Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 23 1897/1997
Montrose – Norman Stuart, Win Conklin M.S. Heller and F.D. Morris, members of the Montrose gun club, went to New Milford last week to try their skill with the crack shots over there. The first was won by Brush of New Milford and the second by Norman Stewart of the Montrose club, with a score of 21.
Heart Lake – Mr. Crofut, of the Heart Lake Spring House, has added another novelty of attractiveness to his place in the line of a revolving star that is 20 feet in diameter, revolved by clockwork mechanism, illuminated by lanterns of many colors. The light and shadow looks beautiful on the water, and draws attention at once to the Spring Grove.
Auburn – Mrs. Geo. Hyde, one day last week, was badly injured by jumping from the wagon when going at the rate of less thani40 miles an hour. She thought rather than to ride at that rate with her husband, she would take her chances m jumping, which resulted as above stated.
Lake View – The C.E.S. held an ice cream and strawberry social on the church lawn The receipts were about ten dollars. The following program was given: Vocal duet, Mrs. Henderson and Ms. Washburn; citation Miss Claude Norton; vocal solo. Master Clayton Wilmarth; select reading, Lena Barrett; vocal solo, Mr. Louis McCauley: select reading Mrs. Corse.
Hallstead – Mystery surrounds the whereabouts of John McAuliffe. He left home about three weeks ago and not a sign of him can be found. His family are much worried over his absence for it is feared he has met with foul play.
Harford – The Felton family reunion will be held at the home of Ed Tanner on the Henry Sweet farm, Aug. 18. AND During a thundershower Miss Sarah Adams' house was struck by lightning. Her shoes were torn from her feet and one foot burned some, oilcloths and rags were torn up and the roof somewhat damaged. She was able to be about the house next day attending to other duties.
Lawsville Center – The meeting of the Blowers ramify will be held a H.W. Howard's Sept. 4. The last meeting was" held at A.W Snow's. Franklin Forks Sept 5,1896, with 52 relatives present
Union Dale – The entertainment at the Presbyterian church, in which the scenes of Pilgrims Progress was thrown upon the canvas interspersed by choice selections by the phono'graph, was greatly enjoyed and highly appreciated.
Flynn – A number of our young men are willing to help Mr. John Lane do his haying if he only gives us a chance.
Clifford – Several fresh air children are rusticating in Clifford this week.
Susquehanna – Manager McMahon of the Susquehanna [baseball] Club is arranging a date with the Cuban Giants. AND The Susquehanna Club is downing about all the clubs in this section. Today it is undoubtedly one of the best amateur teams in Northern Pennsylvania
Lanesboro – Delaware and Hudson officials now admit that the [rail] road has in contemplation the building of a branch between Lanesboro to Carbondale.
Susquehanna County – Alaskan Gold: The exodus from Seattle to the Klondike gold fields began Sunday, stimulated by the piles of gold dust that came down on the steamer Portland and by the wonderful stones of the richness of Ac mines told by the fortunate miners. Early in the morning crowds began gathering at the ocean dock from which the regular steamers sail every five days to witness the departure of the steamer Aiki. There were men, women, children, horses cattle, sheep and hogs, all bound for the wonderful gold regions going overland by way of Juneau. The deck of the ship was being converted into stock pens, and scores of carpenters were engaged in the construction of stalls. The horses are to be used as pack animals and the cattle and sheep will be converted into dollar steaks for the hungry Klondikers. Hundreds that anticipated taking the first ship were turned away disappointed. However, 200 were sandwiched in the cabin and steerage, with the cattle on deck and the horses and sheep in the hold. These gold seekers are permitted by the steamship companies to carry the usual amount of baggage besides provisions enough to last a year. AND In Susquehanna County, several of our young men are talking of starting soon for the gold fields.
Compiled By: Betty Smith