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July 27 1894/1994

Birchardville - This will be remembered as the hot summer of 1894. When the mercury runs up to 103 and 108 in the shade it is certainly warm enough, we think.

Rush - The open air concerts by the band are giving much pleasure.

Great Bend - Our Borough has received an awful scorching. Last week Tuesday morning the old Trowbridge building went up in smoke, and on Monday evening of this week at about 9 o’clock. Tire broke out in Mrs. Stevens Millinery establishment, which spread rapidly, consuming seven dwellings and business places. The Plaindealer office with all its contents included. Adjacent buildings were quite badly damaged, also. It is reported that the building and contents were insured, with the exception of Todd’s harness shop. A pan of his goods, however, were saved.

Brooklyn - F.B. Jewett and family and O.M. Dolaway’s family expect soon to occupy their cottage at Dimock Campground.

North Jackson - There has been recently erected at Gettysburg, Pa., a granite monument marking the site upon that historic field where Ricketts battery with such heroism land valor withstood the onsets of Hoke and Avery’s brigades of Early’s Corps, Confederate army made on the evening of the second day’s battle on East Cemetery Hill. It was during the hard fighting to retain their position that among others. Myron French of North Jackson was killed. It may be of interest to his surviving comrades to learn that this monument marks as nearly as can now be known, the place where he fell. Col. R. Bruce Ricketts of Wilkes-Barre was in command during the battle.

Fairdale - Miss Emily Taylor, a most vivacious damsel of Montrose, who, it is said, was never before absent from her mother for a single night, spent a whole week at the Birchard farm.

Auburn Corners- Miss Jennie Layton, with a company of young Springvillers, have been pleasuring at Lake Carey for the past week.

Lindaville [Brooklyn Township] - That little boxing enterprise was quite an acquisition for Lindaville; especially for that class of young people who cannot endure the rigors of common school discipline. Although careful, thoughtful people refuse the use of their cams for such a purpose, a place was found to welcome the young sluggers who want to associate their names with the Corbett Mitchell gang.

Brooklyn - Last Friday night, during the small hours, the town was startled by the cry of fire, uttered with such earnest vehemence that it was heard (they say) two miles away with sufficient clearness to awaken sleepers, the source of this pulmonary vigor was our friend, Mr. Ammi Ely, of whom much credit is due for same property from the flames. The fire was in Isaac Tewksbury’s barn and was caused by lightning. A fire company was organized on the spot and did good service. The barn was consumed but the other buildings, though badly damaged, were saved. The usual ludicrous incidents did not want to enliven the scene. The man with the pantaloons on wrong side to and the lady with the shoes tied on her head, all were there. Luther Ely stumbled over a plank into a ditch, much to the discomfiture of his shins. No bones were broken, however, and we hope that "bandages and blisters" will soon do their work. The property was insured for a small amount.

News Briefs: We don’t need government control of railroads as much we need self control. If you don’t control yourself the Government will have to. Recent events establish this as a fact that’s sure. It is said that clusters of clover hung in a room and left to dry, will clear a house of flies quicker than any amount of fly paper. To eat pie with a knife and do it gracefully is a sure indication of Puritan ancestry.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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