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July 26 1895/1995

Brooklyn – Miss Candace Brown of Foster, has been hired as Principal of Brooklyn graded school, and Miss Ollie Wilson, of Lanesboro, will be her assistant, Miss Edith Kent will teach the Primary department. Following are the teachers engaged for the district schools: Alford, Clara Oakley; Kingsley, Gertie Ely; Lindaville, Grace McKever; Five Corners, Hettie Caswell; Watrous, Emma Aldrich.

Hallstead – The Hallstead Base Ball nine has completed organization and secured, through the intercession of Gould Capwell, the privilege of maintaining a ball ground on the property of the Land Improvement Co., adjoining Lake Drive. It is contemplated to make this a means of recreation for the railroad men when off duty. As an evidence of the enterprise of the nine. John Tyler has been named for captain and managers. AND The neatly constructed Bell tower that has been added to Fireman’s Headquarters exhibits the ability of Contractor F.H. Johnston to remodel old buildings. The Alarm Bell to hang in the tower was donated by the D.L.&W. officials at Scranton. It was formerly the property of the Textile company.

Dimock – Henry Gerritson, of Lynn, is laying the walls of the foundation of for O.W. Chase’s new store building, and he is master of his business.

Forest City – John, son of W.W. Smith, who lost his leg several months ago in the Hillside mines at this place, had it amputated at the knee last week at the Lackawanna hospital in Scranton. This the second amputation for Johnny, He is improving nicely.

Auburn – Mr. Bernard Reilly has got a new team of horses. They are steppers, he says. This is what Bernard likes. Let him come along side with Father Lafferty; he will blind him. AND Father Lafferty has a new carriage. It is a beauty. ANDRumored that Jas. (Squire) Donlin Jr., is thinking of entering into the matrimonial business at an early date. Go ahead Squire. There is a favorable report of good crops. It is not good for man to be alone. Take in a partner.

Bridgewater – A large band of gypsies encamped at Williams’ Pond the first of the week, attracted many of our citizens to that place. The usual amount of bartering, fortune telling and horse swapping was indulged in.

Montrose – Montrose will in a few days have a telephone system in operation, a modern convenience – we might say a necessity, which we should have had in this town some time ago. We are moving along slowly, but we are moving. The telephone will soon be in operation here, and in a few weeks our people will wonder how they were able to get along it all these years. Now let us not delay taking another stride in the line of modern progress; let us have an electric lighting plant, and let us not defer taking this step. The streets of Montrose are not properly lighted; every one is compelled to admit this. A few oil lamps, scattered through the town at long intervals, do not serve the purposes of the people in these modern progressive times. No very large amount of capital will be required to establish a plant of sufficient proportions to answer the needs of this town. The town would not be bankrupted nor the tax-payers oppressed to properly light the streets at night. Enough of our business men and private citizens would use electricity for lighting their places of business and residences to assure a fair and liberal return to those who shall invest their money in the enterprise.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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