Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 26 1912/2012
New Milford - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter, and daughter, Olivia Carpenter, and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Carpenter, of Hallstead, have just returned from a motor trip through Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Canada, Lake Ontario, Dansville and Elmira. The trip was made in H. B. Carpenter’s new Ford automobile, and covered over 800 miles.
Meshoppen - Skinwaw, a full blooded Indian living near Salamanca, NY is spending a few days in this vicinity, visiting the scenes of his childhood. He was born at Meshoppen some 25 years ago. Many of our older readers will recall his father, who gained considerable fame as an Indian doctor.
Camp Choconut, Friendsville - Levi Wells, of Kentucky, aged 55 years, a colored cook at Camp Choconut, died July 24, from acute bronchitis. Dr. E. L. Handrick was the attending physician. The deceased was unmarried. F. W. Hart, undertaker of this place, yesterday prepared the body for burial.
Forest City - Horsemen are interested in establishing a driving park here. A committee has been appointed to see about selecting a site, which will probably be located on the flat south of Farrell’s Hotel, if the project materializes. ALSO Patrick McAvoy, aged 93 years, Forest City’s oldest resident, died July 15, 1912, having attained his 93d year the day previous. He had been about the house on his birthday and was in apparently good health. He was born in Ireland July 14th 1819. Three sons and four daughters survive, his wife having died at Herrick six years ago.
West Auburn - The West Auburn Creamery Co. has been doing an unusually large butter business the past season, due to the fact that another skimming station was opened at Neath. This takes the milk from the section surrounding Potterville and South Warren. The butter fat is taken to the central creamery at LeRaysville, of which B. L. Taylor is manager, and there made into butter. During the height of the season about 1,000 pounds was made daily—the product of about eleven tons of milk.
Montrose - Like other borough ordinances, the one which prohibits riding bicycles or other vehicles on the sidewalks of Montrose is constantly violated. Only recently a most serious accident was prevented by prompt action of a man who took the brunt of a collision to save a woman from injury. We have an excellent Chief of Police. He cannot prevent lawlessness, but he can arrest those who ride bicycles on the sidewalk and thereby endanger life and limb of pedestrians. ALSO After 14 years of debt, the Rough & Ready Fire Co. No. 1 paid off their chemical engine, the original cost being $1000.
Susquehanna - Mrs. H. F. Dolan has been arrested by Deputy U. S. Marshall Hugh Evans, of Scranton, charged with violating the postal statutes. She is charged with having used the mail to injure the character of a well known Susquehanna married woman and two of her young lady friends. A hearing was given Mrs. Dolan before U. S. Commissioner W. A. Skinner, and she pleaded not guilty and emphatically denied all the charges.
Fairdale - Dr. R. A. Torrey and son, Reuben, L. H. Griffis and H. M. Cole were here on Sunday, where they attended the morning church services and heard a sermon by the Rev. James Lawson. Reuben Torrey favored the congregation with a solo.
Lakeview - The Hall and Lamb Reunion will be held Aug. 14 at the home of S. E. and J. C. Morse. All friends and their families are cordially invited to attend.
Springville - The Springville Giants played Camp Pokanoket, of Lake Carey. The latter is composed of some high class players and the game proved to be the best ever witnessed in Springville. The fans were kept guessing throughout the grueling contest, which ended with the score being 8--5 in favor of Springville.
Forest Lake - We hardly realize what a little village we are getting at the lakeside. There are eleven cottages—some new ones and many improvements in and around others. Among those now occupying cottages are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway and Miss Grace Tibbetts, Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mr. Bradshaw, Mrs. Caleb Bush, Miss Nash, Mr. Safford, Mr. and Miss Lee, with a whole lot of their friends who fish and gain health for the work that is to come later. The Stone reunion is planned for Saturday.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Thomas McGavin had a bee last Tuesday to raise the new barn he is building.
Lawsville, Liberty Twp. - Thomas Mahoney wears a smile—a 10--pound grandson, Thomas Mahoney, Jr.
Glenwood - We wish some people in this town would lay down their great burden of sins. We know they would feel better and happier. The writer has been accused of firing some hot shots at certain individuals. We are not guilty. We have none but the kindest regards for every citizen of this town and community. Put us to the test and we will prove it. Don’t pick out an item against certain propositions and harbor them as a direct slur at you. Don’t accuse us of being personal. We have got enough sins to answer for that are true. We want to be a benefit to every one in this vicinity, if possible. Don’t go to carrying imaginary burdens. It is energy wasted.
News Briefs - A new design will be used on 5 cent pieces in the near future. The present one doesn’t coincide with the Treasury Department’s conception of art, and will be changed entirely. Sec. McVeagh has decided to replace the Goddess of Liberty on the face of the nickel, with a buffalo. The reverse side of the new coin will contain the head of an Indian. ALSO: Postmaster General Hitchcock has issued an order to all postmasters that will affect flirtatious people and those using the mail for clandestine purposes. For some time the general delivery window of postoffices has been used by young people to carry on correspondence with people their parents might object to, the mail not being delivered in the usual way but called for at the general delivery window. Under Hitchcock’s new regulation, postmasters may require all persons to furnish in writing their names and addresses and statements of their reasons for preferring to receive their mail at the general delivery. Minors may also be required to furnish the names of their parents, in order that they may be notified and have an opportunity to control the delivery of mail to their children.
Compiled By: Betty Smith