurice slipped from the prow of the boat into the water. His companion heard the splash and saw the boy for an instant under the water, trying to paddle as he disappeared from sight without rising again. The accident occurred so suddenly that but a few saw it. The boy was doubtless deceived in the depth of the water by the growth of grass which rises nearly to the surface. Once in the water, being unable to swim, he doubtless became entangled in the grass and was unable to extricate himself. The stricken mother was at once informed of her bereavement and went to the lake on the noon train. Maurice was a bright and promising boy and a general favorite with his companions and the public.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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