Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
July 22 1910/2010
Bridgewater Township - Miss Virginia Harrison, a former saleslady at Marvin's store, has returned from Hallstead to her home at Williams' Pond, where she will remain a few weeks. Miss Harrison will enter the training school for nurses in a Scranton hospital about September 1.
Susquehanna - The Erie running team won the silver trumpet given as the trophy at the annual tournament of the fire companies from all points along the system, which was held at Meadville on Saturday. The companies contesting were obliged to run 300 feet with a heavy hose cart lay 200 feet of hose and turn on a stream of water. A short rest was then given, when the hose was uncoupled, re-wound on the reel and the run made back to the starting point. The time was 32 seconds for the run and the recovery was made in 571/4 seconds. The other competing teams were: Jersey City, Port Jervis, Hornell, Buffalo, Salamanca, Meadville, Galion and Huntingdon.
Montrose - A lecture entitled, "The Dude and the Tramp," will be given in ion African Methodist Episcopal church this Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, by the pastor, Rev. C. Campbell. A chorus will render jubilee Negro songs such as "Swing Low Sweet Chariot," "Jacob's Ladder," "Getting' A Ready To Die," etc. Admission 25 cents, including cream. The refreshment committee is as follows: Chester Case, George Cruser and Sampson Reid.
Brooklyn - The Presbyterians of Brooklyn will celebrate their centennial on August 7 and 8. Sunday morning Rev. Ebenezer Flack, of Scranton, will preach. In the evening an historical sermon will be delivered by Rev. R. L. Roberts. Monday morning an historical service will be held and several addresses will be made. At 12:30 dinner will be served, followed by an informal reception.
New Milford - G. W. Hill, of the Robinson Tanning Co., killed a pilot snake about two and a half feet in length in the tannery last Friday. The water for the tannery is conducted from the creek through an eighteen-inch tile pipe, and about midway between the tannery and the creek the pipe had been broken by heavy teams driving over it. During the dry weather the snakes had come down from the hill to the water and this one had taken refuge in the pipe while the water was turned off. When the water was turned on to fill the vats his snakeship was washed through into the large supply tank to the tannery. A quantity of strips about 7 feet in length had been placed in the tank to soak, and the snake crawled up and coiled itself on top of them. Mr. Hill went to put in some more sticks and came near putting his hand on the reptile before he discovered its presence. A boy standing by saw the snake and gave a warning. The snake was killed with a piece of iron pipe, and was found to be a pilot, one of the most venomous snakes found in this section.
South Gibson - Mr..and Mrs. Frank Pritchard entertained the Aid Society last Thursday evening. Ice cream and cake were served in the house and on the lawn. The band furnished fine music and our young cornetist, Harry Pickering, played a selection, accompanied by Mrs. G. B. Resseguie on the piano. The attendance was good.
Lanesboro - Elmer States, who resides near here, on Sunday afternoon, killed a rattlesnake on his farm measuring 5 feet and having 12 rattles.
Alford - J. P. Roach has recently severed his connection with the Hubbard House, which he has ably conducted the past spring and summer. Mr. Hubbard has again assumed charge.
Stevens Point - Richard Bailey had his jaw broken, received a bad scalp wound and sustained a number of body bruises, Monday morning, while alighting from a freight train at Thompson. He jumped while the train was going at a rapid rate and was picked up unconscious. He was taken to the Barnes Memorial Hospital at Susquehanna, where he is recovering.
Herrick Center - The town has been alarmed the past week over a case of small pox that has broken out. Frank Wayman is the victim and is under the care of Dr. Craft. He is under a strict quarantine and getting along nicely. What worries the neighborhood, however, is the fact that prior to the discovery of the nature of the disease quite a number of people visited the Wayman household. Three have been vaccinated but it is too early to tell if there will be any bad effects from the exposure. A State inspector has visited the case and confirmed Dr. Craft in his opinion as to the nature of the disease. It is said that Wayman has visited down the valley and was there exposed to the disease.
Kingsley - Two of the houses owned by the Chemical Co. here were burned Friday evening. The fire caught from a defective chimney in the residence of Benjamin Dailey, spreading so rapidly that the two buildings were soon in flames. In the small village there is no way of coping with the flames other than the bucket brigade and little could be done to prevent the disaster. Practically none of the household goods were saved. The loss to the company will be considerable as there was no insurance. Kingsley people are temporarily caring those rendered homeless for.
Heart Lake - Every cottage is filled and the season is unusually lively. One of the crying needs of the Lake, however, is a well managed boarding house, where accommodations may be had at all times, and especially on Sundays, when more visitors than common flock in. Every Thursday night the light fantastic toe is tripped in the pavilion with music discoursed by Mahon's orchestra.
Thompson - Willard Spencer has purchased a motorcycle. It is a four-cylinder Pierce.
Harford - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shannon are very pleasantly situated in the Shannon house on Main Street.
Rush - Great excitement prevailed in our town about noon on Friday of last week, when the news that the creamery was on fire stirred every man to seize his bucket and hurry to the scene. The fire was extinguished, but not until about half the roof of the tub room was burned. Creamery man Hardin and wife were testing milk when the fire was discovered. A spark from the engine is supposed to have been the cause.
Silver Lake - Those visiting Silver Lake will miss a landmark. The summer house between Sheldencroft and Col. West's was burned last winter. AND A young man living in Brooklyn, N.Y., and well known at the lake by some, added another to the list of Fourth of July accidents. His eye was injured by fireworks and the doctor took three stitches in the outer covering of the eye and hopes to save the sight.
Compiled By: Betty Smith