Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 19 1895/1995
Hallstead – The thriving town of Hallstead is stretching out on the North, South, East, and West. Last week the boundary line was extended on the South from Rose street to Lowe’s farm. This last extension embraces quite a territory. Streets are already being laid out and graded and plans are being made for building on the new accession at an early day. A similar action looking to the extension of the town on the West is also contemplated.
Clifford – The party given by F.W. Tennant on the Fourth was a success in every particular. There were one hundred and forty couples, and the music by Stone’s orchestra was just grand, and the floor manager, Frank price, gave the best of satisfaction. The lucky one to draw the door prize – a new buggy – was W.L. Whetherby, of Montdale. No loud or ungentlemanly conduct was indulged in. AND L.Z. Burdick is building a house for Albert Cobb, near Newton Lake. His family will live under canvas on the shore of the lake while he is doing the job.
Susquehanna – The annual parade of the Susquehanna fire department will occur September 5th. A committee of business men have been appointed to make arrangements and solicit subscriptions. Even fire parades cost money. AND A big band of gypsies have recently been encamped near Caravan’s in the outskirts of the borough. On Thursday evening last a fellow employed as a hostler, broke into the strong box of the chief of the caravan, abstracted $41, and fled to the mountain. He is probably running yet.
Rush – George Pickett has received from Connecticut a pair of full-blood Cheshire pigs – a superior breed to introduce into the neighborhood – a worthy enterprize. AND In the races at Rush on July 4th, Gibbs and Rush did some lively work with their bicycle. Gibbs winning by a few feet. Scott Shaner and Hull Mulligan sent their ponies flying over the course, Shaner winning by a half a neck. Then Shaner and McManus took the track, McManus winning. There was lots of music, dancing and refreshments and many diversions, and it was, all around, a fine success, and the boys are to be congratulated. Dinner was served in the new store building of W.H. Whitney the new counters making good dining tables.
Lawsville Centre – B.J. Lasure killed a rattle snake last week that measured four feet and a half, and had thirteen rattles.
Jackson – Arrangements are being made to hold the Annual Hall-Lamb reunion in North Jackson, early in August. The Lamb’s are about the nicest people on earth. The Hall’s have no superiors, and when these people get together angels rejoice – and victims suffer. The chap who gets an invitation to a Lamb-Hall reunion and doesn’t attend, doesn’t know enough to hold his dish the right side up when it is snowing ice cream.
Montrose – Among the young ladies who have recently taken up bicycle riding is Miss Estella Lyons, who has a Rambler, Miss Nellie Carpenter, a Crescent, and Miss Anna Thatcher, a Rambler.
Franklin Forks – At Franklin Forks, July 4th, the trotting match was decided in favor of A. Small’s horse. The running race was won by the Knapp horse. In the ball game the second nine came of victorious. Fred Knapp won the potato race and David Turrell in the sack race. The day was closed with fire works in the evening and a dance at Lindsley’s Hall.
Uniondale – Raspberries are selling at 7 cents a quart.
News Brief – Banks have been notified of a new counterfeit five dollar silver certificate. It has been dipped in a solution of glycerin and tea to give it an aged appearance. It is signed by J. Fount Tillman, Register of the Treasury and the most noticeable defect is the poor portrait of Grant, the right side of his face appearing as if it were a mass of scars.
All news articles that appear in 100 Years Ago are copied exactly as they were written in the various newspapers, including spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Compiled By: Betty Smith