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July 25 1890/1990

Montrose - Remember this! That the parade of Allen's Great Eastern Shows through the principal streets of all towns and cities is a noteworthy feature and should be witnessed by all. Be on hand early. Take up a good position on the line of the parade and see all. The pageant will headed by our famous military band in a golden chariot drawn by eight Arabian horses. Coming to Montrose on July 31.

Susquehanna - Allen C. Brooks, Ed Bush, Duncan Brooks and Willie Hall started yesterday morning in a rowboat, down the Susquehanna to Wilkes-Barre. The trip, which is of course for pleasure, will occupy two weeks, the boys camping out during the time.

Union Dale- Boat riding on a moonlit evenings is to be one of the most attractive amusements for the young ladies and gents.

Montrose - Lackawanna & Montrose R.R., Work on the railroad is booming under the direction of Joseph Page, who has some 50 men grading on the mountainside. One gang has already graded about half a mile, just east of A.J. Baldwin's, on the mountain side, while another gang is working at a point nearer Heart Lake, at the Henry Northrop place. They use the old Northrop house as headquarters for the dusty diggers.

Forest City- In 1880, Forest City was a lumber camp, containing 23 inhabitants. Now it has a population of 2,300, which gives her the distinction of being the second largest town in Susquehanna County, Susquehanna being the first and Montrose the third.

Ararat - This country, experienced a snowstorm last Saturday, July 19. Ararat is pretty well up in the air but a snowstorm in July, how's that for high?

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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