Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 21 1916/2016
Hop Bottom – On July 3rd about 40 invited relatives assembled at the pleasant home of Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Wright to celebrate their golden wedding. An elaborate dinner was served at 1 p.m. Five were present that were, 50 years ago, at Wm. P. Crandall’s when the Rev. S. F. Brown, of Brooklyn M. E. church, officiated at the wedding of this estimable couple. [Two newspaper photos accompany the announcement, one on the day of their marriage, and one on the day of their 50th anniversary].
Hallstead – The death of George M. Lamb occurred July 11. He retired as a Lackawanna engineer about two years ago, having for 40 years been an engineer on a run between Binghamton and Washington, NJ.
Scranton Times, June 23 – At the age of 100 years and nine months, according to the reckoning of her family, Mrs. Sarah Johnson, colored, formerly of Montrose, died at her home in Winton [now Jessup]. Last summer it was announced that Mrs. Johnson had attained the 100th anniversary of her birth. John Johnson, husband, died six years ago, and it was then reckoned by the family that he was 106 years old. The husband was a slave before the war—escaping to the North through the famous underground railroad, which landed the refugees in Montrose. He joined the army when war came. Mrs. Johnson was born in Lackawaxen twp, Pike county, and lived there for some time. She also lived for years in Moscow, and came to Winton about 30 years ago. From the time she was 10 years of age old “Granny” Johnson smoked, and up on the occasion of her 100th anniversary she said her recipe for longevity was: Plenty of tobacco, lots of good cheer and plenty of work. Until recently the old woman was able to walk daily to the Winton postoffice and to do most of the household work in her little home along the mountain road, including frequent baking of bread. Mrs. Johnson was never able to recollect the year of her birth. But she remembered that she was a young woman during the campaign of “Tippecanoe and Tyler, too,” that being in 1840, when W. H. Harrison was a candidate for the presidency.
Elk Lake – George Ridley is advertising building lots on the shore of the lake. Lots at Elk Lake have been selling rapidly the past few years and not many desirable locations will be left in a short time. Those for sale are located in heavy timber and are ideal for campers.
Apolacon Twp. – This township has troubles of its own. Not long since the supervisors were arrested for not removing the stones once each month during the summer season, from the highways, as provided by law. They gave bail for appearance at court, but failing to remove the stones as the law provides, they were arrested a second time on complaint of residents. Wm. Butler who drove the “kid wagon” that conveyed the students to the centralized school, has also brought suit against the school board, because he has not been paid for his services.
Susquehanna – A chair originally owned by George Washington, and now owned by Mrs. Polk Palmer, of West Main street, is on exhibition in the show windows of Henry Perrine, the furniture dealer, and is attracting very much attention. The chair was one of a set presented to Washington by Louis XVI, King of France. When the capitol was moved from Philadelphia to Washington, M. Arnous, a Frenchman, purchased the chair at a sale. He gave the chair to his friend, Samuel Simpson, of Philadelphia. In 1827 Samuel married Mehitable Vanaman Wade, a widow with one child, Eliza C. Wade. Samuel died Oct. 18, 1838 and his effects passed to his widow. In 1842 Eliza Wade married Theo Abbett, of Philadelphia, and among the wedding presents was the Washington chair. Mrs. Polk Palmer is the only surviving child of Theo. and Eliza Abbett and after their death the chair passed into the hands of Mrs. Polk Palmer of Susquehanna. The balance of the chairs are in Independence Hall, at Philadelphia, and the Washington home, at Mt. Vernon.
Bridgewater Twp. – Two offenders, who persisted in dumping decayed vegetables, etc., near the road on the poor farm, some distance from the borough dumping grounds, were arrested and brought before Justice F. A. Davies last week. The dumping grounds are proving a nuisance, because those who dump rubbish there do not live up to the rules governing it. In some instances carters [truckmen] dump old cans and refuse along the roads in that section, greatly annoying those property owners who are obliged to attend to its removal. Friday is the only day in the week when rubbish may be dumped on the borough dump. Parties who disobey the rules will be hauled before a justice and fined.
Uniondale – Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tinker entertained the Tinker reunion on Thursday, July 6th, about 40 being in attendance. Among those present were Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Tinker, of Philadelphia, Miss Jean Byall, of Sterling, Kan., Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jones, the Misses Nettie and Jennie Russell, of Carbondale, the Misses May and Janet Tinker, Mrs. A. H. Smith and Miss Faye Smith, of Uniondale.
Brooklyn – Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis and family, from China, who have been spending part of their furlough here, are about to return to China. Dr. Lewis will open a new hospital which he built in Poating Fu, in addition to the Taylor Memorial Hospital which he built in 1903. Mrs. Lewis’ sister, Bertha Savige, will return with them to establish a kindergarten at Poating Fu.
Thompson Borough - H. P. Meade and Dr. Hugh Barnes are the latest owners of automobiles here, swelling the number to 33, if rightly informed.
Harford – Anti-Aircraft guns now seem necessary to protect the products of the farm from the “enemy.” At least Ray Tingley, one of our popular and progressive farmers, was strongly inclined to this belief the other day, when, with a trusty gun, he brought down an immense hawke, measuring five feet from tip to tip, which was about to swoop down on a flock of chickens on his farm. A few days later he shot a large owl and is having both birds mounted by a local taxidermist.
Dimock – One of the most prominent events of 1916 will be the 44th annual session of the Dimock Camp Meeting, which will be held on the grounds of the Association at Dimock, commencing August 17 and closing Sunday night, August 27. An admission fee of 10 cents a day will be charged at the gate or a season ticket for 25 cents. Prominent speakers of world-wide reputation will be in attendance and will be announced later.
Great Bend – Homer Cobb met with an accident while riding on a cow’s back, he fell and broke his left arm at the elbow. He was taken to the State hospital, at Scranton, to have the fracture reduced.
Birchardville – As F. E. Fessenden was coming from this place, Monday morning, with two tons of butter, his big auto truck skidded when near the farm of George Snell, and backed down the hill and off a bank. The top was torn off by a tree, but Geo. Snell and Wm. Larue helped him get the truck in the road and he proceeded to town with his big load—no one was injured.
200 YEARS AGO, THE CENTINEL, MONTROSE, PA, July 23, 1816. Extract of a letter, dated Waterbury, Vt., June 9, to a gentleman in Windsor. “During the 6th inst. The snow fell rapidly in all the towns about here, but melted as it fell. Much snow fell on Friday night and on Saturday in the forenoon in many places; in Williamstown it was 12 and in Cabot 18 inches deep! The ground at Mountpelier was generally covered during the whole of yesterday, and the mountains, as far as we can see, are yet completely white. I can find no person who has ever before seen snow on the earth in June. This part of the country I assure you presents a most dreary aspect; great coats and mittens are almost as generally worn as in January; and fire is indispensable.
Compiled By: Betty Smith