Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 27 1923/2023
Clifford – Our little village was thrown into commotion on the morning of June 22, when it was learned that A. Andrew Chamberlin had failed to return at the usual hour with his cows, which were pastured on the farm known as the John Hallstead place, now owned and occupied by Emory Green. Mr. Green started in search and found Mr. Chamberlin sitting on a bank lifeless. Mr. Chamberlin had suffered with spells of exhaustion and apparently one had come on this morning, when the heart failed to respond when he sat down to regain strength. Mr. Chamberlin was the son of Pulaska and Louisa (Miller) Chamberlin and was born on the homestead, at West Clifford, Sept. 7, 1859. He worked as clerk for the sheriff, Z.D. Jenkins; worked for his brother-in-law, Geo. E. Resseguie, editor and publisher of the Susquehanna Transcript and Ledger; he taught at Clifford Corners School, Elkdale, Royal, Collar Road and the Jenkins school, all in Clifford township. He also served as town clerk of Clifford.
South Ararat – Walter Denney raised his big barn on Saturday. There was a good crowd and a bountiful dinner was furnished by the ladies.
Susquehanna – The Strider-Teskey Post will soon have a brass band. At a meeting last Friday evening eleven musicians were at once enrolled and others will join. It was also voted that the Post have an encampment this summer, and early in August tents will be pitched for Legion members to enjoy a week’s outing.
Montrose – Prof. Durfey, of Elmira, is the new instructor of the Montrose Boys’ Band. Col. Herrick, of Binghamton, who had been the instructor since the band’s organization, died at his home in Binghamton on July 14. The band will give an open-air concert on Monument Square, Monday evening at 8 o’clock.
Harford – Leon Hull owns the farm on which the original Nine Partners, famous in the history of Harford township, first located. On his farm is a monument to their memory, erected in 1890, one hundred years after the settlement. He has named his farm the “Nine Partners Dairy Farm.” ALSO In West Harford a serious accident was averted when Harry Smith was returning home from Harford. Mr. Smith does not drive a car, but a fine team of horses and buggy. He was driving up a steep hill when one horse, which is nearly blind, went too near the edge of the road, going over the high embankment, with Mr. Smith, buggy and the other horse. Nothing but the buggy was injured.
Hallstead – C. H. Young, of Hallstead, formerly of Springville, who lately opened a garage in the former place, has purchased the site of the Clune hotel, which was burned, together with the Clune residence, hotel annex buildings, opera house and the large garage and gas station. The deal involved in the neighborhood of $20,000 and is one of the biggest real estate transactions in that place for some time. Mr. Young sells the Lexington and Oldsmobile cars and his increasing business demanded more room in which to expand.
Stevens Point – Ralph Sampson killed a rattlesnake near this place. He was driving along the road towards Susquehanna when he saw the snake and gave battle, killing the reptile with a club. The snake carried six rattles and measured six feet in length, which is considered unusually large for the species.
Dimock – Several fires were put out here last week, which were caused by the trains along the line. Two loads of hay were burned on the Norris farm, where three acres of meadow were burned over. Several fires were put out on the Ballantine place, the mansion barely escaping when the fire came within 50 ft. of the building, which was saved by the timely aid of three chemical wagons. A number of lesser fires have caused some damage on other farms along the railroad track. Thomas Noble had quite a meadow fire thrown down. A call was put in Thursday night for help to go to Hop Bottom to fight a forest fire. The Dimock men went at once.
Springville – Wilmot Fisk, proprietor of Hotel Fisk, passed away after a long illness at his home on July 15. He was born in Niven, 73 years ago and at an early age went to Morrison, Ill, to live. He later returned to Springville, purchased the hotel and conducted it until his death. Three daughters and two sons survive. The funeral was held in Springville and the body was taken to Morrison, Ill for interment.
Hop Bottom – Funeral services were held for B.F. Williams who was one of the few G. A. R. veterans left in this vicinity. Among the representatives of the G. A. R. present were: Jas. W. Adams, E. C. Rozelle, of Brooklyn; Rufus Lindley, of Factoryville; Henry Lindsey, of Lathrop, and Pardon Lindsey of Hop Bottom.
Forest City – Misses Alice Muchitz and Charlotte Nebzydowski and Michael O’Brien, class of ’23, of the Forest City high school will enter West Chester Normal school, and Adolph Sredenschek and Miss Madeline LaTourette of the class of ’22, will enter State College. ALSO “Ye shall stand before kings,” may be applied to James P. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Walker, who is with the Naval Academy training ship in European waters. Sunday’s New York Times gives his picture under royal eyes. King Christian, of Denmark, visited the U. S. S. Arkansas, of which James is a crew member. The ship was in Copenhagen harbor as was the Royal yacht.
Uniondale – The sweetest music heard here since the 4thof June, was that of the patter of the rain on the roof Tuesday. It has been the driest season since 1908 and the rain was gladly welcomed. ALSO It is expected that about 150 children from St. Mary’s Orphanage, Scranton, will spend an outing at Lewis Lake. Cottages for their occupancy have been rented from Jerome Tonkin and John Dobesh.
Prohibition Agents – Officers from Luzerne county have been busy in our county during the week. The arrests occurred along the Lackawanna Trail at New Milford and Hallstead. Four gallons of alleged wine and “good beer” and thirty gallons of mash were taken from a house near Hallstead known as the “White Onion.” “The New Eagle Hotel” at New Milford was also visited and beer, which was alleged to be above one-half of one per cent and a barrel of cider were confiscated. The proprietress of the New Eagle, Mrs. Gussie Bogue and the bartender, John Jefferson, were arrested. Charles Griswold, who conducts a “hot dog” stand on the trail near New Milford, was visited by the authorities but he escaped with a load of alleged “white mule” after becoming suspicious.
Compiled By: Betty Smith