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July 21 1905/2005

Springville - Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hibbard and daughter, Ella, of Toronto, Kansas, are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Hibbard is a native of Springville and this is his first visit home since going to Kansas 34 years ago. He has done well in the cattle business and speaks highly of his adopted state.

Quaker Lake - A team of horses owned by B. J. Barney, a hotel keeper at Quaker Lake, ran away, in Binghamton, Monday evening. Two ladies were in the carriage, but escaped with only a scare. The frightened animals were stopped by a street car conductor.

Silver Lake - In the afternoon of July 10th, a severe thunder storm caused considerable damage to the telephones. The instrument at Rose brothers' was struck by lightning and set on fire, burning the fuse. All communication was stopped with the central and local, except at Laurel Lake. All the surrounding 'phones fared badly.

Franklin Forks - F. M. Peirson, who learned his trade with S. E. Newton, of Montrose, has lately gone into business for himself at his home here. Mr. Peirson is occupying the Simeon Stilwell building and is doing a general wagon repair business, such as iron and wood work, painting, etc., and is meeting with good patronage. AND E. P. Munger has just received, from the Stock Farm of W. M. Lantz, Monroe, N. J., a registered Dutch Belted Bull--Gold Dust Boy. Mr. Munger's herd of Dutch Belts has been notable at our Fairs and a pleasing sight when grazing on his large pasture. This is the fourth registered bull he has bought.

Montrose - Tuesday noon, Dr. C. D. Mackey met with an accident, which luckily did not result seriously. He had just returned from a call and jumping from the carriage left the horses standing alone for a moment. He had scarcely turned, however, when they started to run and the doctor leaped to their heads, grasping the reins near the bits. After a short run, one of the animals kicked and a portion of the harness becoming unfastened, he was thrown under their hoofs and the carriage passed over him. His right arm was dislocated and he was bruised to some extent, but fortunately escaped permanent injury.

Stevens Point - A wreck occurred Sunday. Twelve cars went down an embankment, and brakeman Edward McMahon, of Susquehanna, although buried in the debris, escaped uninjured. The Carbondale flyer was delayed two hours, while the wreck was being cleared away.

Forest City - John Thomas, a fireman on the Ontario & Western railroad, was burned to death, Tuesday evening, in a caboose, which caught fire after being wrecked at Forest City. Members of the train crew saw Thomas but were unable to do anything to save him. On his way home to Mayfield, Thomas got into the caboose of a train, running south, and soon fell asleep. At Forest City the train was delayed and while standing on the main track an engine crashed into the caboose, wrecking it and setting it on fire. Thomas was pinned under the wreckage and could not be taken out before the flames had burned him to death. The engine, which crashed into the caboose, was in charge of Engineer Doherty and was running at a high rate of speed. Doherty thought the track was clear and did not see the caboose ahead until he dashed around a sharp curve and too late to avoid the crash. When he saw that a collision was inevitable he and his firemen escaped by jumping. The engine, caboose and several cars were smashed and the rails torn up for some distance.

Susquehanna - Quite a number of Montrosers came over Saturday to witness the game between the Montrose and Susquehanna baseball teams. They bore the defeat of their club without flinching. AND During a quarrel here Saturday night, between a unionist, named Frazier, and non-unionist, named Brensley, both of whom were under the influence of liquor, the latter pulled a revolver and J. M. Kelly, an Erie engineer of Susquehanna, who was standing by watching the affair, received a bullet in the cheek, but it was not a serious wound. Both combatants were placed under arrest.

North Bridgewater - Grant Gunn, a prominent lawyer of Everett, Washington, is visiting his parents in this place.

Oakley, Harford Twp. - During the hard thunder shower on Monday of last week the wind blew down C. M. Tiffany's wind mill, besides doing other damage.

Birchardville - Chas. Burr's hen roost was visited one night last week and relieved of some hens. R. Turrell also missed some milk cans.

Dimock - Milk is 71 cents a can at the Dimock station and is getting scarce at that. AND During a rain storm lightning struck the large steeple on the M. E. Church, tearing it to pieces and also tearing the shingles off the roof and then ran down the chimney and tore up the carpet on the first floor. AND Preston Maryott has gone West to spend the remainder of his days with his children.

Hopbottom - Wm. Chapin and Jacob Kemmerer, of Scranton, have been granted a franchise to construct a system of water works and it is expected that work on same will be commenced soon. Under the contract the town has the free use of water for eight fire hydrants. Also, the right to purchase the water works at any time within five years at a 10 % advance over cost of construction, interest, &c. The plant is to be in operation by Jan. 1, 1906.

Flynn - Our new stage driver is making splendid time on the route and gives good satisfaction.

Rushboro - Our creamery recently shipped a ton of butter at one shipment. AND Hull, the huckleberrier, was here Saturday morning and sold fine berries for 10 cents a quart.

News Brief -"In The Shade of the Old Apple Tree" is becoming as popular with the whistlers as were "Bluebell," "Hiawatha" and "Navajo," in their palmist days. AND If this warm, dusty period continues, it will be necessary to get the "water wagon" out and sprinkle the streets.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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