Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 25 1913/2013
Hallstead - At a meeting of the recently organized patrol of the Boy Scouts in this place, which was held in the DuBois building on Saturday evening, the following officers were elected—Patrol Leader, Gregory McCreary; Assistant, Henry Clayton. They are making arrangements for a trip to Elk Mountain for a week’s camping sojourn. Arthur W. DuBois will accompany the party.
Jackson - Franklin Barnes, aged 93 years, died at his home near Jackson on July 10, 1913. He was a veteran of the Civil War and a man respected by all who knew him. His wife died some years ago and he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Selinda Benson, of Jackson, and two sons, B. F. Barnes, of Thompson, and K. D. Barnes, of Windsor, NY. The funeral service was held Saturday morning, it being the 93d. anniversary of his birth. Interment in North Jackson Cemetery. [Franklin S. Barnes was a member of Co. C, 151st Regiment. He was wounded at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, and mustered out with the company, July 27, 1863].
Birchardville - Miss Chadija C. Dayton, who is training in the Rochester Homeopathic Hospital, is spending a few days at her home here.
Elk Lake - The following young people are enjoying a week’s outing at the Stewart cottage, where Mrs. Mame Stewart and sons are spending the summer: Misses Helen Burns, Dorothy Cruser, Sue Armstrong, Anna Struppler and Messrs Carlisle Smith, Norman Stewart, Charles Mackey and William Finn.
New Milford - The New Milford Advertiser says the automobile signs in its village are six feet long, but the speed fiends go through the town so fast they do not seem able to see them and the slower going motorists, who can read the signs, don’t need the admonishment. The only solution seems to be to enter the fines on the borough cash book. But the new state automobile law establishes a general speed limit of 24 miles an hour, making local ordinances ineffective. So here’s more trouble for our sister town.
Factoryville - Young women students can board at Keystone Academy no more. Hereafter it will be conducted as a boy’s boarding school. Young ladies who live at home or can find board outside may come to the institution to recite.
Glenwood - Mrs. Frank Miller, of Cameron Corners, met with a surprise last week. On going up stairs she encountered a large black snake, lying on the carpet, that measured over six feet. She hastily called her son, Floyd, who in a short time dispatched Mr. Snake to lower quarters. It is thought that he gained entrance upstairs by the aid of a peach tree growing close by an open window.
Dimock - Several summer boarders are stopping on the large Dolan farm during the warm weather. They are mostly from Wilkes Barre. Tom Dolan now drives a fine colt which leaves the dust far behind.
Hop Bottom - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, of Toledo, Ohio, and mother, Mrs. E. P. Gillispie, of Binghamton, were recent guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Alva Scott. Mrs. Scott is a feeble old lady, 82 years of age, and [she] enjoyed her first automobile ride to Hop Bottom in her grandson’s car, not having been in town before in over a year. Mr. and Mrs. Brown came from Toledo in the automobile, coming by way of Niagara Falls, making a trip of nearly 600 miles.
Lanesboro - Friday morning, Raymond Lyons, ten year old son of Dr. Ray Lyons, had a narrow escape from drowning at Lanesboro. With other boys, the lad was amusing himself near the binnacle in “skipping stones.” One of the boys threw a stone which accidentally struck Raymond on the back of the head, dazing him and being near the water’s edge, he fell into the stream. The water is quite deep at this point and being unable to swim, the lad sank immediately. One of the larger boys, retaining his presence of mind, jumped in and rescued the lad before he sank. Aside from a bad cut on the head the boy is not much the worse for his experience and is able to be about today. However, Thomas Reed, aged 19 years was not so fortunate and was drowned while bathing in the Susquehanna River at a point known as “the rocks” near Lanesboro, at about 6:30 o’clock on Saturday evening. It is supposed he was attacked by cramps. Edward Lannon, of Oakland, went to his rescue and succeeded in bringing his lifeless body to shore. Dr. Lyons was summoned, but all efforts to restore life were unavailing. The body was taken to the home of his father, near Comfort’s Pond, from which place the funeral was held Tuesday.
Fowler Hill, Auburn Twp. - The dogs made sad marks with J. Wooton’s sheep, Thursday night, also Bruce Swisher’s, killing several and hurting others.
Silver Lake - Royal Meeker, of Princeton, NJ, has been named by President Wilson as commissioner of labor statistics. Mr. Meeker is a native of Silver Lake, a son of William Meeker and a brother of Postmaster George W. Meeker, of Lawsville. Mr. Meeker has been a close friend of the president for many years and accompanied him on his campaign through New Jersey for governor.
Heart Lake - Mr. Hadsell’s cottage, on the east shore of the lake, is nearing completion and when finished will be one of the finest at the lake.
Binghamton - Forty-one bodies have been recovered from the burned Binghamton Clothing Co. factory, which was destroyed by fire on Tuesday, and is believed there are still 12 victims in the ruins. Of the 123 girl workers in the factory, it is believed 50 have lost their lives and nearly as many more received injuries, some of whom have died in the hospitals. Thinking the alarm was only a fire drill, many of the girls were tardy in getting in line to march out. Others lost valued time in going to the locker rooms for coats and hats. Many of the girls loitered along, still believing it a drill. Miss Nellie Connor and Sidney Dimock did heroic work in getting the girls out of the building but many of the girls, including Miss Connor, who remained until the last, were cut off from escape, the stairways being in flames. Rushing to the fourth floor they attempted to descend by the fire escapes, only to find flames bursting out beneath them. Dimock reached safety but twice went back and brought out the limp form of a girl. The third time he returned to the rescue he did not reappear. It is planned to bury the unidentified remains in one large grave and a public funeral will probably be held in Stone Opera House Sunday afternoon. The cause of the fire is being investigated.
Compiled By: Betty Smith