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July 20 1923/2023

Hop Bottom – H. H. Williams, a prominent resident of Hop Bottom, died July 18, 1923. He was for many years a farmer in Lathrop Twp. where the greater part of his life was spent before moving to Hop Bottom where he lived for many years. One day last week he went berrying and the unaccustomed exertion and heat affected him, he being taken ill the following day, when he was stricken with paralysis. He was a veteran of the Civil War and was 78 years of age.

Montrose –The Davies Garage is winning many compliments for its enterprise. A few weeks ago it advertised that free oil would be given on a certain day and in the neighborhood of a hundred motorists called to have the crank case in their cars cleaned and filled with fresh oil. Shortly afterwards the garage sponsored a six-reel film at Ideal Theatre which showed the production of the Studebaker car in all its stages, this being free to the pubic, as well as one of the best two-reel comedy films ever shown here.

Forest City – Edward Yanchitis has thrown his hat into the ring as a candidate for the office of sheriff on the Democrat ticket. Mr. Yanchitis is a fine type of young manhood and has served his country in the navy. His ancestors names were not on the Mayflower passenger list, but he is a 100 per cent American and Democrats can take just pride in casting their ballots for him.

Clifford – Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson, of Columbus, Ohio, are visiting Mr. Simpson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson. Mr. Simpson is city engineer of Columbus, which position he has held for some years. His boyhood days were spent in this place, his birthplace.

North Jackson – The Epworth League will give a musical program in the M. E. church, Friday evening, July 27. As a very attractive feature, the Misses Ruth and Jeanette Washburn, of Florida, will play many delightful selections on violin and piano. Ice cream and cake will be served afterward.

Harford – S. F. Osmun and T. Glenn Sophia, of the National Pop Corn and Candy Co., of Binghamton, spent the weekend at their hones here. ALSO Chicken thieves are becoming too numerous. James Cameron had his coop visited and a number of hens and chickens stolen, and Harley Thacher also lost about forty, besides his auto tires, tools, cushions, etc.

Ararat – The children of Brooks school have been, for some time, selling perfume and cards to raise money for a victrola. It is now at the school and will be very entertaining and will give much pleasure to the children. They deserve much credit. If any one would like to donate a record it would be much appreciated.

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Frank Welch is helping Walter Newton build his barn to take the place of the one burned last year.

East Rush – The young people of this place held an ice cream social in the basement of the church, Thursday evening, realizing about $8.00. ALSO Our pastor, Rev. O. B. Young, gave a very interesting sermon on “The 20thCentury Christian.”

Susquehanna – Harry Demander is selling monuments of every description. Pneumatic tools are used in lettering and carving. In fact, they are the only up-to-date monument works in Susquehanna County. Estimates cheerfully given.

Thompson – A surprise was tendered Mrs. E. E. Gelatt when friends, to the number of 24, entered unannounced and reminded her of the fact that it was a certain anniversary of her birthday and they were loaded with gifts. Mrs. W.W. McNamara was then duly chosen to make the presentation speech, which she was well qualified to do. Chief among the numerous gifts: a skull, pipes, nuts, empty cans for fish bait, some beautiful (?) silverware, and two broken pie plates Mrs. McNamara was very careful to name the giver of each gift as they were presented. Of course the house was in an uproar. After order was restored Mrs. McNamara produced a purse heavy laden with coin and bills of large denomination and with well-chosen remarks presented it to Mrs. Gelatt, who responded in a very feeling and appreciative manner. After a covered dish lunch the company disbursed, each feeling they seldom, if ever, had spent a more enjoyable evening.

Boy Prisoner Causes Dilemma at “Pen.” – Officials of the Eastern Penitentiary are in a quandary as to what to do with 14-year-old Elmer Washburn, of Brushville, Susquehanna county, who is the youngest criminal ever committed. It is admitted freely among persons in the penitentiary that the institution is not the proper place for the boy. It is feared that his contact with hardened criminals would make his rehabilitation impossible.

Susquehanna County Farm Bureau – The Bureau selected two carloads of choice Holstein cattle to represent the county at the National Dairy Show to be held in Syracuse, N. Y., early in October. The various counties of Pennsylvania are showing deep rivalry in the number and quality of dairy animals chosen for the biggest dairy event of the year. It is possible that the Pennsylvania State College will send an exhibit to this show. It would include the 2680-pound Holstein bull, recently given to the college by county agents and agricultural extension specialists.

Death of Jasper Jennings – In the death of Mr. Jennings, who died at his home in Lakeside on July 10, Susquehanna county loses one of its foremost citizens. He was a descendant of David E. Jennings, whose family has been identified with this section from pioneer times. Deceased was born February 8, 1846 on the farm on which he resided until he retired and took up his residence at Lakeside. He improved his educational opportunities and became qualified to teach, was a ready writer and acquired a reputation by his stories, essays and educational articles. He was for many years a contributor to the press and as a historian he acquired much celebrity. He is survived by his wife, one daughter and two sons. The funeral was held from the M. E. church at Lakeside.

St. Swithen’s Day – Sunday, July 15, was St. Swithen’s Day and it rained. We would be quite willing to have it rain forty days successively, but so far the legend has proved defective. Even that dry weather plant, corn, is beginning to feel the effect of the drough and in some fields the leaves are curling on lack of rain. [If it rains on St. Swithen’s Day (July 15), it will rain for 40 days, so the legend goes.]

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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