Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 27 1917/2017
County’s Young Men Drawn for War. – In its issue of July 12th, The Montrose Democrat published a list of all the young men of Susquehanna County who registered for military service, with their registration numbers. The great lottery of human lives took place in Washington. The gross quota for this county is 312, and out of this we have a credit of 76, leaving 236 men needed. Twice this number, of 472, will be called before the exemption board for examination and their names appear in another column of The Democrat.
Laurel Lake – The dances at Laurel Lake, given under the direction of F.E. Sullivan, are becoming more and more popular with the young people. The hall has been greatly improved and beautified and the music is always of the best.
Forest City – The population of Susquehanna County is 37,746. Forest City, PA, has sent more of her sons than the quota of the entire county. Over 100 young men of this place have enlisted in the various branches of the service since the beginning of the war. ALSO Sunday was the warmest day of the season. It was too hot for the Independents and they suffered defeat in a game with the Independents of Dickson City as a consequence. The crowd at the game was not as large as common and little interest was shown by the spectators. Cavanaugh was in fine fettle but received rotten support by his teammates. Error after error by the locals at opportune times proved costly and the game was lost after the fourth stanza. Next Saturday the locals will cross bats with a strong team from down the valley.
Hop Bottom – The first man to be called for military service, under the draft lottery drawing, was Wade Squier, who registered with post-office address as, “R.D. Hop Bottom, Pa.” His number was 258, this being the first number drawn at Washington. Mr. Squier is a widower, with three small children, aged 2, 3 and 6 years. It would seem that he has claims for exemption. He has been living in Brooklyn township, but is now working in Nicholson township, just over the county line. He is a son of Lyman Squier.
Springville – Two runaways within the last week. A span of horses belonging to James Bunnell, and driven by his grandson, John, ran down the depot hill, after he had delivered the milk at the station. They plunged into the fence in front of W. E. Stevens’ blacksmith shop. Both horses were thrown in such a way as to place their heels together, but heads in opposite direction. A crowd of men soon gathered. The horses sustained no injury and with a new bolt, they were soon on their way home. On Monday, Bruce Williams, of Lynn, had a runaway also. He had been up to Springville with his milk and going home his team became unmanageable, and but for W. E. Stevens and Dean Baker, would have been a severe one. They were stopped in Lynn by Mr. Stevens wielding a big whip in front of them, turning their course in front of Mr. Sheldon’s house and were stopped by Mr. Baker.
Montrose – The Bible conference opens tomorrow, July 27. One of the best programs in the history of the conference has been arranged. Commencing Friday noon, George Haldeman, of Springville, will run his big passenger truck between the conference grounds and down town, making trips every half hour. Fare, 5 cents. The regular conference auto will meet all trains. Fare to grounds, 10 cents. ALSO at the borough limits in Montrose are erected signs restricting the speed of motor vehicles to ten miles per hour in the borough and a certain Laceyville man, after trying to get over the various streets, is of the opinion that a sign denoting a speed limit of 5 miles an hour would be more compatible with safety.
Brooklyn – The ladies of this place have been sewing busily for the last few weeks and have just sent to Red Cross headquarters a large package of completed articles, including bandages, bed socks, fracture pillows, covers for hot water bottles, bed shirts, and operating gowns. Also knitted wash cloths, scarfs and sweaters.
New Milford – Ward Cobb has enlisted in the Thirteenth Regiment at Scranton.
Lake View – Miles Tyler left last week for Newport, RI, where he begins training in naval service.
Harford – The South Harford Book Club will meet August 1st at the home of Mrs. Emily Payne, and may a large attendance be present. ALSO Berry picking is all the rage here these days and so is haying.
Thompson – Walter L. Miller, son of Atty. John D. Miller and brother of Rep. Allan D. Miller, has enlisted and has been accepted in the aviation corps of the United States. Mr. Miller made application for enlistment last winter while at Cornell University, and was recently notified to appear for examination. He passed all tests, and was accepted, and will be called to duty in a short time.
Susquehanna – Among the boys in the olive drab, who are doing their bit in France for Uncle Sam, are four from our own home town: Stanley Beebe, Harold Rundell, Thomas Lynch, Washington street, and Thomas J. Lynch, Franklin Avenue.
Elk Lake – The drafting order hit this village hard, as it took in the majority of young men who registered. ALSO The Ladies Aid will meet in Grange hall on Wednesday for dinner. In the evening they will hold an ice cream social on the church lawn. Everyone come and go fishing. Heaps big fish in the pond.
Friendsville – Camp Choconut is open, with the largest attendance in its history.
Uniondale – S.H. Bronson, a few days ago, sold a large quantity of wool. It made us think of the days when every farmer had wool to sell.
News Briefs: There is a movement on foot by which the bodies of those who lose their lives on foreign battle fields may be brought home for burial, and those in favor of this movement should write their congressman.
200 Years Ago Today from the Montrose Centinel, Montrose, PA, July 19, 2017.
*Caution to the Public. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing a Note of hand given by the subscribers to Dana Fox in October Last, as no value has been received and we shall not pay it unless compelled by law. Joseph Jackson & Caleb Jackson. Waterford, July 24, 1817.
*Ten Dollars Reward. Stolen from the subscriber on the night of the 17th inst. a first rate English WATCH, capt, set in diamonds, a round steel chain and gold key in the form of two 6’s with two small balls betwixt. Said watch was last repaired [by] George Gordon in Newburgh. Whoever will apprehend the thief that he may be brought to justice and secure the watch that the owner may get it, shall have the above reward, or five dollars for the watch. CHRISTOPHER LONGSTREET. Great Bend, July 18, 1817.
*Will be disposed of at PUBLIC VENDUE, ON Friday, the 8th of August next, at the house of Freeman Peck in Harford all the personal property of Truman Clinton, late of Clifford township, deceased. HOSEA TIFFANY, FREEMAN PECK, Administrators of said estate.
Compiled By: Betty Smith