Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 24 1891/1991
Hop Bottom - On Monday, our town was startled by the alarm of fire, which broke out in the roof of the Exchange Hotel. All effort to extinguish the fire was useless. The next to follow was the Depot, then the Hotel barn, Knapp's Photograph Gallery, Mrs. J.P. Tingley's dwelling house, and store and barn, and Rhoda Case's barn, completely in ruins. Rhoda Case's house was partly burned and would have been wholly destroyed, had it not been for the Hallstead Fire Company, which was summoned. There were nine families that lost by the fire beside the Railroad Company. Six families carried no insurance. Those that suffered loss from the fire were Asa Day, Mrs. William Rhodes and son, John Bisbee, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Laura Green, Mrs. J.P. Tingley, Dr. Johnstone, Elijah Tingley, Mrs. Rhoda Case, and Mr. Knapp. Our thanks are due the fire company and others who so kindly assisted us.
Gibson - The Pickering Family Gathering will be held on Aug 26 at Samuel Holmes.
Montrose - We received this week from our old friend Geo. Harvey, of Rush, a bag of elegant new potatoes, fine early Rose, and if anybody thinks they can best same, let then send along their samples. Mr. Harvey will please accept the thanks of The Democrat. [The staff at The Democratseem to be a well-fed crew, they also enjoyed a watermelon from Griffis' Restaurant and Fruit Store on Public Ave]
Susquehanna - C.E. Whitney, the popular Susquehanna correspondent and brilliant recorder of "small talk," [and "big talk" as well] has, like G.W., the Father of his Country, had an experience with a cherry tree. But Whit didn't carve the tree, he simply tumbled out of one while helping pick the luscious fruit, and sprained his ankle. Our advice to a bird that can't fly [nor sing] better than Cherry-tree Experimenter Whitney would be, were we urged to give it [which we are not] to keep out of the cherry trees, the ground is good enough for us scribblers.
Stevens Point - The long needed rain has come and all nature looks refreshed.
Harford - The wedding of E.E. Jones and Miss Hattie Sweet took place at the bride's home, Tuesday, 14th. About 35 invitations were extended. Among the guests were Prof. H.S. Sweet and wife, of Orvisburg, Miss. The happy couple left for Niagara Falls. We understand their trip will extend to Colorado, and will last about two weeks. We wish them much happiness. Both are Nine Partners; Mr. Jones in the family of John Carpenter and Miss Sweet in that of Hosea Tiffany.
Dimock - S.O. Culver has finished papering the interior of the Baptist Church. Come and see the artistic manner in which the paper is put on.
Compiled By: Betty Smith