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July 20 1900/2000

Dimock - A reading room has been opened at the school house hall where you can get good books and papers to read free of charge.

Rush - James Featherby reports encountering a rattlesnake in the woods path near his dwelling; not having a weapon his snakeship escaped, as well as James.

Susquehanna - A big crowd gathered in Beebe Park on Saturday after-noon to witness the game between the Susquehanna and Carbondale clubs. Up to the 8th inning it was a very fine game. In the first of the 8th inning, when Susquehanna was at the bat, the captain of the Carbondales, disgruntled at a close decision by Umpire Connors, ordered his men off the field and the game was at an end. In this questionable manner the Carbondale captain saved his team from more than probable defeat. When the game ended the score was 4 and 3 in favor of the Susquehanna Club.

Brooklyn - During the thunder storm last Friday night lightning killed four sheep belonging to G. L. Gere. The sheep were under a barn. W. A. Ely also lost six sheep in a recent thunder shower.

Forest Lake - Patrick Griffin is perhaps the oldest resident in this vicinity. He will be 97 years of age next March and is in splendid health. He reads with perfect enjoyment, converses in an entertaining manner on events past and present and daily makes a tour about the farm. It is very interesting to hear him narrate the hardships encountered when he first came from Ireland to America and settling in Forest Lake township, when the country was a forest. The venerable old man never had any use for medicine and seems to consider it a fact worthy of mention to his visitors. He is one of the direct descendents of the late Gerald Griffin, the Irish poet and writer. He resides with his son, Matthew, not far from the village. [Patrick died in May of 1901].

Silver Lake - The Furman cottage is now lighted with acetylene gas; all the other houses hope, in time, to use it as it has proved satisfactory.

Hallstead - Yes, our chair factory is here, finished and running. It will have a new whistle as the one now in use is too small. Orders are coming in so fast that the foreman anticipates it will be necessary to work overtime.

Franklin Forks - Earle and Elbert Tiffany have returned from their father's and are again at work here. We hear that Earle has been granted a patent on the pruning shears, which he is making in this place.

East Auburn - The Baker Creamery Base Ball Nine will hold an ice cream supper, near the creamery, this Friday evening. The Springville band and Prof. S. S. Thomas with his graphaphone will furnish music.

Springville - The postoffice, called Sankey, at Baker creamery, was opened the 16th. Mail is received daily from Lynn.

Forest City - The United Band of Forest City has just received neat and attractive new uniforms; they are bottle green in color, with gold lace trimmings. AND - Several Forest City clergymen have inaugurated the holding of open air meetings in the streets of that place on Sunday afternoons. The meetings have already proved successful and they will be continued during the summer.

Heart Lake - What is said to be the largest excursion that the Lackawanna and Montrose road has ever handled was that of the Foresters of America, of Plymouth, PA, who came on their annual outing to Heart Lake yesterday. The train consisted of 15 coaches packed to the limit of their capacity.

Montrose - American athletes won the only two events for the inter-national championship decided at the Paris Exposition games. A. C. Kraenzlein, of the University of Pennsylvania, easily won the 110- meter hurdle race, with John McClain, of the University of Michigan second. F. W. Jarvis, of Princeton, captured the 100 meter dash, with Walter Tewksbury, of the University of Pennsylvania, a close second. In the 400 metre hurdle race, as the contestants came upon the track, the Frenchman were loud in their shouts, as M. Tanzin, who has held the French record for years, was considered a sure winner. There were only three in the final. Tewksbury went to the front as soon as the pistol was fired and was never headed. He jumped clear, followed closely by Tanzin, Orton bringing up the rear. Thus they finished. Tewksbury won rather easily, but Tanzin was only a yard ahead of Orton. Tewksbury is a former resident of Montrose.

Dundaff - A number of our young men are on their way to China to fight for Uncle Sam. We hope that they may be spared and permitted to return to us again.

Brushville - Miss Nellie Quick, formerly of Brushville and Susquehanna, has been appointed supervisor of drawing in the city schools of Hot Springs, Ark. She has 28 rooms under her supervision.

Fairdale - On Monday while Merton Palmer was gathering hay on the high hill north of Fairdale, one of the horses got his bridle off and while they were trying to put it on the horses started and ran down the steep hill. When they got to the road they fell, piling horses, wagon and rigging all in a heap, hurting the horses badly. No one was hurt.

Great Bend - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Larrabee visited at the residence of Supt. Moxley the other day. Mr. Larrabee was the popular principal of the Great Bend schools thirty years ago. Of recent years he has been West. He has recently accepted a chair in Keuka Collage as Professor of History.

Brookdale - C. H. Hupman has gone to Dr. Kilmer's Sanitarium, at Sanataria Springs [NY], to have a cancer removed from his tongue.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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