Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 26 1918/2018
Uniondale – Fourteen of our prosperous society, known as “The Jolly Old Maids,” journeyed to Elkdale Friday evening to attend the Baptist Church supper at the home of James McAlla. They returned home minus mishaps and all united in saying they will go it alone henceforth. Bad on the young man. ALSO Burt McPherson has bought a Ford runabout and H.C. Taylor is doing likewise, while Dan Cole speeds along in a Ford touring car. Irving Tinker is running what he terms as the Universal, but competent judges declare without any evasion that the said car is nothing more or less than a Ford…Let’s ride.
Forest City – To the co-operation of the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children of New York with the Associated Charity and Humane Society of Scranton, may be attributed the knowledge of the whereabouts of William Sinkisky, aged 13, of Hudson street of this place, who has been missing from home several weeks. He was apprehended in New York City and according to the report from that city, the lad was picked up there by the police on July 16. He gave his name as John Germenarich and stated that his home was in Boston, Mass. Burgess Franko left Monday to bring the boy to his home.
Montrose – DeWitt C. Titman died at his home after an illness of several months. He was 74 years old and widely known through our northeastern Pennsylvania. He was a veteran of the Civil War, a member of Co. C, 202nd PA Volunteers, was wounded in the battle of Fort Fisher and after his discharge he came to Auburn Four Corners and established a large market for farm produce and live stock. He served two terms in the State Legislature. After selling his business at Auburn in 1894, he came to Montrose to live. He was an official of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Titman was born in Warren county, NJ and came with his parents when a youth. ALSO Owing to the Red Cross having filled their quota for July there will be no more gauze dressings made until the first Monday in August. There is other work in plenty to be done and workers will please bring thimbles and needles. After August 5th, the gauze work will again be taken up and the August quota gotten out.
Kingsley – Murray Palmer has purchased a tractor for farm use, being among the first farmers in the county to give this coming substitute for the horse a try-out.
Bridgewater Twp. – Ruel D. Warriner, of Fernheim Farm, with a score of 205, has been awarded the Marksman medal and diploma offered by the Winchester Junior Rifle Corps, a recently formed national organization to promote shooting among the boys and girls in America. His sister, Eloise, made a score of 203.
Forest Lake Twp – Atty. Safford wears a smile, which will not come off because of the decision of Judge Quigley in the case of E.H. Sivers vs. Forest Lake Twp. The decision holds that the township was negligent for not erecting guardrails at a point in a narrow road opposite a steep bank where the plaintiff’s wagon went off the road and caused him to fall from his wagon some 20 ft. down the bank.
Harford – It is a self-evident fact that some of our young men are not acquainted very well with the cigarette law. They had better look it up and beware, for there is a penalty for giving those poisonous, vile things to children and minors. ALSO Three Fresh Air girls, from New York City, are being entertained by Mrs. Sophia, Mrs. Shannon and Mrs. Mack.
Hallstead – Mrs. S.S. Craft has been notified that her son, Private Sherman Craft, was severely wounded in France on May 28. He was a comrade of Private Mark O’Neill, who was killed in action a short time ago. Other Hallstead men who arrived overseas are Sergeant A. Lynn Merrell, Privates William J. Kirby, Archie Tanner and musician, Jack Connors.
Silver Lake – There was an exciting time in St Joseph, Sunday afternoon, when our Laurel Lake ball team defeated the Middletown boys by a high score.
Parkville, Dimock Twp. – It looks fine to see Jay Tingley, of Dimock, out with his meat wagon, selling meat again to his many customers.
News Brief: The government is about to assume control of the entire medical profession in the United States to obtain sufficient number of doctors for the fast growing army and at the same time distribute those remaining to the localities for service where they are most needed for civilian work. ALSO A large cargo of relief supplies, principally food stuffs, clothing and medicine, is to be dispatched to Russia by the American Red Cross at the earliest possible moment. A special ship will be used for the purpose and the cargo will be accompanied and distributed by a group of Red Cross representatives who will work under the direction of the American Red Cross Commission now in Russia. ALSO The death of Quentin Roosevelt, son of former President Roosevelt, has been confirmed by the Germans. He was buried where he fell with military honors. The German report said he died fighting, his dash and daring causing him to be cut-off by enemy aviators and surrounded by greater numbers he was brought down. Major Theodore Roosevelt was also wounded in the leg while leading a charge at Chateau Thierry.
200 Years Ago, from the Montrose Gazette, July 25, 1818.
*HAIL STORM. On Sunday afternoon last, we were visited by a hail storm, more severe than is in the recollection of the oldest inhabitants. The cloud approached from the northwest, and seemed to hang over the adjacent country for some time before it burst. The hail was generally about the size of cherries, though some were much larger. On the Plains one was measured which was five inches in circumference—in Kingston many fell the size of a hen’s egg, & in Exeter, one measured eight inches in circumference, and another ten inches. The hail was generally, in the centre, white like snow, and on the outside as clear as ice. There was no wind of any consequence, while the hail was falling, but notwithstanding, there were a number of window glass broken and the grain somewhat injured, though much less than could be expected, from the size and quantity of the hail that fell. The lightning was incessant, and the flashes very vivid descending from the clouds to the earth in one continued stream of fire. From the Susquehanna Democrat, July 17, 1818. (Possibly Wilkes-Barre, PA)
Compiled By: Betty Smith