Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 2 1897/1997
Montrose – On July 6, 7, and 8, the Standard Hypnotic Co. will under the auspices of Rough and Ready Chemical and Hose Co., present at the armory a series of entertainments, introducing marvelous and wondrous effects of the occult power of hypnosis. Prof. Call and his assistants will surely amuse, electrify and amuse you.
Hallstead – It is understood that President McKinley appointed Hon. James T. DuBois, of Hallstead. United States Consul to St. Galles, Switzerland; a very desirable position.
Brooklyn – The P.O.S. of A. will hold a platform dance in Bullard's orchard, Brooklyn, Friday evening, July 2. AND last Friday June 25, was C.J. Lathrop's 83rd birthday. Two of his old friends helped him in passing away a portion of the day. We all hope that Uncle Charles has yet in store several more such days.
Susquehanna – Susquehanna added several thousand people to its population on Tuesday Ancient Order of Hibernian Day. The display of bunting was fine, the American and Irish flags being entwined. There was green every' wherein lag, sash and tic. It was epidemic. The large, fine and very orderly procession was composed of divisions of Binghamton, Owego, Port Jervis, Great Bend, Friendsville, Silver Lake. Susquehanna, Sayre, Hornellsville and Carbondale, together with six bands. A game of ball between the Susquehanna and Archibald clubs followed. In the 8th inning the visitors were dissatisfied with a decision of the empire and refused longer to continue the game, which was given to the home 9 and 0. Rain prevented the completion of the remainder of the program. There was a social hop in Hogan Opera House in the evening..,.
Forest City – J.C. Hogan is the candidate of the Liberal party for Auditor General of Pennsylvania.
Rush – John and David Reynolds take charge of the Rushville and Montrose stage route on July 1. They have purchased a complete new outfit wagon, harness, and start out in good shape for business. They are both first-class men and will worthily fill the place of the popular driver, Mrs. Clarence Verbryk, who takes charge of the lower route from Rushville to Wyalusing.
Lynn – V.E. Spencer will teach our school the coming season which assures us a good school. AND Strawberries are in the market at 8 cents a quart.
Elk Lake – Mrs. S.E. Bonbright, of Scranton, will give a lecture on "Health and How to Keep It,” at Elk Lake about the middle of July. Date and place of meeting w ill be given later. Mrs. Bonbright is a graceful speaker and thoroughly understands her subject. The lecture will be here and for ladies only.
Union Dale – Uniondale will celebrate the ever glorious on Saturday, July 3. Everybody come and enjoy a grand program. An excellent concert will be given in the M.E. Church in the evening, In a.m. boat, food and sack racing, climbing greased pole, catching a greased pig.
Clifford – Bicycles are all the rage here now. Me, married women, girls and boys all learn to ride; one can see more bicycles running in Clifford evenings than they would see in Carbondale.
Harford – Mr. John Carey has been doing some repairing of jewelry, watches etc., for Kilts and Avery, of Springville, the past week.
Springville – Mrs. L. Barnes has a full line of cotton, silk and wool dress goods, all the season's necessities, trimmings of all kinds. The same old price for cutting and fitting your waist, 35 cts.
Birchardville – J. Bradshaw returns to his home at Parsons today, June 28, leaving his wife and daughter with their friends here, and under the care of Dr. Warner. It might have been as well if tie had returned sooner, as he was out hunting woodchucks a few days ago and saw what he supposed to be a groundhog, but after shooting and upon examination, found it to be a large hen turkey with a litter of young turkeys. Killed the old turkey and three little ones. As Jud's eyes are poor it is considered a good shot.
East Bridgewater – A team driven by Jud Shufelt, who was in Montrose last night, became unhitched and started at a rapid pace through the streets. They came in contact with an excavation for sewers and landed in the bottom of same, about 6 ft. deep. Fortunately no damage was done.
Compiled By: Betty Smith