Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 24 1914/2014
Forest City – In the July 18th issue of Collier’s Weekly is an interesting article, “Money and the Movies,” which gleams strongly of local color. The writer narrates of a Forest City man, who was a live insurance agent, who is now one of the movie magnates of the nation. The man is S. L. Rothapfel, who resided in Forest City up to a few years ago. He is now the manager of the Strand Theater on Broadway, New York, which represents an investment of over $1,000,000 and has a seating capacity of 3,500. Of the former Forest City man, it is written: “One or more episodes will serve to show in another way the extraordinary advance in the picture theater. Exactly 6 years ago a live young insurance agent, S. L. Rothapfel, settled down in Forest City, because he happened to marry a girl whose father lived there. It was ion the hard coal district; there was little opportunity for writing policies there, so he started a picture show over a saloon in a side street. He rented 250 undertaker’s chairs on which to seat his audience. The admission fee was 10 cents. Rothapfel operated the projecting machine and kept the phonograph going. Today he is manager of the Strand Theatre which is the newest and most elaborate house dedicated to the silent drama in the United States. Such is the swift evolution of some men connected with picture showing.” [In 1931 Mr. Rothapfel “is to direct the greatest theatre of all time, the International Music Hall, in New York City, a central unit of the $250,000,000 John D. Rockefeller, Jr., building project popularly known as “Radio City.” (Continued next week)
South Montrose – Otto Koab [Koeb], B. S., A.M., of Stanford University, California, is spending his vacation at E. B. Browning’s, in South Montrose. Prof. Koab’s [Koeb] native home is in Basil, Switzerland, and he has been a world-wide traveler. [According to our marriage records, “At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Browning, South Montrose, 6-3-1915, at noon, occurred the marriage of Miss Emerald E. Browning and Mr. Otto Koeb, of Berkeley, Cal., by Rev. Carla Councilman. Independent Republican, 6-4-1915]
Susquehanna – Mr. Benway, an electrician employed by the Susquehanna Light & Power Co., was electrocuted in mid-air Friday afternoon, by coming in contact with a live wire. His body was taken to his home for burial Sunday. He is survived by his wife. They had only lived here about a month but had made many friends who sympathize with her in her awful affliction.
Montrose – The “Fats” and “Leans” met under a summer sky for a game of ball for the benefit of the Library fund—receipts being nearly $30. The game was replete with humorous sensations of base running, Bill Lorimer, Jim VanCampen, Dr. Birchard, Geo. Burns, Charlie Lage and all that legion of fat renowns featured in this department of the game, while Billy Cox was conspicuous for his absence. N. Warner’s catching showed his old time form, but it must be acknowledged that the Leans with Voss, Lott, Zried, Brewster, Remmele, Donlin and other lean celebrities proved too speedy for the humorous “Fats.” The score was Fats, 12; Leans, 20. Each team was conspicuous for its yellow and blue caps furnished by Frank Caruso, proprietor of the Walk Over Shoe Store.
Silver Lake – “Rose and Russell Farms Roads Barred to Autos and Other Vehicles.” Scores of motorists, who have in years before visited Silver Lake, will be disappointed to know that the one entrance to the lake for autos or carriages has been closed to outsiders by residents of the property, known as the Rose farm. Motorists have flocked to Silver Lake from Binghamton and the outlying districts, eaten their lunches on the banks of the lake and returned contented with the day’s outing. Autos last year were allowed to cross certain portions of the Russell farm but this has also been stopped and persons are only allowed to walk across the property. These two roads are the only possible entrance to the lake with vehicles and when uninformed motorists arrive there from long distances in expectation of running their cars to the lake shore, they are disappointed. The present road only brings one to within half mile of the lake, and as it is surrounded with groves of trees, the water can hardly be seen. Over 100 motorists journeyed to the lake July 4, but were turned away by the caretaker of the property.—Binghamton Press
Royal, Clifford Twp. – Five State Road surveyors have been surveying the proposed State Road from Royal to Glenwood, last week. They are fine fellows and made it pretty lively two or three nights. ALSO, in Clifford, Elmer Finn, our retired merchant, is still a very busy man. In addition to an extensive business selling farm machinery, he supervises the business of the Clifford creamery, which in addition to the home plant, has four skimming stations. He has charge of marketing the butter also.
Rush – W. H. Wilcox, who was a member of the 50th Penn’a Volunteers, Co. D., died quite suddenly July 9th, 1914. He was a former resident of Rush and will be remembered by all of the veterans in and around Montrose. He entered the ranks and was gradually promoted for bravery until he reached the rank of First Lieutenant. He was a brother of Mr. Wilcox and Mrs. Delia Griffin, of Rush.
Lenoxville – Miss Pearl Ransom has been hired to teach our fall and winter term at the Wright school house. Now we hope to get some of those old-fashioned school days. Reading, writing and arithmetic will be taught by the tune of a hickory-stick. We wish her success.
Elk Lake – A horse belonging to G. R. Bishop became frightened by an automobile and ran from Miss Arnold’s store to C. E. Lowe’s, where it was caught by Miss Daley.
Great Bend – A glove factory, to employ about 150 persons, is projected at Great Bend. Norman H. Parke, of the Black Horn Leather Co., Great Bend, is back of the movement, it being felt by him for some time that a glove factory would be feasible in using part of the output of this tannery. A glove manufactory is anxious to locate at that place.
Springville – Miss Margaret Reynolds came here to take charge of the soda water fountain just installed in the store of Brown & Reynolds, her brother, Ward W. Reynolds, being the junior member of the firm. The fountain was purchased of Druggist F. D. Morris, [Montrose] who went to Springville and instructed the buyers in the method of operation.
Stevens Point – George Hawkins has a new auto. Now the girls will have a ride.
Kingsley – The Y. P. C. U. of the Universalist church will gave an entertainment July 31, consisting of vocal solos and duets, violin music, piano solos and duets, and recitations by Ruth Jeffers, followed by a drama, “How the Story Grew.” The cast will include Mrs. Bertha Capron, Miss Julia Stearns, Mrs. Myrtle Adams, Mrs. Maggie Tiffany, Mrs. Lucy Goodrich, Mrs. Merle Tingley, Misses Alma Goodrich and Louise Stearns.
Pure Bred Cows – It is doubtful if there is another county ion the State that has, according to population, such a large percentage of pure-bred cows as Susquehanna. Stock selling from $500 to $2,000 per head is not unusual. Only recently H. S. Brown, of Jackson, sold a half interest in his pure-bred Holstein bull, Walter Korndyke Copia, 60889, to George E. Page, of Gibson, for $1,000. Mr. Page has a fine herd of thoroughbred Holsteins and was glad to purchase at that price an interest in so valuable a sire.
Compiled By: Betty Smith