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July 21 1911/2011

Montrose - Claude Miller, an erstwhile Binghamton printer, formerly of Montrose, was at M. S. Cohen's store, Tuesday, looking at a pair of shoes which he wanted to pay for with a $30 check he wanted Mr. Cohen to cash. Mr. Cohen didn't like the looks of the check and refused. So shortly after 5 o'clock young Miller grabbed up the shoes saying, "I must catch this train," and started on a run up Public Avenue for the station. Likewise did Mr. Cohen. Miller caught the train and so did Mr. Cohen--when it was moving. Miller assumed a pugilistic attitude in the aisle of the car and things looked interesting for a few minutes, Mr. Cohen demanding payment. After some words, a friend of Miller, a Mr. Button, produced the requisite amount and Mr. Cohen walked in from Tiffany, two miles out, having won the race. The check, it is claimed, was cashed by a local man, and was alleged to have been drawn by one J. L. Button. The local bank would not accept it. ALSO Glenn L. Voss, clerk in the Farmers' National Bank, has purchased a 22-horse power runabout from Homer Young of Springville, the local representative. Mr. Voss has sold his horse and believes he will like motoring better. It is a Maxwell car.

New Milford - The New Milford constable is "on the job" Sunday as well as week days and a couple of automobile drivers were held up at that place on Sunday for exceeding the speed limit. The speed limit is 12½ miles, and when W. H. Stone, of Binghamton, came through the main street of the borough at a lively rate, the constable ran out, jumped on the running board of the machine, and placed the driver under arrest. It was claimed by the constable he was going at the rate of 30 miles an hour, and Mr. Stone paid a $10 fine. Col. C. C. Pratt's car was held up, but the driver refused to pay until the constable showed him he was driving faster than the law permits.

Susquehanna - Justice Williams refused to send eight men, charged with train riding on the Erie, to jail last Saturday. By so doing the justice saved the county a couple of hundred in costs, although the results are not satisfactory to the Erie, whose detectives rounded the men up. The laws permit a 30 to 60 day sentence in this state, although New York is much more lenient. As a result, little effort is made to arrest offenders until they get over the line. The justice figures the railroad gets the chief benefit at the expense of the taxpayers and the company should find some other method of stopping the practice of train-riding without a preliminary visit to the ticket office.

Dimock - Whartleberries are said to be a large crop on the mountain this season--as well as snakes. ALSO A ball game between East Lemon and Dimock took place on the large meadow of W. L. Stilwell, on Saturday last, resulting in favor of the Dimock boys.

Brackney - Sister Ursula, of Dennison, Texas, and Mother Leo, of Buffalo, NY, visited the former's brother, John Walsh, in this place last week.

Choconut - Sister M. Rosina, a gifted poetess of this county, who now resides at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary, in Scranton, is visiting her old home near Carmalt Lake--the birthplace of her beautiful book of poems, "Lakeside Idylls." She was accompanied by Sister M. Anastasia, and both teachers called on Montrose friends.

West Auburn - C. A. Jayne, of Laceyville, came up on Saturday with his new automobile, which he is learning to operate.

Springville - Mail carrier Swanick, of Route 1, made his trip by auto on Saturday for a change, arriving home several hours sooner than usual. Dr. H. B. Lathrop was also trying one recently. ALSO In Lynn, a grand concert is held every Saturday evening at the Red Store.

Uniondale - Say, the farmers are going to charge $15 per ton for hay out of the field this season; that means $3 a ton more than last year, but then we are so glad that girls need not buy any. They let the other fellow do it. It is so agreeable to have a friend like that.

Ararat Summit - Leon Potter has placed an orangeade fountain in his store, a "charm" to the thirsty, this hot weather.

Hop Bottom - Work is progressing finely on the State road. A car load of horses and wagons were unloaded here Saturday to help complete the work.

Flynn - Many fellows in this place are greatly interested in base ball but now several of the girls are.

Niven, Springville Twp. - Frank Oakley is having good success selling autos to the farmers around here. Henry Strickland, Myre Strickland, William Johnson and Eugene Johnson have each purchased one.

Gibson - N. W. Wilmarth has been elected principal of the Gibson school and Miss Hattie Baldwin has been chosen primary teacher. The school will begin the last of August.

Hallstead - Dr. L. W. Rosenkrans has returned from an extended visit with relatives in New York City and Newark, NJ. He is making preparations to remove to Alberta, Canada, where he has purchased a large tract of land and where he expects to locate.

Forest City - The directors of the First National Bank of Forest City, declared a semi annual dividend of three per cent payable August 1st. This places that institution on a six per cent basis, a raise of one percent.

Keep After the Flies - The health of the town and of the individual demands it. They are one of the principal causes of disease and death--and the co-operation of everyone is needed. Window and door screens help--so do devices for poisoning or killing the pests--but the best method is to cut down the supply of flies by destroying their breeding places. Remove the filth. See that the garbage can is frequently carried away. Keep swatting the flies.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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