Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 22 1892/1992
Jones Lake [now Lake Montrose] - J.W. Mott, proprietor of Mott's Mills, just below Jones' Lake has purchased 25,000 pounds of wool this season. In addition to Mott's flannels, which have gained an enviable reputation, Mr. Mott is now manufacturing woolen underwear of a superior quality.
Montrose - The fall and winter term of the Montrose Graded School will open in the new school building, on Monday Sept. 5, to continue eight months. The following is the list of teachers engaged for the term: Principal, Prof. B.E. James; Assistant, Miss Lou C. Kent; Recitation Room, Miss Kate Quinlan; A Grammar, Mrs. I.M. Gray; Grammar, Miss Lucy M. Morse; Primary, Miss Mattie Birchard; Primary, Miss Elizabeth Alien; A Primary, Miss Jennie Pen go.
Susquehanna - The work upon the superstructure of the new Episcopal Church on West Main Street is well underway. It promises to be an imposing structure and will add beauty of the town.
New Milford- Report says Drs. Joachim and Hatch extracted 250 teeth here last Saturday. AND Hayden Hawley has been tendered a position in Cornell University. True merit always finds its proper recognition. Success to the young man.
Lathrop - All are busy having and have no time for news.
Hallstead - Tuesday afternoon, July 19, DL & W passenger train No. 1 struck a mule team at a crossing a short distance north of the McKinney crossing between New Milford and Hallstead. The team was owned by Charles Hoffman, who operates a stone quarry in that vicinity. He had a heavy load of stone and was crossing the track when No. 1 ran him down. The pilot of the engine struck the wagon at the front wheels, throwing it from the track and smashing it to smithereens. One of the mules was killed, but its mate broke loose and escaped. The engine was so badly stoved up that it had to be sent to Scranton for repairs.
Susquehanna County - This is the way the road question appears to the editorial teamster on the Bradford Era. "We have in this country the same kind of roads the Indians had when Columbus discovered it 400 years ago this fall. The only difference is we have cleared away the shade and made our roads a little wider. They are of a kind that is wholly unsatisfactory, and the time that has elapsed has shown the futility of trying to build roads of soft mud. A new and better system is absolutely necessary to the prosperity of the country." AND The buffalo bug is a comparatively new pest in households, but hundreds of housewives have learned to fear him. He has various forms in various stages of being, so as to describe a buffalo bug is to tell what he is from worm to fly He is best known, perhaps, as a hard shelled, dark brown thing, not unlike the ladybug in shape. He will lunch on any fabric woolen or hempen, and what he does not eat he destroys. Sometimes he starts on the edge of a carpet or a rug and eats his way around a room. Only poison can stay his course. Sometimes he nets into the crack of a floor and cats the carpet in a straight line from end to end. When the bug starts on such a tour the housewives only recourse is to saturate her carpet with turpentine.
Compiled By: Betty Smith